Do women lead easier lives than men?
Do women lead easier lives than men?
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What about male privelage? Are you saying feminism is bunk?
White women do
Uh WOW, did u ever hear of something called a PERIOD?!? yeah no girls have it harder sweetie...
By what metric would you like to measure ease of life?
Women have it easier in every way I can think of, except for that physically and mentally they're retarded.
only if you live in the west
Easy as in having the only thing they are biologically good at taken away from them and pushed into disciplinarys they never had to compete in?
pull your head outtta your but both genders are equally destroyed by the (((house of R)))
The world doesn't expect much of us so we get a trophy for simple achievements.
I think ease of life could be correlated with happiness
>tfw been trying for 2 months to get a job but companies only hire women
Attractive women, yes
Ugly women have to work harder but still possible if they find themselves a cuck for a husband (looking at you Zuckerberg)
Nonsense, women, like children, are spoiled rotten and will never be happy.
I'd say that traditionally men have a more simple existence but that it's more difficult work to be a man.
A woman can struggle and rise through the ranks of society if she chooses too, but that's her choice, she's bringing it on herself.
Men MUST be successful or else we're losers and ain't worth shit.
A woman can have a baby and live on the mans dime and she's considered a success.
99% of woman would literally kill themselves if they lived as a male for more than a week.
we devalued keeping a household, creating live, holding the family together and all other female virtues
they feel empty just like the guy who watches porn and plays video games all day
they on the other hand destroy their soul out of their grief by trying to fill the void by dicks, validation and orbiters where as the males simply destroy their body and therfore their lives
Specially so if your hot too.
even ugly woman have it easier, because they can take the role of the "lesser" woman , and do chores, and get away with it
you have to be really fucking hideous to not have a comfortable life as a woman
In modern western society with all the progressive bullshit and being pandered to constantly they probably do
Otherwise menstruation, childbirth, and the possibility of being physically overpowered by pretty much any man must suck at least a bit
In the west, absolutely
Women get raped about 1000 times more often than men.
OP has never been raped, unfortunately.
>forced to have sex
OH woe is she.
How many women cum when they're raped? If the worst thing that ever happens to you in your life is you cum....your life is too easy.
How would you like to get raped then
And it takes women a lot longer for them to get ready. Men have no idea how easy they have it.
By a woman forcibly putting my dick in her vagina? Can't be too bad
i'd like it if the opposite gender had forced sex with me
Being a right wing woman is just like being a man you receive the same treatment. I doubt I'd kill myself in fact I'd probably be happier because I'd be able to find friends who weren't feminists.
In some ways they do, but they have that whole biological clock thing going where there is a small window of time to achieve their life goal and sole purpose on earth, which is to have children and raise them.
I would not want to have that in the back of my mind all the time and is why I am glad to be a man.
That's why they're all crazy you know. If they can't accomplish that or ig it looks like it's not going to happen it drives them to real despair.
Fuck, this bitch is hot. I could saw my leg just to unload into her.
Do the majority of women get raped? No. Do women think about and prepare for iminent rape at all times? No. Most women let men do the worrying.
No like a guy putting it in your butt
this desu
thats not what women experience when they get raped
A women's job is to select correctly, to control herself in the world
A man's job is to produce, to unleash himself onto the world
bad woman=slut
bad man=deadbeat
breaking the stigma of slut and deadbeat is to destroy society itself.
Personally, I believe that no single group has a universal advantage over other groups but may have advantages in some cases. However, there can be some who'd argue females may have it easier just like some would argue males may have it easier.
Here's a notable and great example of females > males:
Ignore the MGTOW propaganda please.
This is the biggest pile of bullshit i have ever seen
That's menstruation. not like you're bleeding out.
Men have much higher suicide rates than women
you would love prison then, nigger
well a man getting raped by a women is different than a women getting raped by a man. Like the whole pedo teacher thing when its a women vs a man
Women are great even with all their flaws.
If we're talking in the SJW privilege sense I think there's a case to be made for relative ease compared to men. But no their lives are no easier than ours. I know few women who like themselves as much as I like myself.
The man has a point though, rape pales in comparison to what a man can do to another man, or indeed what a woman can do to a man with full legal backing from the state (pic related).
sounds like they're just losers...
Opposing rape is islamophobic, user
NO because they have to deal with your awkward bullshit when you try to get laid. Astronomical weapons grade cringe dawg
>possibility of being physically overpowered by pretty much any man
What an age of faggots we live in. This is in no way true, unless we're talking
about mudslimes.
and this is why we think you women are annoyingly dumb
6/10 and above do. The othets have it the same except for really ugly like 2/10. They have it worse.
>Women get raped about 1000 times more often than men.
I'm calling bullshit.
All women have it easy.
If muslim women marry a man that beats the shit out of them its their own fault.
Its a heavy weight and we are only stronger than them to carry it.
Its a duty.
"EASY" doesn't fucking pay well.
Who is that sexy bitch?
Spread legs, get preggo ,collect child support + Government assistance = winning.
Jesus, I can practically smell the rotten cheese coming out of that brah
>implying they get to choose their husband
Even ugly women get a free pass on many things like working hard in a job.
>A man getting raped by a women is different from a woman getting raped by a man
That's an insane logical fallacy right there. The mental gymnastics that people must have to go through to believe this is astounding. A woman raping a mad is quite literally the same thing as a man raping a woman. I'd actually argue that a masculine man would undergo a lot more humiliation than a female counterpart.
My mother is a 50 year old widow. She works 14 hour shifts often at night as a nurse. She is a good goy and takes prescription medication to get through life. Unless I hit paydirt she will exist in this way for another 18 perhaps 20 or more years until retirement by which time she will be god only knows what. Who has the harder life? You can choose between being an exhausted slave with a destroyed mind and no idea what's going on or a young man with the responsibility of liberating that person.
If you want to know the pain of women, aside from trivial things like childbirth, just look in the mirror at yourself and compare what you see with what you could be. The state of men is unspeakable.
It's pretty obvious it is. Men provide everything. When men and women both work the man stills pays for most of the shit. Women bitch and moan about having to cook a meal once a day that takes all of 15 minutes of time while the man is expected to take care of household chores like fix the house/car, build shit that's needed, etc.
They get pussy passes all the time, to boot.
All of the 5/10s and below that have hordes of betas chasing after them tells me that you're wrong. They only have it harder when they hit their 30s and their attractiveness is no longer inflated. Pretty much any girl that takes care of herself decently well lives life on easy mode before 30.
Yes but ugly men can still more easily climb the social hierarchy ladder by success, hard work, and humor. While not impossible, it is much much harder for ugly women to climb the social hierarchy ladder.
Ugly is subjective and can be treated with a healthy lifestyle.
>rape is just surprise sex that women should be grateful for
If any of you had had sex, you would know that unless a woman's wet and feeling it, sex gets real painful real fast. Fucking a dry vagina literally tears it to shreds. It can happen with consensual sex too but generally you're going to stop pretty fast if she gets dry. A rapist isn't going to stop and she'll be lucky if she's able to walk for the next month, and she's going to have trouble having sex for a long time afterwards. Not to even mention the violence that goes along with being raped.
There is nothing, at all, "good" about being raped. It's literally as bad, painful and damaging as taking it dry in the ass with a splintering broom handle.
That said, rape is massively overreported.
>20 percent of women in america are raped
>32,000 women get pregnant from rape each year
let's assume that only one percent of the women that are raped get pregnant; let's also approximate that women are half of the population. that's 1% of 20% of 50% of 320 million people getting pregnant from rape each year. That's 320 thousand women who should be getting pregnant, right? No, it's actually a tenth of that; 32 thousand people. A tenth of a percent of the 20 percent of women who get raped are getting pregnant each year. Do those sound like accurate statistics, or do those sound like they were manipulated to fit a narrative?
And she will be in intense, constant, debilitating physical pain for a long time afterwards.
Why rapefugees are tolerated I have no idea.
That's not true when you factor in what is considered rape.
I'm quite certain in, modern times, rape is not the violent occurence people imagine. Most of it is a girl having sex with someone while drunk and regretting it after.
>as bad, painful and damaging as taking it dry in the ass with a splintering broom handle
A dick in a dry vagina is as bad as a splintering broken broom handle in the ass?
You could have just gone with a dick in the ass with no lube (which would still be worse than a dry vagina) but you had to make it sound worse than it actually is.
Roastie detected,
Good people go to prison because of such whores
The pain and humiliation a man goes through when raped by another man is not equivalent to how rape is treating as a subject matter in reference to women. Westerners see rape as one of the most heinous, dehumanizing acts one can commit against someone which is why it is the most heavily prosecuted crimes in our societies even with little evidence. No one is saying that rape against anybody, especially woman, is a good thing.
What we are pointing out is a complete bastardization of a very serious area of concern, women deciding that inebriating themselves then regretting who they fuck is the same as one of the most traumatizing things that can happen to a person, and the fact that women usually put themselves in these situations by walking scantily claforming romantic relationships with and advocating for the free movement of third worlders known to assert their dominance via rape within out borders.
Except the standard of acceptable work for women is always lower than men in every area employment. Hence, easier life.
not for long
A fucking 6/10 woman can breeze through life. It's fucking pathetic.
Probably not. I sit on my ass all day and shitpost on Sup Forums. What could possibly be easier?
The only way that rape is painful to a woman is if she is actually raped (as in, a man forcibly sexually assaults while she resists to the best of her abilities), but that only means she has bruises and cuts on her skin. But from a sexual standpoint she has the ability to feel pleasure from the encounter, while for a man everything would be painful.
>People were born in Dec 1999
>Those born then are still 17
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhh
Going out with your friends that are availiable 24/7 for drinks, hunting men and returning to a coasy house in time for tea and biscuits
Definitely white women, asian as well.
Black women have it rough though. Literally the most undesirable in the entire planet aside from maybe asian men. Not like it's not their own fault though, even black guys hate dating black women because they're so masculine, loud, and ratchet.
That's the thing, women can still become housewives if they want to. Women always have an out by virtue of the hole between their legs and the obsession the average man has with it.
Those who dive into the jew kool-aid might be more miserable than their counterparts fifty years ago, but they still have a far easier time than men in any situation they find themselves in.
Weak liberal whites never pass on an oportunity for big mama
Further proof that she's a whore
yes and no.
they get free drinks if they dress and look right
but they also have to deal with retards all day.
also social stigma to do stuff they never liked
in the first place, cost of beauty products,
i have met female machinists who do great work
but i've also met females who suck at their job
same percentage goes for men though
I'm pretty sure her name is brittany venti, if you're searching for who she is.
some days ago there was a thread about rape in prison, and OP provided sources proving that more than 75% of all rapes happen there, against especially (but not exclusively) white men. The reason is not just that there are lots of males deprived of vaginas locked in a confined space, but rape is seen as a means of humiliation and subjugation.
However, no one cares about it because fuck men, let's protect that fat bitch who regrets getting drunk and having sex with a drunk guy.
Yes and no.
The pretty ones get alot of shit handed to.them for free or way easily, but the have to deal with dudes only wanting to fuck them all the fucking time. Alot of the hardcore sluts and spoiled shots become femanazis.
The ugly ones have to work for shit but still get alot of stuff for free. They have to actually try to be with someone instead of wearing a dress that's literally 1 inch away from showing off alot of ass.
All women have a fuck ton of privilege tho.
this girl is 100% the reason the Kek shit was blown out of proportion, two-faced vapid cunt
White male Aussie
And yes it is. A splintered broomhandle will tear your shit up. A dick pounding you dry will tear your shit up.
My gf and I had the same experience going for longer than we should've.
post her sexy pictures. what about the pusy?