You guys ready for Yellowstone Eruption?

You guys ready for Yellowstone Eruption?

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>tfw floridian


its not an SJW journalist though.

That area is larger than all the previous ash layers discovered and why 2021?

It could be anytime between tomorow and tensnof thousands of years

>tfw live in northern Utah
Can I survive if I stay in my basement?

Mini Earth quakes, its a huge indicator that the magma is ready to blow.

its accurate actually Yellow stone ash has been found as far away as Washington DC. Any Map showing it smaller is dis info not to cause a panic.

Everyone will be fucked when it goes K-BOOM
I live in Europe and I know for sure the tsunami will hit badly, but the climate cooling will be even worse, I non ironically think that up to 30% of the world could perish

Can you breathe toxic air? Planes/Cars won't even be able to extract you outta there for years anyway.

How will I be affected?

>30% of the world population could perish

Don't say that like it's a bad thing.

Civil unrest from no sunlight causing massive starvation. Possibly winters that could be years long.

>only the Northeast states survive
Thank you God!

hell yeah, im ready to start looting.

>tfw living in QC

>Tfw I will get to watch the happening in /comfy/ New Hampshire

>Northeast states

You're going to be reenacting your sick zombie apocalypse fantasies as your cities literally eat themselves over mass famine.

When you feel the Earth start shaking it would be best to just run toward the volcano so you die a quick death from magma.

It's the daily yellowstone thread. The last 500 predictions were wrong but this is the one guys.

Jersey is literally called the Garden State. Nice try cuck.

nice quads

>the Urbanites tear each other apart
And so New England became based AND whiter as a result

Can I out run it in my truck?

we're already dead inside bud

Yeah but 90% of the 30% will be whites.
>USA : Fucked
>Canada : Fucked
>Europe : Fucked
>Eastern Asia : Fucked
>Oceania : Fucked (Part of Australia should be ok though)
>Africa : Not fucked
>Arabic peninsula : Not fucked

how would he die if he doesn't do that?

What do you think kek meant by this?

Alaska reporting in,

Can I finally realize my dream and become a Stalker?

It's worked for you this long.

No, it would cause brown refugees who can't handle a hard winter to go back to their homelands


>Evacuated zone is not total destruction too.
fix that map u fuck

It would be the end of US hegemony in the global market. Hopefully no more wars-for-profit, and wasted government spending when half the country is destroyed by a pyroclastic cloud of ash. All gibs-me-dats revoked.

Liar. People don't actually live there.

I heard that the sound of the explosion will make people's eardrums rupture all over the world
Will be interesting to see if it's true

>Earth has been doing nofap since 1960
>Earth finally visited pornhub

Looking forward to the world-wide economic collapse from the destruction of the US economy and the effect on imports/exports and investment internationally. The financial center of the world going bust. Kek!

Enough of these type of threads....

I had a nightmare yesterday that the volcano DID blow up...

Horrible. It might just happen lads. Nightmare scenario.

>In b4 "Man up, this will be just like Dante's Peak!"

>implying Alaska even exsists to begin with

Please yes start the apocalypse so the final race war can begin

your ass are about to get 60° cooler

buy ear plugs idiot

Thanks Archivebot
I have enough food and water to last a few weeks and I'm on the edge of the ash areas.

Yeah but being a pure white doesn't make you ash-proof

>Do not drive
>Stay Indoors

Unless you live in Anarctica/very southern tip of South America/East coast of Africa/central Asia you are fucked

Nope. The Jews still live and live well. They'd just use the EU construct after that.
Which is why it's begun building an army now that it might appear the US isn't exactly playing along anymore.

In the case of Europe, the economy will go to shit, and it will get colder/harsher winters
There will be no incentive for browns/nogs to come, and more incentive for the ones already there to leave
>implying ash will be an issue in Europe
Come on mate

you're a funny guy

Its not going to happen

also, why does the effected area get larger every time you fucking post this? fuck off psyop

My brother works at Yellowstone. I know this is real because he said all the fish have left the lakes.

Keep laughing, it'll be amusing to the archaeologists who dig your ass out of the glacier that'll cover your state for thousands of years.

>Mini Earth quakes, its a huge indicator that the magma is ready to blow.

Full of shit.


u shit

evolution let them grow legs and walk out right? they just flopped on the shore again and again until the fins turned into legs!

>tfw alaskan
How is it down there by the way?

>tfw Maine
Goodbye taco americans

Look mom a retard!

Has that ever happened before?

I used to live in palmer, but moved down south.

wish I still lived up there.

You live in the kill zone and this is the only comfort you get to feel safe.

Well I mean I hope so, but even if we weren't killed by the ashes, the rouhg winters would make agriculture go to shit and people would probably feed off insects or stuff.
If yellowstone blows up, I think my last concert would be for niggers to go back where they belong.

>Africa and Arabic peninsula not fucked
Oh boy, they will be fucked, because the most dangerous thing about that explosion isn't that you will choke on ash or something - only North America will have this problem
The main problem after explosion will be famine, because a lot of lands will be much less fertile, because temperature will drop for about 10-15 C around the globe
Niggers in Africa and in Middle East can't farm for shit in their deserts and they import a lot of food, so they would be fucked the most
Because they would starve, because they aren't self-sufficient, eruption would cause mass invasion to other countries that would have food and then it's war against those savages

Oh look another Yellowstone is going to blow theory.

I'm moving to British Columbia next year. Am I fucked?

How much longer do we have to wait?

might be more accurate, dunno

If you Right OP, not saying you are I am moving to Berlin because it looks really nice and if it does happen I can use the unrest for a fascist coup

why is this map radically different every time I see it

>mfw they won in the end

Ash won't reach Europe and or affect it like it will the NA continent
We'll probably enter another mini ice age again

>TFW the Pennsylvania Empire might ACTUALLY become a reality once 90% of America gets YELLOW'D and we claim our place as a superpower

Because they're shit posting

Yeah, palmer is pretty nice. Kinda like it here in Anchorage because of my friends here and such, but I wish that it weren't such a seemingly liberal infested shit, I'd much rather be in seward or fairbanks.

>The probability of a large eruption at Yellowstone in the next year is currently calculated at one in 730,000.
Jesus Christ, that's better than lottery odds. Taking third in the mega ball has one in 739,688 odds and you only win $5,000!

>effectively destroying the west coast
how can I speed up this process?

>california buried
i dream of this

>maybe there are other lakes in the world

Still a disaster honestly. I wish you ameribro the best of luck, hope your bunker is full of good shit.

>who dig your ass out of the glacier
Been there, done that.

Blowout soon.

Good, we fucking need it.

You are my favorite.

The problem is that if Yellowstone blows, then the North American breadbasket gets fucked.
That means in order to feed all North Americans, we'll need to indebt ourselves to the rest of the world in order to not starve

Jews are celebrating Yellowstone eruption as a holiday.

>for you

>not being prepared for the cold

>tfw gulf coast
>tfw a little spinkling of ash th help fertilize the soil
>tfw global temps drop, so summer is better and the sea won't rise and kill me.

Everything's looking good boys

american refugees when?

Kek at the ever increasing range of your faux doomsday threads.

>live in az
thisll be a fun happening. i can larp as mad max

My family and I are well outside of the Ash zone...that is except for the ones who live in New Mexico....
Anyways, we'll be fine, stop worrying about the happening to end all happenings and embrace it, it's the ultimate Redpill

If you run towards the Volcano to die like instant, you'd rather hope for a Pyroclastic flow.

>le Yellowstone maymay

Fuck off

What are you going to eat?

>One of the biggest donor states buried
>Red states finally fucking die

I dream of this too, user. Inb4 "b-but muh agriculture!" meme. Gonna be hard to enjoy all the carrots you squirrel away when your doctors are rated worst in the country, your infrastructure shits itself even harder, and your education/entertainment hits new record lows. Good luck :^)

They're jews. What do you expect? They specialize in fucking everyone else over and ruining nations.

at least it gets commiefornia

mfw europe has to take in 300m american refugees

So wait how do we know its going to blow.
Red pill me