What states are the best for raising a white family?
Sup Forums approved places to live
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anywhere rural really
i'd recommend some less populated state in the north like wisconsin
rural iowa desu
probably not here, but it's not nearly as bad as the reputation and I like it and don't ever plan on moving
West Virginia
Not the US.
Idaho panhandle.
This makes me want to play cities skylines.
Up here in Maine, nigga
No states, but locales. If you really want to raise your children in white civilization, research Sundown Towns. They still exist.
Find your Sundown Towns, figure out which one's weather you find most hospitable, and spend a week or two there and see if it is a fit. If so, move there.
P.S. There's a tradeoff. Get used to the idea of utilizing Wal-Mart and Ace Hardware for 95% of your purchases.
Moving to the US, want to have a conservative family with a bunch of kids.
I don't want anywhere near niggers or kikes.
I don't want to be bored either, though. Middle of nowhere sounds rough.
Rural/suburban NH. As with anywhere else, cities are shit.
you know where
While Maine is very beautiful, we are slowly becoming worse every year. Portland is trying to be Boston-lite, while Augusta is trying to be Portland-lite. This will continue until it hits Bangor.
Also, all the young people get their degrees and move out of the state so we are just filled with old people on social security and Maine-care. Don't even get me started on the drug addicts.
Good schools in NH too
Any place here.
Good troll
Stay away. We are full.
Of mexicans and niggers yes
Actually napa Valley is the shit tho, the rest can burn
New Jersey, particularly South Jersey.
Canada, anywhere settled by the United Empire Loyalists - ie. Napanee, Kingston, Brockville, etc.
Or Québec, if you speak french.
If you're rich, LA or NYC.
If you're not, Idaho.
Fuck off flagfag.
Telling me to fuck off wont change a thing mate. And I showed my actually flag, I have nothing to hide.
>If you're rich, LA or NYC.
what? those are both cesspools of libtarded sjw's and nignogs. but what do you expect coming from a democrat such as yourself.
Don't come to Alaska. We're full.
Whats the best city to live in thts not full of niggers ? Is there any majority white cities?
Don't worry I won't
Wyoming, Utah, Montana.
Boston is alright in my opinion. Was there for a while with my parents a few years back and I didn't see that many blacks.
Portland is majority white haha
Can confirm. Wisconsin is great. Very high white population even in Madison. Avoid Milwaukee and you're basically good.
Here, white people only please.
Anywhere rural really.
Cities are a pick your poison deal, really gotta watch out. LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, other than being liberal hellholes, also have major earthquake/tsunami potential.
Denver/Salt Lake City/Idaho/Montana? Yellowstone danger.
St. Louis or Memphis? New Madrid Faultline.
Miami? Tampa? Rising water levels.
Only "safe" cities from a natural standpoint are probably Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Austin, Nashville, Knoxville.
Then get into the racial shit.
Anywhere in the south or Midwest 45-60 minutes away from a city. It'll be cheaper, safer, whiter, and you'll have both the outdoors to your disposal and a city not too far away if you get bored
We're FULL
This is the sad truth, I do work at a State Park and one of my duties is giving tours to school groups. The amount of somali kids I've seen this year is extremely blackpilling
vermont and maine have the least niggers out of any state in the united states. however they are bumblefuck backwoods hick areas with literally nothing but trees. good luck having basic 1st world services like good internet, cell phone service, decent food supplies, etc. america is dead, its a waste of time to look. every major city is entrenched with niggers, mexicans, and other undesirables. every last fucking one.
Literally what I keep hearing as well
The states of chastity an sobriety.
4 years lakes regions
4 years sea coast
Can confirm
the problem is that most of the "90% white" places named in this thread are as boring as fuck and four hours' flight from anywhere interesting
sure they are good places to raise kids if you want your kids to be inbred mutant piglets who drink corn liquor until they go blind and die aged 30 of liver cancer
Iowa, Vermont, Rural or suburban Minnesota, the Dakotas, Montana, New Hampshire, etc. Basically any small state or rural area in the North. They're almost always overwhelmingly white.
Not really, there is Pittsburgh and Portland which are incredibly white for big cities and most suburbs are also very white.
But maybe you're some kind of degenerate who thinks that if you can't go out clubbing every night, your life is boring.
My city is the best city :^)
> 5th Whitest state in US
> Low poverty rate
> Cheap AF cost of living and relatively low taxes
> Politically conservative at the state level with some variation in presidential elections
> Access to plenty of quality products and stores since I-80 is a major east-west shipping route from Chicago to Denver
nice try blurring your city name Port Washington, WI
>hurr durr muh boredom
Go live in an exciting multicultural shithole then.
I'd move to Alaska in a heartbeat if I could get a comfy job there.
Stop we don't need more people in Iowa
Take a wild guess
Oh darn, how'd you figure it out?
Wisconsin, anywhere but Milwaukee or Beloit.
This. Anywhere in PA except for the Philly and Pittsburg areas.
Virginia is good west of Richmond.
noone gives a fuck about your shit state transplant
Thanks for the unmeme reply
I would say Idaho, Washington or Oregon. The big cities are like any other multicultural shithole but besides that white paradise.
Good lad
45-60 minutes is a long time for a European.
I don't know that I could live more than 15 minutes from a decently sized supermarket.
I mean it's fine if the first 1mil+ people city is an hour away, but there has to be a 50-100k one somewhere in the 12-15miles distance range.
>Tfw I'm this retarded
Well, let's just hope I'm not doxxed somehow.
Fuck off we're full
Why would anyone care about you enough to doxx you?
No please, we are full.
Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Utah
Basically anywhere where it's hard to find niggers.
NC didn't do shit for flight. Take that down, its like Hiroshima getting credit for the bomb being dropped. Posting that makes you Cucked by stronger better faster Midwestern males.
Gr8 demographics m8
I'm from shithole IL and am seriously considering moving to Coeur d'Alene
IL is terrible, but I love where I live, chain'o'lakes. It's super fun, but the state is dragging us all down.....
Bullshit. The Poconos are full to the brim with retarded fuckwits from NJ and NY.
fuck off chicago niggers we're full
I second this. Lived in NH my whole life.
I'm about to doxx you faggot.
Honestly Northern Michigan is one of the least populated and most beautiful parts of this country.
Marquette is a great little town with Northern Michigan University near by and is 95% white with little to no crime. Move near there and you can enjoy all the amenities you'de have anywhere else with a steady supply of pretty young girls around, good employment and you're still in the middle of some of the most beautiful natural area in the entire country with easy access to the big lakes.
I'de say either there or somewhere in Colorado.
Would Montana be good?
I can't believe someone actually said Jersey
also Utah (except Salt Like City)
>What states are the best for raising a white family?
Really aren't too many decent ones left unless you can afford a gated community and private school.
Most rural communities in the upper midwest and northern mountain states are nice. Not many breadwinner jobs left, though. The schools are kind of hit-or-miss. Hard drugs are also starting to creep in so be careful who your kids hang out with.
I'd stay away from most areas in the south. It's better than it used to be, but still full of douchebags and run by corrupt crackers. Schools are notoriously bad for a reason.
Ditto for most of the oil patch communities. Too many drugs and hotheads.
Just keep moving north and east, there's plenty of room.
>Tfw it makes more sense to assume everyone you see on the street is on a mix of painkillers/heroin/marijuana than not to
california is pol approved
You sound like you aren't a degenerate cunt. Texas has a lot of great places. Just outside of the middle of nowhere so you can drive to civilization or avoid it when you want.
funniest post I've read all day
OP didn't do anything to you, why would you ruin his lives, and the lives of his family members, by midleading him so?
Yes, anywhere in the cities.
Just go live in the cities. It's great. Just a bunch of scary drug addicts with guns in the sierras nothing else.
No high rises or precious diversity around. It's terrible I hate it.
You might try Duluth, MN. It's up near the UP.
Be a business major in the rural Midwest. There is nothing better. Make 80k when the cost of living is 20k