Is there anything more degenerate than race mixing?

Is there anything more degenerate than race mixing?

Yes. Suicide.

yes, nationalism

Encouraging your kid to become a transsexual

Yes, paganism

absolutely: being on the welfare

Yes, paganism


yes, moving to a country and refusing to speak their language and living off welfare.

Nah, that's all pretty positive. You want to hail Odin and cripple the agents of white genocide.

living on welfare is pretty comfy desu

Burning down churches and killing people is top tier degeneracy.

Bug catching is. If you don't know what that is, do yourself a favour and don't find out.

Yes--worshiping at the feet of trump on Sup Forums

Because in one situation you are having sex, in the latter you are behaving like a literal cuckold

>He's afraid to kill people
>He thinks someone else is gonna do it for him
I thought you were talking about pokemon until I realized you meant bug chasing. I wonder how long until we're meant to believe that children should be able to choose whether or not they get pozzed.

Almost every comment above this one is more degenerate op.

Living on wellfare, setting churches on fire and taking your wife's surname.

look at the pure british nonevermixed royal degenerates

Varg is a stupid nigger

Yes. Being a liberal.

Yes, not being Catholic.

>litterally worshipping a kike

promote racemixing

I'm racemixing with a Chinese women I don't see the problem/


Do people still go to hell for not eating fish on Friday? Or is that one of the many rules that were damnable offenses that got revoked because a guy in Rome changed his mind?

Being a male sub and having a mommy

that man


> less than men
utterly contemptible

Are you a pagan yourself? (I ask because I find the concept of Americans self describing themselves as a little cringey).

Not breeding at all.

Being a nazi virgin neet.

Murder, arson, and playing tabletop rpgs.

I have mixed feelings about the term "pagan" (it IS an insult and probably more importantly, it's ambiguous), but I am a polytheist and I am most interested in following the gods of Europe. I'm currently learning more about the religion(s) and don't belong to any organized collective, nor have I performed any pagan rituals, although I plan to soon be pouring mead from the top of a mountain to Wotan if I am selected or allowed to come with Stephen McNallen on his journeys to awaken the fury and wisdom in our people as part of his Wotan Network strategy of metapolitical guerilla warfare.

Yea a property burning and murdering punk nigger.

If you can't stop people from burning your property that's your problem.

If you'd rather stick your dick in a white man than a black woman, you have a problem.

Fags, porn, trans people, drugs etc. etc.

next worse thing: posting on pol
