Hey Sup Forums anybody wanna play some chess with me? I'm depressed.
Hey Sup Forums anybody wanna play some chess with me? I'm depressed
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Sauce on trap?
Some third reich qt.
rock, do it
I want your kind slaughtered. Fucking failure.
Game 2 - pls, serious replies only
They all looked like traps
Why not play chess with all of us on here. Post a screenshot and we'll post moves. If white play e4; if black and white played e4 then play c5; if black played d4 play d5; else play e5.
also game #3
They do.
I wonder if all that allied and russian spunk made modern german women hotter.
I think they're pretty.
Are we black or white?
Sup Forums is black ;)
Yeah, they're pretty. My point is that women look like boys without makeup.
Traps muhfugga
Knight to H4, go on the offense user!
Gonna be serious for a second. I look just like this and I'm a dude. KEK
There are tens of thousands of photos of 30's era Krauts flexing and posing in the nude. I think they were done under the pretext of FKK, but like all that shit, it was most likely wanking material Some of those dead Omas were pretty hot: Nice, big, natural jugs (not the shit we have now thanks to bras) and blonde bush (which allows you to see the cunt). Might have to break out the Great Value Jurgens and revisit old times.
Post some of them please. Tho I'm retaining my semen currently.
Join the game other people
Game #4
I went to a chess tournament and people literally bullied me for playing c3 vs the Sicilian :(
Got two draws as white with it, lol, one vs a 2100 CFC and the other vs an 1800.
That's pretty impressive.
It's just that everyone plays the najdorf
I never wanted to spend time learning all the complicated Sicilians lol
The sharp lines are why most people play Sicilian.
I'm a coward in chess :( I don't like being under pressure.
Decent move but ur too slow.
Sorry for cutting you off.
I think e5 might be better than e6 tho
>Decent move but ur too slow.
fair enough
you're fine. first post takes it. the only coherent way to play
Before women took birth control they looked a whole lot different than they do now. They also worked in the fields and had actual muscles. Birth control is just a big old uncontrolled dose of estrogen. But remember men also looked way more masculine back then even if they were short or well-kept, so these "traps" were balanced out by noncucks.
OP, it's me from game #3.
Get a linux live dvd called knoppix, it has 4 desktop walls layed out like a cube that you can ctrl-alt left to rotate the cube. Open up 8 xboard windows and play against 8 computers at once if you want to practice extreme pressure.
I'll play you again later if you want to give pointers, I've been trying to practice and learn more, The TIMLEG chess tactics app is free and has 30,000 puzzles but that doesn't train me on opening repertoire positional awareness.
You guys on chessdotcom?
Sup dog, I'll check it out. I wa doing a lot of tactics on chesstempo and I'm gonna get back into doing them when I'm a little less rusty. I want to play tournaments too, I've only played 5 rated OTB games in my entire life, lol.
oh and feel free to add me on lichess :)
I was on chess.com but I got perma banned for denying the holocaust in the forums on there.
Qa5 seems breddy gud.
You're one of the few leafs I like.
You got one part correct: the part about women. But you're ignoring what's happening to males and probably hoping no one makes a point of it.
Men are being affected by chemicals in the water, food, lack of physical activity during youth, and all sorts of things. I hardly ever see a truly masculine looking younger guy nowadays. Their bodies are even changing to look more feminine.
Androgyny is coming breh
Thanks :)
Aw you got ahead of me I was thinking ne4
I was thinking that too, but Qxb7 is too dangerous
That's the best move, keeping the knight pinned
fuck nxg4
Aw ya missed it
Nxg4 maintains the pin
the pin isn't worth the material
you can't even move that knight
Pretty sure it's not good so you dodged a bullet lol
It pins two pieces and loses a pawn while destroying the king safety
keep posting :)
The Answer is easy