>family red pilled on islam
>except brother
>brother is a commie
>brother is a muslim apologist
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>family red pilled on islam
>except brother
>brother is a commie
>brother is a muslim apologist
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Why is he a commie?
He read books about communism, became an obsession, depression because of "a failed captalistic system"
He is depressed?
Honour kill him
Yes, Refuses to work or even do anything.
No problem
Maybe he's just depressed because he is not getting laid and he knows he won't for a while.
Stop the bigotry? Sounds like your brother is the only smart one in your family.
have sex with him
Waar in Nederland trouwens?
Honestly mate theres not much you can do. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a force so good luck converting him. The best you can do is stand your ground whenever in a discussion with him and lead by setting a good example. Chastise him for being lazy and immoral desu but don't bother arguing with him. You do you lad.
Limburg, Jij?
Well no argument.ent there, capitalism *has* failed. But so has communism. It's the *exact* same problem for both: corruption leaders. Democracy just has more if the so everything takes longer.
He isn't depressed. He's a commie because he doesn't want to work. He should get benefits from the state!
Thanks bruv
I red pilled my 100% Ashkenazi mom on islam. Step it the fuck up op.
quietly end his misery, and try to not be savage even if he is a commie. it's your brother after all...
People are stubborn; it's hard to convince them of anything unless they discover it on their own.
Studeer in Tilburg doordeweeks en ga om het weekend naar huis vlak boven Leiden.
He just sounds lazy.
Read books about the horrors of communism. Read books about Austrian Economics (ie "How an Goebbelsure and confident in a debate. He will get emotional as he looses, show no emotion in return. This is how I redpilled my father.
Bless geez
Buy a Qur'an for him to read.
Is he in the age of being a commie? Like 14/18?!?
I wanted to show him some quotes but he refused and came up with a new excuse
Yeah cognitive dissonance means commies actually experience pain when confronted with right-wing arguments. Hence most of the time they pussy out and ask for "safe spaces"/ban "hate speech". Any commie who has the balls to endure mental torture and listen to what right-wingers have to say stops being a commie pretty quickly.
Heeft ie alleen een middelbare school diploma of ook nog hogere opleidingen?
He sounds like a coward, who lacks the courage to confront the truth. A 21 year old should be a man ffs, and men don't come up with excuses.
Let him grow...He is still young. Sooner or later when he exits the adolescent bubble and have to face adulthood he will deep throat the red pills alone.
mbo 4, doet volgend jaar hbo.
Als hij motivatie heeft althans
There's nothing you can do, let everyone be their own person and keep your differences to yourself.
My brother is a commie too my other brother is a minister and more red pilled than me.
Always remember to have a plan to kill everyone you know or still know in your life.
Half measures aren't professional.
If and or when the time comes, make it clean and easy, suffering is for niggers.
Ach je kan zo iemand niet snel veranderen. Een psycholoog of therapeut lijkt me wel handig voor hem, al is het alleen maar voor zijn depressie.
just convert to Islam , and act like a real Muslim he will start hating Islam
and/ or
argue the point of Muslim as if your are supporting it.
women should be forced to cover because they make men horny if been uncovered.
sex should be forbidden before married
slaving should be allowed .
and other topics .
if he disagree with you then he disagree with Islam.
most of the good Muslims are not true Muslims
and many other examples .
Zal wel sloom weg gaan, hopelijk xd
Depressie gaat niet weg als je niks zit te doen thuis. Dan blijft het en wordt het nog erger en ga je uiteindelijk iedereen de schuld geven van je eigen falen in leven. Maar zo te horen doet hij dat al.
Communists do the best job of redpilling communists away from them.
>t. Former ancom, punk, tumblrite
Vaak geprobeerd om te gaan werken bij mijn vader, trek zich altijd terug met "buikpijn" laatste minuut
The political scene in punk is absolutely cancerous. Glad you left.
Explain to him there is nothing on earth more antithetical to communism then Islam. Then explain communism denies race and human differences will Nazism promotes them and will breed better humans.
Hoe gaat je vader ermee om? Wat vind jij ervan? Staat hij dit gedrag toe of hebben ze vaak ruzie?
Nee, niet perse ruzie meer hevige discussies.
Over communisme, capatalisme, islam etc.
Confront him on his beliefs, ask him the core to his ideologies, and counter them. If he is still a commie after that, he might be one of the late-coming redpillers who will only be redpilled once shit REALLY starts hitting the fan
Ah, maar nooit over zijn ethiek en houding? Hier in mijn huis in mijn dorp hebben we ook wel eens ruzie maar niet over die politieke onzin. Ik was zelf ook echt niet van de bank te branden toen ik vorig jaar gestopt was met m'n studie in februari. M'n vader heeft me geholpen door me aan het werk te zetten bij een winkel om de hoek en me laten interesseren voor meer dingen. Elke dag opstaan op dezelfde tijd (voor 8'en). En op geregelde tijden gaan slapen. Geef die jongen een ritme.
Book a helicopter flight for him. Make it a gift certificate for Lenin's birthday or something like that.
You have no brother.
line him up against the wall
>family hasn't converted to islam
>redpilled on islam
pick one infidel
Proberen ze ook regelmatig,
alleen dit gaat vaker niet goed of hij luistert gewoon niet.
I just got sick of people congratulating themselves for accomplishing nothing and being nihilistic, self-destructive wastes of space. The slow transformation of communism from worker power, to just masturbatory displays designed to disgust people allegedly in power (who never listen and could care less) deserves a documentary.
It's just amusing how so called revolutionaries are nothing but the lap dogs of neoliberals, in a similar position to the respectability-cucked wing of the alt-right.
>We will infiltrate within to create a workers state, comrade!!!
No, you'll just give capitalists that pretend to like faggots and brown people what they want.
>Muslim apologist
Why does this fucking happen so often, I literally don't understand at all
The Soviet Union was staunchly atheistic and thought Muslims were stupid tribal sandniggers who needed civilising
Even commies weren't Muslim apologists, they thought they were barbaric retards and removed kebab which is why the US (unfortunately) armed mujahideen in Afghanistan
>Wat do?
you have no brother
OK user, I've done this before. It didn't work. but maybe it does for you
>He likes muslims
>Muslims hate jews, right
>Make him more into disliking jews, for example show him anti israel shit ETC.
>he now hates jews
>who created marxism, communism, socialism etcetc
>He gets conflicted
>tell him there's socialism WITHOUT jews
>It's national socialism
>You turned your brother into a nazi
Good luck user
Beat the shit out of him like good ol' fashy times
It's simple user.
>beat the shit out of your brother anytime he acts like a commie faggot
Why do people of this age forget the lesson that a strong ass beating can teach?
a true commie despise every religion,he is only a faggot sjw
>beat the shit out of your brother anytime he acts like a commie faggot
Maybe it's his big brother
It's a commie, like he can fight for himself :^)
It's already too late, pal.
Kill brother
Yeah when I think about it he's probably some EMO faggot skinnier than matchstick
Your brother thinks murdering people is ok.
Get a better brother.
I'm not kidding around, if you want SJWs and libtards to smarten up, we've got to start shaming and shunning them.
Give him a Koran to read.
Remind him Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl.
Pay a muslim to rape him
Neuter him.
>refuses to work or even do anything
Like pottery.
Get lynched fag
this is retarded
Communism is incompatable with Islam
muslims hate commies
Throw him off a roof or stone him.
Time to channel that ki then.
same situation as OP except the whole family disowned him because he was such an insufferable cunt. Thanksgiving and Christmas has been waaay better ever since we told him not to come.
I hope he kills himself soon 2bh.
Ashkenazi jews have the highest average iq of all races so it was probably easy.