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That's a great way to piss both Americans and Muslims off.
This will end well.
Powerfully idiotic.
Hijabs are hot tbqh
>cover face
>show tits
How is it that no one besides Muslims understands the point of the burkha?
>girl showing off her breasts in solidarity to Islam
Place your bets everyone, how many will be killed in retaliation?
>tfw hustler taking the fight to islam by degrading their culture and women
very ironic
>small tits
>probably hiding moustache
>brown eyes and skin
I'd hit that with the broadside of my car, but nothing else
Is it really an arab/muslim woman or did they put a hijab on a mexican again?
im not sure if i like this but i see a titty
>America's magazine
>Peddling filth and degeneracy
Sounds right.
Underboobs are underrated
Giving Antifa a run for their money.
that's hot as fuck
too bad she's probably gonna get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery because of it
what a rag
Not enough of us dying eh Larry?
This godamit
Free the nipple.
Also: change your fag flag Op, we know you love the cock.
>attempting to get men to support islam with female nudity
It's clear what their goal is. Fuck these kikes.
this is literally illegal
4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general
If it's illegal, what's the punishment?
That is a dude face.
Porn is powerful only if you're an addict.
>im not sure if i like this but i see a titty
spoken like a true subhuman
The flag cant be used as drapes? What is this bullshit?
>even the women has neck beard
Guess she's going to prison AND hell
Funny how she would been beated to death by her father if she was an actual muslim and show her tits in public
you sound just like a fucking leftist. the magazine cover is dumb, yes, but it's not illegal. get over yourself pussy
>shit brown eyes
Je suis Hustler
This shit they pull unironically moves my political compas score further up and further right every day.
What did they do?
"I choose to wear this religious head garb"
That's what people who are brain washed say.
>Anyone respecting the flag code
This isn't the 30s anymore gramps, Americans could print the flag on toilet paper and no one would care
I want to love America but the leftist cancer is just too much to handle. Fucking hell.
The flag code was ruled unconstitutional.
t. virgin
Wow. Virtue signalling that will offend Americans and the Muslims its trying to pander to.
Well done, retards.
wtf #ImWithHer now
Can someone scan this and post the pussy and tit pics? Thanks
Plus, not only is this very image extremely contradictory of itself. But this bitch is one ugly cunt. Death to all muslims.
do the people who make these things not realize how cringey and try-hard they look
wtf i love haram now
You don't get it. I'll explain it to you in a way that you can understand.
The American flag represents America (freedom). The burka represents modesty (sexual tyranny). Having an American flag burka is a juxtaposition of the two ways of being. The nip slip is meant to beat retards like you over the head with the idea that this image is supposed to represent an inherent contradiction. Also because it is fucking Hustler after all. The contradiction is supposed to be provocative and sexy in a "naughty" sort of way.
It really is a simple picture and the fact you need it explained to you makes me ashamed of our country's standards for intelligence.
Probably just threw an American flag on an illegal and paid her fifty bucks.
I've flag bed sheets and blankets, and a shit ton of my shirts have the flag on them.
who is she?
Visible nipple.
Reported, faggot.
what would happen if this shit was airdropped over ISIS territory instead of being sold, Sup Forums?
pornstar Audrey Royal
look at the filename next time
yeah because people who read fucking hustler really give a shit about diversity, can't see this backfiring, nope
Wasn't this from nearly half a year ago? What the fuck is this shit? Is there really nothing better to make a thread about, you fucking oaf.
It's not even virtue signalling, you stupid shit. They're just trying to sell magazines. What's controvercial right now? Muslims. Boom. They've got a lot of attention. A dying smut magazine looking for anyone to pay attention to them. They could give a shit about legitimate Muslims, because they weren't gonna buy their magazines anyway, and they know this isn't gonna piss off "reel murricuns" because they're showing a Muslim girl acting like a whore and making fun of the burka more than they are shitting on the American flag or making a statement about immigration.
Islamic butthurt and a few lackluster terrorist attacks. Might get into the hands of some of their women though. Could create some sentiment of feminist revolt among them. Probably just make them more steadfast in their belief that the West is degenerate and is trying to make everyone degenerate like them and also that the Jews have turned the West into vile, degenerates and are using them to turn the Muslims into degenerates too by targeting the whorish nature of women.
fuck this makes my blood boil, this is the enemy. this is who i would love to go to war with. i cant feel what they felt how they are able to do that to a human and feel nothing but excitement and happiness. If those non humans want to act like animals we will remember that when the world finally comes around to how evil they are.
Hahhaa thank you for briniging that tard to school
if i were a porn producer i'd do the same .
it will trigger muslims
it will trigger liberals at the same time
it will start a great game of divide and conquer amongst feminist, liberals and sjw will not know what stance to take
Hijabs are hot on hot women. Like all things.
Using a KLM 747 Boeing.
Beautiful :')
it's from 6 June
You're probably an "ass man". Fucking nigger
I saw it months ago. I probably can see the future like in That's So Raven. I'll let you know if I see any happenings on the horizon.
might be true but they started to sell the magazine the 6th June
So Hustler is shitting on Islam. I'd like to believe that but I have my doubts.
wtf i love muslims now
I would convert with my dick alone.
They're not trying to make a political or social statement as much as they are just trying to be provocative to sell more magazines. Also it's kind of a fetish to skank religious girls up a bit. To denigrate religious traditions through sexual openness.
Also they did it in a way were they can kind of play the middle ground in an ideological war and stay neutral. Are they shitting on Islamic tradition or the American flag? It's up to the interpreter. Obviously Muslims will get more offended than American nationalists, but fuck them. They don't buy the magazines and Hustler probably has some decent security. Porn places deal with psychos all the time and often have armed security around the clock. Not heavy duty security, but a couple dudes with pistols and you have to get buzzed into the building. They probably aren't too worried about getting Charlie Hebdo'd.
Breaking religious girls out of their strict anti-sex tradition is a minor fetish of mine. Muslim girls obviously are the best for it since it's the most strict religion and their men are willing to back it up with violence.
This world needs more Mexican-free Muslim porn.
So it`s real, America is a nigger country, can`t deny anymore
Oh god kill it.
To quote Larry Flynt:
>that fucked up tongue
>having to cover your face but not your tits
I mean...okay I guess.
Bets on how long until the muzzies bomb Hustler?
It will for us not living in Europe or America
wew nigger magazine
Pissing people off is Hustler's MO. Saw this coming from a mile away.
1488 o/
>Retards getting offended at edgy porn mag
Funny thing is dehumanising women is a fetish
This picture seems like someone would've made as a clever political cartoon like 10 years ago. Like wrapping an American flag (supposed to resent freedom) around a Muslim woman as a hijab (which represents the subjugation of women). Now leftists are unironically using it to push their stupid shit.
Jeez, 10 years ago that would be a Simpsons joke. I wonder what bullshit will be happening in further 10 years