I just read the New Testament and it's the most red pilled, anti-degeneracy, alpha, head of it's time book i have ever read. I will have to read whole bible, but i was blown away by the NT. Pope Francis and other heretics don't represent true Christianity at all, don't fall for (((their))) blasphemies. I read the English standard version, i wonder is some other version even better?
I just read the New Testament and it's the most red pilled, anti-degeneracy, alpha...
>New Testament
>alpha, anti-degeneracy
I see you've fallen for (((their))) greatest trick
Go to /gif/ and masturbate to gay shit kike
Unless..... (((OP)))
Begone eternal angloschwein ... I mean Bebombed
*ba dum ts*
Those are taken out of context and cherrypicked to look bad
there's a reason Jesus whipped some cunts
Okay thanks
>Be the Roman Empire
>BTFO Jews constantly because you are stronger than (((them)))
>Jews want Jewish hippy dead so you comply with Jews to kill Jesus
>Chimp out and destroy their temple years later for other reasons
>Years later make Jewish cult your official religion
>Same people who BTFO'd Jews now worship a literal Jew
>Jews become relevant worldwide as chosen people
>Roman women are convinced they will be "cleansed of their sins" if they sleep with and have kids with Jews (this is how the Ashkenazim were created)
>Thanks to Romans, (((Christianity))) spreads to Europe
>Christians are banned from Usury, giving Jews complete control over money lending
>Jews quickly take a hold of the entire economy of Europe
>This continues into this day
(((Christianity))) ruined Europe.
Wow, not even I'm that a pessimistic faggot and I am a huge pessimistic faggot
Also, if you want to have your worldview explode from all the red pills, watch the legendary creation seminars by Kent Hovind on Youtube.
But I'm warning you, once you absorb it, there is no way back.
Matthew 23:33, Jesus tried to warn us against (((them)))
your post almost makes it seem like jews hated christianity from the beginning, as they still do today. Find Christ, my man - he sets us free
Trip are telling.
God is good.
Western Civ is based on Christianity.
Usury is not good for anyone.
Why is there not Christian flag?
Give me the context then Moshe
>book of mistranslation an misinterpretation
>the only version that is not wrong in the very first sentence
It's literally the only accurate translation. Remove yourself, scoffer.
Nice trips
If you read the bible not in slightest is Jesus tolerant man, he damns heretics to Hell left and right (and yes mainly Jews) and doesn't accept degeneracy (but can forgive past mistakes). What he most likely taught in his early days was about not giving power to anyone, his teaching was a type of humiliation on his days and most of the bible deals with alpha Christ
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The KJV and NAB have the exact same sentence at the beginning.
Funny how many times you can link this quote with events that have occured.
The sermon on the mount is just about not being a fucking dick in society. When it comes to war, look at the Old Testament for what God deems acceptable when fighting for survival. Hint: killing your enemies, their women, their children and their livestock occurs more than once.
In peace be merciful and kind to your brethren (society can't operate otherwise), but when your survival as a nation is on the line, that's when you take notes from the ancient Israelites. Even the Cucktholic Church has Just War Doctrine (although it is stupidly restrictive, but it still allows for destroying your enemies to a point).
Seriously, anyone who thinks God is a softy has not read what he had done to the Amalekites for coming against his people. Many modern Christians seem to just throw the entire Old Testament out despite it being the entire context for the New Testament. The teachings of the New Testament can only ever be lived up to in a peaceful society, and peace is not something that exists in nature, it is something that must be defended, carved out with brutal, unbelievable force, as the Israelites had to do time and time and time again.
>I just read the New Testament and it's the most red pilled, anti-degeneracy, alpha, head of it's time book i have ever read
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded? Did you read a different book than I did?
>no, he didn't mean what he said
>you're taking it out of context
Fuck off
He explicitly said "follow my example, don't fight or defend yourself or your people".
Reminder that the Church needs another Avignon Papacy because the current 'pope' is a tool
I'd archive it, but I honestly don't know how and wanted to post quickly
>In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth
>the heavens
>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
>the heaven
>this is how much attention scoffers give to important details
>He explicitly said "follow my example, don't fight or defend yourself or your people".
wanna provide a verse for that or are you just going to continue being a faggot?
>desecrating Sakura like that
Kill yourself, you walking garbage. You newfags are ruining this site and you're generally scum.
That pic is a few years old at least, you seem to be the newfag here.
>he damns heretics to Hell left and right
Why is this supposed to be moral? I always thought the idea that I will burn in hell forever if I am not a Christian or Muslim to be a one-up morally for Jews. According to them I just don't have to kill anyone or worship idols and i'm fine. I've read the Bible and the Qur'an and although the NT is the most Beta out of all of those texts.
Pretty sure the sermon on the mount was meant to be applied to society and public situations. Love your enemy is more like love that guy that keeps calling you a dick every time you pass his house. War is war. Try to avoid war, but if it comes to war, then so be it
Only Christians are granted salvation (and being just Christian isn't enough neither if you are hypocrite and not true believer), Muslims and Kikes go straight to hell just for their blasphemy against the Lord, especially Jews
kys sola fide kike, just because one says "heavens" doesn't mean there are multiple places where good people go when they die
good goy turn the other cheek and go racemix
That's what I'm saying, the sermon on the mount is about how to conduct yourself publicly, in regulated, peaceful society. Christ never rebuked the centurion, he never told him to quit his profession because it was violent or anything, rather when the centurion came to him and asked him to heal his servant, Christ told him "Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.", to a centurion, a literal soldier of the Roman army whose entire profession is killing the enemies of Rome.
Christian man adopts 8 (Eight) black children from Africa
Also Donald trump is going to burn in hell since rich people can't enter heaven, if your middle class with apple iphones and a big flat inch tv your not going to heaven
Go away, you dumb filthy heretic.
Exactly. You're no different than a Muzzie
>conjecture about WHAT JESUS REALLY MEANT
this is the fucking problem
this too -- biblical interpretation is limited to scripture and scripture is JUST WORDS.
this shit makes no sense because the same faggot christians that racemix and submit today are reading the SAME BIBLE that the puritanical conquerors were 400 years ago. the words have not changed in the KJV, and in other versions not drastically enough, so obviously the bible is not the reason for race mixing, so why pretend like it is
>Christian man adopts 8 (Eight) black children from Africa
When they did this with Aboriginal kids half a century ago that was evil whitey being literally worse than Hitler.
>conjecture about WHAT JESUS REALLY MEANT
You can thank modern critical theory for that, for the vast majority of history in Christendom it was obvious that the sermon on the mount was about how to conduct oneself in society and had no relation to fighting for survival in a violent, competitive world. Europe would have never come to dominate the world if Europeans had erroneously interpreted the sermon on the mount in such a way that it would have forbade them from destroying their enemies. In was only through conquest that Christianity was actually able to spread across the globe in the first place, conquest brings peace in its wake, where the peaceful aspects of Christianity can actually be practiced without being enslaved by Mongolians or something.
Muslims kill people who don't believe, we just do our own thing and heretics can either join or not
They didn't racemix because there was no one to racemix with because international travel was limited to boats which took 6+ months
Catholics love race mixing, no idea about the other christians though
I give you the good samartian, a bit of historical background too the Samaritans were the type of people you would cross the street to avoid because no one liked them
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
A black christian is your nieghbour you have to love with like your brother, Christianity is a internationalist pro racemixing religion, hell the black doesn't even have to live near you for you to be his neighbor
Wow you leaped to racemixing from the Good Samaritan? Fake
What about the people that were never exposed to christianity? Im a catholic, and our doctrine says that if you never had the opportunity to receive Christ, then you can go to heaven if you lived a good life.
Love your neighbor even the Samaritans who were a dispised peoples in the provinces in and around Judea
Your welcome to show where Jesus says love your neighbor but if he's black don't actually love him, If a black christian if your neighbor you must love him like a white neighbor. if your daughter loves a black christian you should allow it because we are all created in the eyes of the lords and he is your neighbor.
Christianity places no emphasis on race, the opposite actually it places it on christian united not whites united.
To love people, don't mean that you have to advocate for ANY racial policies. Be it mixture, be segregation. Love them all in the example of Christ. This does not mean anything about individual position on politics, but your right stance on your spirituality and relation to other humans.
This isn't a problem to anyone who isn't retarded. Between Christian believers, who take Christ's message seriously, race is irrelevant.
The real problems exist between Christians and non-Christians, or deluded Christians who do not seek peace with other Christians but seek war (they are not really Christians, in that case, but they believe themselves to be). Those people must be totally subdued so as to not be allowed to threaten the stability and peace in Christendom, so that Christians will be allowed to live Christian lives peacefully. They can not simply be "tolerated" but must be totally physically crushed and forced into submission until they cease their attacks on Christian society, which manifest both violently (Muslim terrorism) and non-violently (Jewish anti-Christian media manipulation and control). I'm not saying they should be slain, which would be ridiculous, but their mosques/synagogues/pagan sites of worship must be demolished and their works burned, their preaching must be made a crime, there must be no toleration of "Halal" or "Kosher" food demands or anything like that, Muslim prayer should be banned, etc...
Yeah jesus threw the money lenders out because he loved the jews. You've totally got it.
To love people "like yourself" means to do just that. If you were Black and following the words of Christians you don't want the kkk to lynch you because that goes against the teachings of the Bible and Jesus. Christianity places no emphasis on race just religion.
Exactly Black Christians are fine, if you live next to a Black then you must love him like you love yourself, You don't even need to live next to him as evidenced by the good Samaritan, sure a christian nation could be anti-Muslim immigration but if it really followed the teachings of Christ then it must accept Christian refugees whenever their black,White or Arabic. If they don't then their just cherry picking verses they like and ignoring others they don't in which case their not following the bible
He threw the money lenders out not because they were money lenders but because they were doing in the middle of the temple. Render unto Caesar, is the modern day equivalent of render unto Israel
You should love everyone, even the despicable. Being an aggressive asshole to everyone different from you isn't being alpha, it's being insecure.
I believe the races should be divided entirely, that states should be autarkic, and if someone threatens you're people you have the right to destroy them. That doesn't mean I don't wish everyone well.
when you consider what kind of suffering a God can imagine and thus experience (for himself) the burning of one soul for eternity is nothing
>sure a christian nation could be anti-Muslim immigration but if it really followed the teachings of Christ then it must accept Christian refugees whenever their black,White or Arabic. If they don't then their just cherry picking verses they like and ignoring others they don't in which case their not following the bible
I don't agree. Races have distinct intellectual and psychological profiles. People are happiest when they live amongst their own people. You can still love all fellow christians while knowing that multi ethnic societies are bad for everyone.
daily reminder that Christians are not supposed to have any children according to Paul
You can think that but Christianity doesn't agree with that. What part of love your neighbor like yourself don't you see. The Samaritan was the neighbor of the beaten man not the priest or the traveler from the same province as the man.
Once again the Samaritans were basically universally hated all over the provinces around Judea, the equivalent of modern day pedophiles and racists. You would cross the street or charge them double the price and yet who ended up being the mans neighbor? If Black thugs are hated but one takes mercy on you he is your neighbor not your actual White neighbor if he didn't show you mercy.
Christianity puts no emphasis on race only religion
Got a misinterpreted verse to back this up?
You can be a racial supremacist without hating inferior races. There is no emphasis on race but it doesn't preclude racial organization.
Well then your not following the teachings of Jesus, you've taken the verses you like such as being nice and forgiving then given up on the hard ones like love your neighbor and us all being created in the lords image. Jesus dealt with lepers and people with "demons" and preached kindness to all.
If you could save a community of African backs buy bringing them to America and educating them to be good Christians then that should be done instead of leaving them to starve.
The Good Samaritan man who turned out to be the mans real neighbor didn't live near him he lived a province over.
I wouldn't call myself a christian but if you think Jesus was some weak-ass masochist like most people tend to believe, you're wrong.
1 corinthians 7: 8-9
Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
>garbage non Biblical pic/source
>no Biblical quotations or arguments in the written text
>1 bost by this nose
Fuck off
We're in the tempest. One day we'll come out on the other side. Keep strong, friend.
Blah blah
I don't think the good that would be done to those africans would ever outweigh the bad to everyone that would come from a discordant society over time. There's no dissonance there.
Shalom brother, let's destroy Christianity on Sup Forums by pretending that it's a Jewish invention!
Adonai brother Stein!
This. I fucking despise that. But they even have "deprogrammers" if they lose a sheep to Christ
Fuck your jew tomb
It's like it was written by Sup Forums
I read it last year and was really surprised. No wonder They don't want us to read it or learn it in schools
Evil people recoil in horror at the word of the Lord. You'll pay for it one day, faggot.
Haha nice hr high pic buddy. Larping christfags get the fuck out
We're always in tempest and there are no guarantees, the way you spoke. And to who you spoke. Without Christ. Which you didn't say. Which will automatically just make it to no other side. This is no religious nor Christian place
You're both wrong
Holy shit you faggot the Samaritan was his neighbor because he acted like one, not because he was just there. It doesn't extend to all Samaritans in existence.
The modern equivalent would be that even if you are a white supremacist, if z black guy is good to you, you are obligated to be good back. Not that you are obligated to be good to everyone just for existing. And even for that specific guy, it doesn't mean you are obligated to let him fuck your daughter.
You are also sticking a very modern, hippy definition of love in. And I see you embellishing the story with your own extra additions!
Gas yourself, traitor.
That's some blatant Buddhism ripoff
But if everyone was good Christians no such problems would arise if we all loved our good Christian neighbors whatever race they were.
You are taking the good parts and ignoring the bad parts of Christianity. Your editing the "true" values and teachings of Christianity to fit your own society, in which case your not a true Christian
A true Christian doesn't see race he sees Christians and non Christians
Sell your fucking baubles and give them to the poor
Why do people care to berate an increasingly irrelevant religion anyway?
Yeah that's my point. muh based blacks are entirely wanted in a Christian society.
Good Christian blacks in Africa are equal to good White Christians in Europe and America. A true Christian doesn't see race he see's Christians and non Christians. Christianity is not tribal nor racial it's internationalism with everyone being equal under the Lord
It seems kinda gnostic to me.
There is nothing talking about political union of races or segregation of. It just says that you are one people, in spirit, in Christ.
You can have your politics and your religion separated, there is no problem at all.
LIVE - Rick Wiles: Prophetic Warning, Debt Tidal Wave Towering Over Sleeping America, Pentagon’s Decision to Shoot Down Syrian Warplane Bombing ISIS
Are they being paid to laugh at Christcucks? I don't understand
Except pic related and give me the evidence Christ was even of Judah. Did He speak Hebrew? Since when is Galilee anything Jewish? Muh ashkenazi
And if a tribe of Christians in Africa are starving or fleeing Muslims in the middle east then it is your duty as a Christian to take them in and give them shelter.
Christianity does not see race
It's money. Give people some and they get fucking retarded
Rev 2:9 and John 8:44. even Jesus couldn't stand the satanic jews.
I prefer the CBS. My Bible came with small bits of text on each page that explains translations and scenes from the ancient cultures perspective. To me, you absolutely need to know how to culture viewed something to see it even deeper.
For example:
In one story Jesus told of a woman who lost a gold coin she wore on a necklace of twelve coins. She cried in happiness when she found it.
It sounds sweet, but at the time a woman wore a necklace of coins that were a gift from her family before she left home.
This is because of a law at the time that stated a man could kick his wife out of their home forever at any time. She had no right to bring anything but what was on her person. So the coins, viewed through the eyes at the time were extremely important.
I suggest looking to see if a local church of your selected branch of Christianity offers a weekly Bible study.
Exactly, so you can develop your political though as you want, nothing impedes that at all.
The point is this: It doesn't clash with a segregation project or a mixture project. It has nothing related to it. This discussion is stupid to begin with.
Your duty is to follow what Christ told you, and he didn't tell you to flood your nation with 10 million muslim refugees inside it.
Stop being a try hard.
Jesus destroyed the concept of /chosen people by blood/ and replaced it with the concept of /chosen people by faith/.
Matthew 23:13
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
Jesus destroyed Judaism. You don't have to be jewish, you don't have to go to the synagogue, you don't have to do all that Jewish Religious Heads told people to do. You only have to believe in Him, and love your neighbor.
After the destruction of the Temple, and Jewish exile, Jews lost their language, culture, identity.
What we call today Jews are Khazars.
The Christians are /the chosen people/. Today's "Jews" are this :
Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
>Don't be a kike and stop spreading false knowledge
Thats about marriage, not about children.
Neighbor here means fellow, not literally someone who lives beside you, obviously because the semeritan wasn't the man's literal neighbor.
I think everyone is my fellow as long as he is righteous, and I wish and will do my best for him. That's all the bible necessitates. It doesn't mean I have to ignore racial differences, it means I have to love everyone reguardless of race.
And I think that an adherence to one's people and nation is the best for all my fellow's regardless of race. Me working towards to happiness and primacy of my own people, and my fellow of another race working towards the primacy of his race is better for both of us. And I mean that this will maximize the amount of good for the most of my fellows.
I'm not saying what I believe is what the bible says, I'm saying the bible doesn't preclude it.