Are there really so many tranny kids, or is it just a popular, temporary fad among Western kids?

Are there really so many tranny kids, or is it just a popular, temporary fad among Western kids?

Still waiting for my boipucci

>tell young impressionable children that it's completely natural to switch genders
>have a society that celebrates this nonsense
>surprised when children adopt the societies bullshit

The only place this is happening are in western
countries where kids are exposed to jewish gay
agenda propaganda at a young age. Notice that
there is not a growing population of trannies in
the amish community and other communities
which don't expose their kids to this?

>Schools told they should give transgender pupils a cake to celebrate their transition
>Schools have been told they should give transgender pupils a cake to celebrate their “transition”, as experts warn that teachers must be trained to deal with an “explosion” of students who no longer identity with their sex.
>Delegates at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers conference this week were told that changing attitudes have resulted in a "huge" surge in the number of transgender and non-binary people coming forward.
>“Five years ago, hardly anyone in school or in university would come across a young trans person, but it’s changed substantially,” said Terry Reed, a campaigner for transsexual rights who co-founded the Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES).

So 1% of British kids were non-binary/transgender in 2010, and now it's 20%. And those that say they are get cake! Really gets you thinking.

Kids, and especially teens, want attention. It's part of why they get themselves into so much trouble.

Transgenderism is a trendy thing right now, to the more attention-starved kids it's going to be extremely appealing.


>mfw when being emo was less gay than this shit...

Do you realize that not so long ago you couldn't even come out as gay without it being a social suicide and quite possibly and likely a literal one?

>durr there were no gays because for some reason you didn't know anyone who was publicly gay when they were killed on sight

this is not even funny guys. children are children, I don't care what color or country they're from. this shit needs to stop and all the faggots pushing for this transgender agenda should be burned alive for treason against humanity

You're nuts if you truly believe there's a big number of high school students wanting to be the opposite sex, as opposed to it being a trendy thing among attention whores. I bet in a decade, nearly all of these high school trannies today will be normal adults who've grown out of it.

so Svens want to have their benis chopped off and attached onto Ingrids.

Who the fuck is a gender expert and why is what he says (and not what some research points towards) serve as the source of truth?

Why are Muslims the only people who get this. Why are my people so fucking stupid when it comes to this subject.

yes mike it's the jews
blame everything on the jaws

There aren't really that many gay people it's maybe 2-4% at most

And trannies =\= gay

They have a mental disorder and quite frankly so do you, not that the mental disorder of being gay is a Problem, but it's an abnormal sexual attraction and thus could be accurately described as a disorder.

It's such an infentisly unimportant population size the fact that it causes is much animosity and concern is strange quite honestly.

Do you really think that there are that many fucking trannies and fags that were "afraid". To admit it? Because it's been literally fine to "come out" since like 1980 37 fucking years.

Here are children that see the world around them and are effected by it


Fuck off kike

The numbers are twice as big, at approximately 8% of people who've had gay experience.

>Do you really think that there are that many fucking trannies and fags that were "afraid". To admit it? Because it's been literally fine to "come out" since like 1980 37 fucking years.
In most of the world it's still a risky thing to do and many parts you'll be legally punished for it.

I'll take a nuke for the team

UK Population Identifying as gay 1.1% - 2.4% ages 16-24.

20% identifying as non-binary/trans is fucking absurd.

Look. So you're gay or whatever. Don't really care. But don't project. Don't expect the 95-98% of the world around you to treat you like a special jewel with special privileges.

You're fucking different. You're an anomaly. It is not "normal."

You need to changge it. Pedos are part of the LGBT

You're just straight wrong. The numbers never backup what you're saying. And that "gay" experience shit is dumb as fuck. Drunk college chicks rubbing tits together to attract high resource males isn't gay or bi. By that measure my wife is a lezzy for kissing another girl one night pretty wasted cause people were egging her on. I wish on our two kids lives she was bi, at least, cause I'd love to invite a lady to our bed :D

I don't even get what you're trying to say desu. Like what's your point? That it affects so few we shouldn't care about it? That it's a disorder that we need to 'fix' somehow?

Where did the 20% come from?

I'm not asking for special privileges. I haven't even said anything on any LGBT issue. I'm just pointing out how simply mentioning that the numbers are "growing" and then trying to make it into a proof of it being the result of some brainwashing of kids is stupid and dishonest.

its a fad. but a irreversible one.
when this goes away it will rain trannys.
if they are not pushed they´ll jump eventually


I care enough that people shouldn't be ashamed or be treated differently.

It's no more a disorder than some other genetic anomaly.

However, the Trans movement is more a discussion about mental disorders.

20% came earlier in the thread as high schoolers identifying as non-binary.

And the thing is, most are looking for special treatment. From forcing private companies to service them (in the US). To moving towards criminalizing using the wrong pronouns. Etc.

As far as growing. Sure. Those identifying are. But in incredibly gay friendly countries the numbers have peaked. And they are very small.

So much worse than tramp stamps amirite?

Reminder that traps that pass arent gay


Traps that bang dudes are gay.

Idk man the more politically liberal a place is and the more accepting towards LGBT the community is, the closer do the percentages go to 10%. But there's a lot of controversy about the exact numbers so we may as well just leave it out of the discussion.

>However, the Trans movement is more a discussion about mental disorders.
How so? What makes it less genetic than being gay? I'm not saying it can't be, but what are you basing your opinion on?

>From forcing private companies to service them (in the US)
What exactly do you mean? Since when can companies choose who they serve and who not anyway (based on anything other than criminal or economic history)? Shouldn't that be illegal in the first place?

>To moving towards criminalizing using the wrong pronouns. Etc.
That's just stupid and the retarded liberal propaganda. Most gays either don't give a crap because most people overall rarely give a shit about politics, and of those gays that do, most are against that kind of crap.

My point is you and your homosexuality are not a society concern and I would be happy if you would shut the fuck up and live a normal life

I don't give a fuck how much dick you suck or how many dicks you've had up your ass you represent a statistical anomoly and trans is even a fraction of that.

You do not matter yet our society is expected to cater to your bullshit

Another reason to thank your lucky stars you live in the west and not in the third world

>8% have had Agay experience

That is quite a bit different from being a homosexual I'm sure you would agree

Considering all these kids wouldn't have had this infesting their heads without the constant barrage of faggot brainwashing, no one can really say otherwise about this sudden boom phenomenon.

Can't speak for Cuckden, but here in murrica we have statutes in place to protect minors who aren't lawfully able to make sound-mind decisions about sex and sexuality, and of course batshit parents even here have been getting away with what essentially amounts to sexual abuse to their own children.

When you're 5 fucking years old, you have no fucking clue what it is you want. If you have to be a fucking degenerate tranny, you should be made to wait until you are 18. Transitioning early because "muh aesthetics"/"won't get a cuckdaddy to take care of me and put up with my tranny shit if I don't look 99% conventional female" shouldn't factor into it.

Eat shit and die. As long as I have a chance of being discriminated against for something that does no damage to anyone else and that I cannot change I'm not going to turn the other cheek.

What the fuck do you even mean "cater to your bullshit"??

That we ask you do not throw us off the roof?

While not everyone who had a gay experience are gay, not everyone who didn't have one are straight either. The statistics are one big question mark so discussing that does little.

when you keep importing foreign males and you have to turn your native males into females to compensate for the deficit

I'm not a muslim burger. kikes have been poisoning the minds of you westerners for a long while now. ar*b culture forced the same degeneracy on us but we're more traditional people, thus more resistant to subversion. you dropped your traditions and family values in exchange for wealth and luxury

This is the result of lowered age of consent and sex education in school, especially homosexual education.

fuck off, faggot

>Idk man the more politically liberal a place is and the more accepting towards LGBT the community is, the closer do the percentages go to 10%

No. Small centralized communities don't count. Entire countries are a great way to check population data. That data shows 1.5-3%

>How so? What makes it less genetic than being gay? I'm not saying it can't be, but what are you basing your opinion on?

Because of the outcomes. Suicide rates etc compared to the general population.

>What exactly do you mean? Since when can companies choose who they serve and who not anyway (based on anything other than criminal or economic history)? Shouldn't that be illegal in the first place?

See "Soup Nazi." No private company should be forced to accept someone as a customer. It's why the "bake me a cake" case has gotten so much attention. It most certainly shouldn't be illegal.

>That's just stupid and the retarded liberal propaganda.

No, it's not. In Canada it's coming. And that's not propaganda.

>Most gays either don't give a crap because most people overall rarely give a shit about politics, and of those gays that do, most are against that kind of crap.

I totally dig that. 100%. Not a single Gay person I know has ever been behind most of what I disagree with in politics that effects gays. That doesn't matter. So much is being done in their names it's nuts.

>Everyone is gay

Literally every argument from faggots

Misery loves company.

We're not interested. Faggots will soon be genetically discovered before birth and subsequently aborted in droves. I can't wait till conservative women choose to abort a faggot rather than raise the fucking mutant.

>That we ask you do not throw us off the roof?
I'm sorry, that is absolute horse shit.

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with trannies, faggots and dykes trying to force their beliefs on impressionable children.
"Look at how special my kid is!"
Fucking scumbags, seriously.

That's it, I'm Jihadi now. Time to end these things. If becoming Muslim is the protected status I need to preach against this faggotry then so be it.

My gf is a psychologist that deals with a lot of teenagers with gender dysporia. She's a lefty feminist, but even she has admitted that the wave of trannies lately is due in large part to it being trendy. She has the minority opinion that it's a combination of mental disorders that go untreated, and that the social acceptance of gender dysporia only leads to further harm to those who have it.

nice source faggot
your country invented that shit

your kind spreads disease, corrupts the youth and doesn't have children, you are a drain on society and bring nothing good to it, you should be quarantined and made to work the gay away

Cater to your bullshit as in we need to not only tolerate but celebrate the fact that you fuck dudes and that by fucking dudes you legally have more protections than I do as someone who doesn't fuck dudes

You want special privlage because you had "equal rights"decades ago.

And using an example of Isis is such b8 bullshit you ass, that kind of behavior hasn't happened in the west in 200 years, you can hardly call gayconversion therepys and living in churches to learn not to be gay as the same as violent murder.

Nobody cares that you are gay, you aren't special. Shut the fuck up and fit in with everyone else

why aren't you repilling her and save some white kids from ruining their life?

you do realize that current state of islam is actually ar*b culture in disguise right? this transgender bullshit has been a part of their culture for a long time. they used to cut off balls of boys and use them as sex slaves

funny, kikes and ar*bs are actually the same race. really makes you think

All the lgbt bullshit is an pedo operation to destroy conventional family and get adopted children easily

Exactly, Sweden is litterally prepping their collective boipuccis for their new Arab overlords.

>Small centralized communities don't count
Wasn't speaking of any. I had some of the largest metropolitan areas in the entire planet in mind.

In Rio and San Francisco the numbers go as high as 15 but then again they're the gay capitals of world so I guess they're extreme.

But if you look at just the biggest cities in America the number is approximately at around 6%.

>Suicide rates etc compared to the general population.
And you cannot conceive of a way of the depression being connected to their dispositions not getting the attention they need as opposed to being an integral part of it?

Discriminate or dismiss any group long enough and you'll have them rank high in depressive statistics. Especially so if we're talking about disorders that affect individuals and not of ethnic discrimination which would affect an entire community. The feeling of being alone and not belonging is something racially discriminated people wouldn't know.

>No private company should be forced to accept someone as a customer
Everyone is to be treated as equal is what our society is based on. Equal rights. Unless you being there disturbs the business or breaks the law, there is no reason you should be denied a service.

>No, it's not
When I called it stupid propaganda, I had in mind that the LGBT people promoting it were such.

>So much is being done in their names it's nuts.
We're at the point where that shit "done for us" does more against us, so it's not really done in our name any more. It's just done so that the jews on steroids or who the fuck ever is that peddles this shit can get on with their agenda. If anything, we're being used for their interests and effectively being thrown between the cogwheels of the machine. And what worst is that once this shit is over and there's a counter reaction, WE have to pay for it as if it was US who did it.

Mentally ill liberal parents

Cool you listed all Jewish employees and associates of two corporations.

Any proof that any of them pushed transgender propaganda?

I'm slowly red pilling. It's like anal, gotta take it slow.

It goes from 1 to 2 to 4.

Wow. Doubling.

I can't wait until autism is diagnosable from pregnancy then people like you would be thrown down the trashcan before birth.


pedo rights then pedo adoption then legal incest


F for bestiality

LGBTPF, all according to plan

>russia today

Trump's favorite source. I mean what's the point of reading the intelligence reports when you can just ask the Russian straight away.

Kill faggots. Bomb Sweden.