Daily reminder that Anime is degenerate subversive filth created by Gooks bankrolled by the jews to promote...

Daily reminder that Anime is degenerate subversive filth created by Gooks bankrolled by the jews to promote Transgenderism, femininity in boys, and to lower white birth rates for the sake of
>muh waifus

Stay vigilant, Sup Forums. And remember, say NO to international jewery in any forms.

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Crossdressing Japanese boys are the epitome of life

spotted the fat american
the ultimate redpill is owning a japanese new half maid
they go for rich guys, but they have one rule: no fatties

Nothing wrong here, enjoy your bluepill OP.

>men in anime
>even remotely girly
you're watching the wrong genre of anime

>Jerking off to feminine characters
>Jerking off to roided men without shirts

I thought you were better than Sweden bro

shit taste desu


>he DOESN'T like qt femboys

>b-but my /based/ japs.

Not an argument, Anime is filth designed to subvert whites and lower our birthrates. Asians are not our friends, and they never will be.

Anime is degenerate.
All fags and trannies I ever met at university were hardcore anime fans. Losers and women with problem glasses would watch anime in the library.
Me and my friends would always laugh at the anime weirdos.

Pic related is 100% right.

>Not wanting to watch manly men do manly things so you can have an ideal to strive for.

Looks like weve got ourselves a genuine tsundere on our hands fellas, and if hentai has taught me anything, its that tsunderes need to be fucked hard

Ah, the cornucopia of degeneracy. I can only become so erect.

I can appreciate a good anime like I can appreciate any decent piece of animated media, but being a weeb is degenerate.

Traps aren't gay tho

No one said japs were based. we're talking about what they create, what you're suggesting is thinking chinese are based because they make iPhones. American education..

p.s japs r based


I really want to hate anime but 2D boipussy is just delicious.

This user here is a prime example of why Anime should not be tolerated by anyone claiming to be a white nationalist. I personally know two people who used to be a shining example of the Aryan man. Unfortunately they fell into the cesspool that is Anime and now one of them sucks dick and the other killed themselves. If you support trannys or femboys or whatever you call them then you honestly need to follow your fellow faggots and lynch yourself.


Reminder that Sup Forumsfags and plebbitors are no longer welcome at Sup Forums.

Get Ryo out of there. He's manly now in SideM.

>muh based japs

Good goyim keep supporting non-whites while your race crumbles!

>Anime should not be tolerated by anyone claiming to be a white nationalist.
Good thing not many people are white nationalists then

As a horsefucker I take offense to that. Weebs are way more cancerous. Give me some horse pussy and I'll shut up. Those degenerates won't stop babbling in their butchered moon speak.

You're just mad you can't be fucked by a bunch of disgusting salaryman in a public restroom in a maid costume, aren't you?

How can you consider yourself a man and resist it?

Wow Muhammed thanks for the excellent post, truly an excellent example of why /r/The_Donald/ and other cucks are destroying this board with their /based/ blacks and non-whites.

How can you consider yourself a human being and not a disgusting degenerate that needs to hang on the day of the rope like your other faggots?

high quality post

Reminder that traps who pass are not gay.


Why do girls stuff their panties with eggs?

Why do people call trans, traps,, trans are called tricks,, traps are hyperhot woman that a normal blue collar/white collar would be an idiot to marry. Hence trap pussy.

3D is trash.
A man of taste, I see.

I'm okay with being a degenerate though.
There's no higher purpose to life than immediate pleasure. The soul is not immortal and dies together with the body.
There's no reason to hold yourself to higher ideals, because the only thing that exists is that on the mundane plane.
There's no God, only boipussy.

>complaining about anime
>on an anime image board

It's just like muslims or spics who go into a western country and then complain about the western values.

Fuck off you nigger.

Nothing is autistic about that post.
You have stage 4 autism if you have a weird gay japanese image saved, let alone upload it.

Is this show even any goodd?
Nobody cares about your hick lingo.

>tfw tomboy japanese gf who hates feminism and loves anime

fuck you OP

>he doesn't enjoy the last modern jew-free media
I guess there's another site more suited for you

>nazi LARPer calling ME autistic

Traps are gay but anime is patrician

It's a funny gag anime. The bulges are too ridiculous to be considered sexual

>he doesn't enjoy the last modern jew-free media

Except it's literally not jew-free. No anime is jew-free, that's been proven by the countless traps, NTR cuck shit, and other degenerate trash that is a plague to the white race. If you support anything non-white then you will be executed as a race traitor along with coalburners and other cucks.

>calling everything autistic, yet fails to see how autistic he is himself.

>posts on indonesian crayfish-raising forum
>not autistic
That's what it seemed like to me.

Go home, weebmen, go home.


I've always suspected that that shit turns people gay.


Reddit hates anime though, you will be in good company


You do realize where you are, right?

I love when this happens

Yeah. Sup Forums never had a weeaboo culture, which is why some of its oldest images include obscure Japanese maymays.


Last time I checked, at least /dtg/ threads, the donald was also full of anime.

>gay awoo shit

If anyone has embraced anime, it's the donald and kekistan freaks.

fucking saved

Who's moot?

There's a difference between helpful autism I.E. useful autists that actually contribute to our cause and the mentally retarded that need to be euthanized to ease their suffering. You and the other sick freaks that think it's okay for a man to act like a woman and to support Japs that have been trying to kill the white race since 1941 obviously fall into the latter.

Show bulge buttboi

There are no (or close to none) jews in Japan wtf. Most anime is still being watched by japanese people and many anime aren't even released in the west.

>trying this hard to fit in

>Anime is da jooz
90% of anime is fan translated by whites, and japs hate them for it.

Oh trust me, you definitely fall into the latter category, my friend.

Reddit is down the hall, and to the left

>Except it's literally not jew-free
But it is. You won't find a single jew in the whole medium. There used to be a "how jewish is this movie" app and anime-movies were the only modern jewfree movies. For the values and morals, they are very traditional and redpilled, way more than any other modern medium. The thing you call degenerate is very traditional: greeks used to fuck effeminate men before their marriage so that their wife is their first woman. I could even explain the metaphysics why this isn't gay.

>Who's moot.?

Holy shit please tell me you are joking. Please god make Reddit leave so this board will be cleansed of it's degenerates.

He's right. You all know it

It's okay for a feminine man to act like a woman.
It's nature's way to making sure he doesn't pass his useless masculine genes. That way he can still serve real men as his stress relief.

Fellow redditer here, I agree. Fuck weeaboos and fuck their Sup Forums cartoons, Sup Forums is a reddit board.

Yes, r/anime is, enjoy your stay.

Spot the newfriend.

Too much of it, yes.

I've seen two close friends of mine who just enjoyed playing vidya games and some anime turn into bi twinks or some weird shit.

I'm so glad I went through my weeb phase early, in 6th grade.

The oven is down the hall to your left, enjoy your stay along with all other enemies of the white race.

Welcome to this website, where 90% of the culture here is shitty weeb posting.
I dont like the faggot avatar posters sure.
But you cant come here to try and push out the majority of the posters on Sup Forums it wont work.
This website was created for the discussion of anime way before other interest boards and political boards were added.

There, anime Jesus.
Also see: animegodsway.wordpress.com/good-anime/
Anime is just a medium of artistic expression. The problem is how it is used, and by who. Obviously, money talks and the powers that be use this medium to spread degeneracy. If you are not spiritually strenghtened, then you should stay away from shows with strong anti-God content.

>implying animeposters aren't redditor scum

>hey lets get rid of the thing Sup Forums was made for in the first place
You faggots never cease to amaze me.


>there are actually people on this anime imageboard that are against anime

President of Mexico, I suppose

>been browsing Sup Forums AKA what is now /r/The_Donald/ for five years.

Please just go back to your based blacks thread on leddit.

Hiro has always run this site. Moot sounds like some kind of faggot or cuck. Definitely wouldn't be associated with a site like this.

>being this retarded

anime is dege-

it's a good thing Sup Forums is a chaos Nazi place not a white nationalist board now fuck off to Stormfront

>tfw you will never be a cute trap getting fucked senseless by several men
Feels bad man.

>five years
Still a newfriend. If you unironically fall for "who's moot" you haven't been here for more than a moth.

traps aren't gay. Sup Forums is just jealous that they aren't cute enough to be one

Pretty ashamed I didn't realize you were trolling until now, kind of hard to tell the real from the fake with Reddit infesting the board since good goy Trump came into office.

Daily reminder OP is a faggot


>Anime jesus

Now weebs can sell your soul for the Jewish nation!

daily reminder that Christians can't be anti-semites


Stormcucks go away

Cute Ferris.

Me too, I was an anime fan when I was 11-13 or thereabouts, only because of Cartoon network.
Bobobo, Naruto and One Piece.
I'm glad the recession hit and we had TV discontinued, otherwise, I would have probably escalated to the esoteric hard core shit posted here.

>tfw no catboy bf
why live?

>mfw all the transgenders wouldn't reproduce more whites anyway

Anime hasn't done anything. It's white women choosing not to reproduce by being picky you dunce.

">Anime is degenerate"
">Film, series, music are ok"

Ridiculous, almost all the entertainment industry is shit. We just have to choose well among them, especially for children sake.