Hey mods why do you care if some people are talking about how there are brainwashing videos for babies on youtube that are 100% being used to prime child sex slaves? You got any kids of your own?
Hey mods why do you care if some people are talking about how there are brainwashing videos for babies on youtube that...
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Sup Forums is for politics.
Good question, OP
Makes you wonder doesn't it
Oh, okay
So that's why the 'depression' and 'what can we do about women' threads stay up for hours and are repeated and tolerated every time
So where do you go to talk about human trafficking?
This, we got shut down here for looking into this. I still think google is involved. All that IP being used and no one is getting sued? bullshit
you have a point there
This, enforce the rules fairly or don't enforce them at all.
Don't forget nigger hate and tranny threads that reach bump limit
Oh right we need 10 more memestone nothing threads instead of something thats actually happening.
If you really want to do something, bitch to the corporations that advertise on these videos. That's how this whole demonization on "racist" videos started in the first place. Mass reporting to jewtube will never do anything if they're making money on it.
How is this not political. This is the fight for humanity. This is potentially a thread to the enemy.
Nah I think I'll stay here, enjoy your child concubine though cletus
Liberals are kid fiddlers
That's why
and you enjoy being a little feminist bitch boy
You can sperg about this videos but you won't change anything. I have reported them countless times and they are still up, stop wasting your time.
You're not even denying it? I'm a feminist for not wanting kids to get molested? Fucking kek, did you grow up watching this shit yourself?
Why couldn't these degenerates just neck themselves
Why do I have to spend every waking moment witnessing them get away with another rape of my country
Why can't the fucking normies just give a shit about something real for once
Why do the kikes or whoever is doing this get to get away with it and LIE and people actually believe we're the bad guys
I could be wasting my time shitposting about black people and women but this is what I chose to spend my time doing.
Its on the parents. You're just encouraging the use of the internet as an automatic babysitter with your attempting to sanitize the internet. Maybe parents should monitor what their kids do. Oh no but that would be too much like responsibility, just sit an in front if a computer or hand them a smartphone and ignore them.
no i grew up not being raised by video games and television
now fuck off pizzacancer, (You)s are not upvotes.
It's not the parents' fault these videos exist.
You grew up playing doctor with your dad, you mean.
stop ignoring the fucking point faggot. if you allow your children to use internet devices unattended you deserve everything you get.
Cynical for 4chaners to shit about these videos but in truth its some serious shit going around. That has to reach to mainstream audience or some genius to crack who is behaind these chanels.
I havn't really looked into this, but these videos seem to be more the result of very young children (9 and under) typing their favorite things into youtube and clicking the videos with the funniest names.
Whoever was making these videos is keeping the gravy train rolling even though it's gotten to the point where things are completely fucked up.
Yes, but it is the parents fault they let their kids watch them because they don't give a shit about them. But instead of railing against parents that just had their kids something with an internet connection and let them at it so they can ignore them you're railing against "oh no the videos brainwashing the kids".
I'm saying you're ignoring the real problem(using tge internet as a babysitter, just like TV used to be).
Ok so the onus is on the parents to just be happy goys, go back to work, buy toys and make sure their children are completely sheltered and shielded from the evil Mammon worshipping filth these "people" fill every corner of the world with. Go fuck yourself.
Post the videos
Report this to Disney, they're the only ones willing to do anything about it.
This channel is making too much money for them to not step in at this point.
No, the internet isn't supposed to be a babysitter but what PURPOSE does grooming children to be sold as sex slave serve to people who aren't fucking demonic pedophiles? You're ok with these people having their grooming videos out in the open so the kids are ready when they get shipped off to be some Muslim's cum dumpster?
lol youre a fucking retard kid, stop fucking spamming Sup Forums.
>templar flag
>wants to see videos for pedophiles
Checks out
>pizzacancer hates free speech
and not a single person is surprised.
Just go on youtube, look up "elsa spiderman" they will definitely come up and stay on autoplay.
Go toss your dad's salad you worthless fuck.
Yes, it is on the parents to control what their kids see. They shouldny give their kids unrestricted unmonitored internet access and if they do it's their fault their kids see what's out there.
I was playing hentai games on Newgrounds at 12 because my parents didn't give a shit about my internet. That's the actual problem, parebts not caring, and if that was the issue you were talking about you'd have a point.
Fuck off you retard.
lol funny how pizzafaggots always default to fantasies of pederasty.
It doesn't matter because if the parents knew what their kids were watching they'd still want the videos removed. So you can't say shit about Muslims or women on youtube without getting death threats and eventually removed/banned but this is perfectly acceptable. Kys.
I'm not the one defending pedophiles here guy.
>muh rights to pedoshit
investigation threads are the highlights of pol. nobody cares about nigger hate threads.
lol keep being disingenuous. mods wont delete this shit thread anyways, which kinda makes your whole argument fall apart.
The person would have definitely been exposed by now if they weren't most likely a Rothschild family member or something.
>we need to censor the internet so parents can ignore their children
Fuck off.
>muh freedumbs to diddle my kids trumps things like the geneva convention
Jesus the shilling is hard in this one, its like we hit the god damn spinal cord not just a nerve.
Why do people dont understand this
Why dont you take off your memeflag schlomo
Seriously we let this get out of hand.
lol pizzacancer is proof that Sup Forums was controlled opposition from the start.
>Muh off topic
Fuck you mods. Fucking kikes.
Shill your shitty content somewhere else faggot, nobody falls for this viral marketing shit here.
And the constant shilling of Sup Forums btfo threads weren't ? You speak like an animal, a deranged one. Should likely be put down aswell.
If anyone's even bothering to come down here, heres the last thread. 5 bucks says I fucked up the link.
I make these videos for a living. AMA
>y-you're the shill
Didn't post the videos though. Time to take your meds chaim, bend over.
These is a reference to Lucifer.
>implying shilling for maybe 1000 views at most would even make a drop in the bucket of views they already get
Nice logic there, Goldstein.
I'm guessing you meant to reply to the pedoshill who probably has a freezer full of babies.
>Banned on June 18th
>Ban expires on June 21st
>Makes a post on June 19th
This is what scares me the most. The 3 major Abrahamic religions all tie in somehow and end at actual demon worship, I feel it deep down.
Can someone post an invite link to the "investigating Youtube" discord channel pls?
>child sex slaves
it's just capitalism you fucking idiot, content specially-made to beat the youtube system and make millions of dollars
maybe you shouldn't let your fucking retard kids have free reign over the internet before they're old enough to realize how retarded shit like this is
Stay triggered jew
>everyone i don't like is a jew
only jews post with non-geographic flags
I know that thinking like this has lead to the decline in white birth rates.
I will not deny the existence of injustice or evil. I will not stand idlely as members of my community, of my country, are abused, used for dark schemes.
I'd love to discuss this stuff on pol and I'm with you on this, but why would you go out of your way to make it sound like /x/ tier shit? Not helping your case
>I will not stand idlely as members of my community, of my country, are abused, used for dark schemes.
then sign up for the police and start beating some nigger heads in, instead of "posting for awareness" about some non-existent garbage made by some clever people who figured out how to game youtube's shitty system
Do you guys think this is one of those vids?
I know that there is more to this than there appears to be. I will not deny the peculiarity of this phenomenon. I do not believe in coincidence.
The mods moved the last thread. They don't want us talking about this. These videos aren't a secret though, they are out in the open for all to see, like a big "Fuck you, we'll do what we want"
It's not black people who post these vids. Stop changing the topic.
there literally isn't
but if you insist, go back to /x/
>brainwashing videos for babies on youtube that are 100% being used to prime child sex slaves
come on dude I'm not ruling it out but its not like this issue is already settled. Thats what makes you sound like a nut, and exactly what mods would want to hear to justify moving it to /x/
I believe my gut. I question the precarious.
>reee go back to work goy this board is for talking about traps and niggers nothing else
It is settled, it's blatantly fucking obvious what the videos are trying to accomplish.
i thought this too then i saw the ceasar ciphers.
pretty weird.
As long as it APPEARS innocent literally nothing will happen, besides brain injury when you fucking autists shitpost about it on the POLITICS board
KYS stupid newfag
Could you at least try to make some fucking sense?
>waaaaah waaaah weird scary videos ;-; mommy save me
These threads summed up, you're a fucking pussy
Take it easy buddy, we're just trying to shed some light on a problem.
>I defend pedophile rights on the internet like an edgy developmentally stunted faggot
Heres your (You)
Did your handlers forget your medication again?
>autists are THIS easy to troll
kek, too easy
thanks for bumping our thread
>mommy I got them to respond to me!
>I was just pretending to be retarded
you're welcome ya dumb faggot
Go to bed, daddy will be upstairs shortly.
thanks but this thread's still dying we gotta go further
Totally normal, totally healthy.
>go further
>circle jerk about public and known information on the wrong board
I wish
yeah thats the spirit post better bait then that though so we can get more posts