Muslim dating

Is it actually real? I thought dating is outlawed under Islamic law?

western Islam is not Islam

muslims often use fake dating profiles to lure and murder kaffir. thousands of men and women have died this way and you will never see it reported by any media outlet.

White man here, dating and fucking a 21 year old hijab wearing muslim. AmA

They're trying to outbreed you, and they must've run out of white women stupid enough to take up with a mudshit.

It's not outlawed, they all bang their dads, they can't talk about it because they'll be killed for being sluts, like any woman

>when no one is looking they're nasty freaks

It's hidden.
Technically homosexuality is Harem but that doesn't stop The Afghans from fucking lil boys.

This. Also it's a little secret Britains don't talk about, the massive inbreeding of pakis.

I dated a married Muslim woman, swear on my mothers life.
She was arranged married to him at 19 and fucking me raw by 27. Real Muslim too. She was my coworker and we just clicked, fucked her every day after work until I changed jobs to a different city.

Did you know your relationship can only end up like:
A, Yas break up
B. She leaves her faith to be with you
C. You convert to be with her.

So are you allowed to beat her?


cock crazy bitches are waiting there for you
i like that website
gave me some nice tight musi pussy

It is, but secularized "Muslims" do exist (mostly in western countries)

nice, i honestly kinda like hijabis on girls it makes it more taboo.

Muslim girls dating non-Muslims is forbidden and brutally enforced. This is of a piece with everything else in the destabilization agenda, a one-sided losing deal presented as good or inevitable.

Fucking pre-pubescent doesn't count. Same for Catholics.

I converted 3 years ago but i dont do shit because its impossible to learn Arabic. I feel bad cause shes actually a great chick and sexy as fuck.
She lets me beat her pussy up.
Its pretty good getting blown by a chick in a hijab.

>I converted 3 years ago

Meh. We planned on getting married and she wanted to have my white children. Better me than some fucking Ahmed that will turn them into suicide bombers.

We call it "arranged marriage" in the West.

Islam dating? What are the taglines of such sites?

>Meet someone who ignites the spark
>An explosion of chemistry
>Find the certain someone who makes you boom

Where is she from?
Don't convert ,nigger

>wanted to have my white children
this is not how it works you idiot
you kids will be half inbreed sandnigger cunts

Her family is Egyptian and Palestinian. Ill post ass if you stop calling me a nigger.


Post it anyway.i used to fuck a Muslim Girl, we had to end it because she was in an arranged marriage but she was fucking hot, I'd convert for her (and be apathetic about the religion anyway)

Only if the german apologizes. But thats how i felt anyways. Easier to convert than her leave her family behind. They are hot af, thick like Mexicans, light skinned like a white girl, loyal like a arab muslim.

My girl was Persian. I actually mentioned it to my parents but they didn't like the idea of me converting. At the time I was 19, so I was pretty young.

i do not apologize for anything
you're a whiny pussy
>converting for a cunt
idiot nigger

You're just jelly you never get Muslim ass

Yah for sure. Cant really blame them. Its all bullshit. Ive got some pretty good stories about being in the mosques and praying and feeling completely outcast pretty much.

hijab sluts are all the same, dont act as if its hard to get one

All you have to do is say sorry man, youre not a nigger and you get to see Muslim ass.

>Better me than some fucking Ahmed that will turn them into suicide bombers.
your kids are almost guaranteed to be suicide bombers as being half "white" and half mudshit they will have an identity crisis and as a compensatory measure adopt the most extreme aspects of their minority culture to feel worthwhile.

you can't even say you will make sure they are influenced more by white culture as you are such a hopeless beta that you converted to sand religion.

Shut up kraut I want to see the ass

>this whole thread
Wow, the lefties are right, you guys never actually talked with a Muslim.

Youre totally wrong. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, my family is about as white as you get. We shoot, we hunt, we farm. My parents werent thrilled about her but are accepting because of me. Id wager that she gives up islam after seeing how much better white life is than her brown family. And the kids would be taken care of by my family because her family would want nothing to do with them. Id also never force them to be islamic.

False, unfortunately
If it was true, I'd want it to stay that way you colossal faggot


Send all the muslim females pictures of your dick.

False prophet mohamned promises the homo's young boys in his fake heaven.
Its in the quran.

do they inspect your penis to see if its cut? cause they ain't cutting my dick for some brown puss

>to see Muslim ass.
and i fucked muslim ass
there is nothing you can offer me what i already had
idk where you live, but getting muslim pussy (especially from morocco, algeria and lybia) is easy

Nah they never asked about my penis. They talked about changing my name but i shot that down pretty quickly.


alhamdulillah you have found the truth

wtf where does it say that haha

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>Clitoris intact: Y/N/Partially

Asslamalaukum brother how are you? Inshallah you are well. How is your ramadan?

Never miss an opportunity for shekels

>I converted
Consuming bleach could vastly improve the quality of your life...

>Fag flag
>having sexual intercourse before marriage
>having sexual intercourse with an heretic
How do you want your hell? Hot or cold?

just send them already fag

I hope so