Why haven't you homos accept Nazbol

what are you gay or something?

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No fucking Nazgul, I don't care if you sucked Sauron's dick for a magic ring you can't fucking live in Gondor.

he's a nazbol

strasser is a traitor

I'm gay, but I'm also Jewish.

strasser was not nazbol, strasser was a nazi and gay

The humans will rise again and kick those greedy dwarves and knife-eared elves out of this land. Sauron will help us, he did nothing wrong

Reporting in comrade

What's actually the difference between nazbol and national socialism?

Fuck off sodomite I hope you get AIDS


Nazbol is more like strasserism which is more leftist economically

After so many failures this is what you come up with?


Maybe good traps are okay

Embraced Juche a year ago

Give me a quick rundown.

Laymans terms what differs nazbol from NS?

Leftist nationalism

It's just commie shit, They think they can trick right wingers into supporting communism if they give it a nationalist twist. Most of them still probably want equal rights for faggots and niggers though.

>implying national socialism is not socialist

communism is anti-nationalist faggot

I'm listening

>thinking "equal rights for faggots and niggers" is a commie proposal
What has that got to do with muh memes of production?

>implying it's not just capitalism with a moral code
Natsoc is economically centrist at best.

Ah yes, like those very un-nationalistic soviets.

Because it is a relativist political ideology created by a Russian imperialist to sow decent and division in the rest of the world.

I'm married to a man, so yes.

>kill all people
>kill all problems

There's a reason why communists consider the Soviet Union a revolution betrayed

What's next? Straight homosexuals?

Because it outs their ideology as a bunch of jewish bullshit?

Дa, Cмepть!

its not capitalism, its state controled command economy industry

morality is relative, and I bet you think your is superior

as long as you are not claiming to be speaking on behalf of christiaity then so be it

It's a slippery slope user... Trust me, you're better off stopping now.

Maybe because they believe in international revolution and consider nationalism as being counter productive toward establishing true communism?

So what's the difference between Strasserism and NazBol?

>taking flags seriously
I'm not speaking on behalf of anybody

So where would you consider Nazbol to sit on the scale of "true communism"?

nazbols suck nigger dicks

so your against trotskyisim

Retarded illogical meme ideology meant for the post collapse soviet union that leftist faggots are trying to shoehorn to fit into [THE CURRENT YEAR].

It's not communist
Trotsky was like the merchant meme incarnate

>How do you do fellow nazis?
Fuck off with your meme ideology.

more starving, because food is a capitalist tool of oppression

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discord dot gg/KCxCW


Although I agree with the racial stance there's an under appreciation of the free market.

They do it in North Korea and it's shit

Strasser is superior to (((Dugin))). I only post with this flag because we Strasserites don't have our own flag.