also, do you believe reformation efforts are likely to come from muslim majority countries that want to improve their lives, or from muslims in western nations witnessing the staggering differences between the opposing cultures?
Do you believe islam can be reformed through giving platform to "moderate" voices?
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All sandniggers must burn.
Reza is not muslim. If you sat down with him for lunch, and candidly talked with the faggot, he would admit being an agnostic.
What's the alternative?
Only consequences (like travel ban) can force reform
No but separating their heads from their bodies would be a good start
I believe Islam can and must only be reformed if the muslims themselves want to show initiative to do it.
If a bunch of liberals start converting to Islam in order to reform it from within, that sounds like a recipe for a WW3 to me and not a good way to reform Islam.
>Do you believe islam can be reformed
it's hard, but I think there is a possibility.
I have a feeling the moderates will just get assassinated by the extremists.
Why not the jews who bombed their lands causing them to become refugees and then the jews who told them they can easy go to europe and start a new life?
Why not the jews? Why blame the victims? We need to dismantle Israel and repatriate the musllims in their homelands - They all WANT to go back but they can't because the jews are killing everyone over there.
Muslims were not a problem until they started getting bombed by the jews and forced out of their lands running for their lives.
No one, especially not devout Muslims, gives a shit what your pussified, rainbow-farting unicorn interpretation of Quran is. What you're suggesting cannot be done.
fuck outta here with that shit. Islam is not Christianity that's been changed 100 times and pacified for you. Islam will never change, the world will change and the traitors who attempt to subvert it will be stoned
No. But that's the bullshit (((they))) are trying to sell us
Muslims are what they are. They're like narcissistic children. Give them an inch and they want a yard
Smack them down and they respect you
Kick them back to where they came from and you can respect yourself
Only thing in your way are (((governments)))
If you don't understand what is gong on then get the fuck out of Kekistan.
You goy are so fucking naive and ignorant they just talk about it in your face. They think you are donkeys and you fucking act like donkeys!
that's all funny coming from an aussie colonist fag.
If giving a platform to moderate voices means undermining it and rendering it subservient to capitalist and secular interests like Christianity, then can be "saved".
It simply won't be Islam anymore.
You have a better chance of doing so in Western countries since the stats show, at least in America and Canada, that they are much more liberal than any other muslims in the world.
But you don't get there by elevating Reza Aslans up. The guy literally said that it was justified for Muslims to violently protest because of Muhammad cartoons.
Meanwhile Muslims who say that the Koran is not inherently peaceful get put on SPLC anti-muslim hate lists.
>Do you believe islam can be reformed through giving platform to "moderate" voices?
Mankind has reached a certain maturity in its civilization. Islam, Judaism and Christianity have taken turns being the worst scourges of humanity We no longer need the fairy tales.
Reason and intelligence are the only cures for the cancers that are the Abrahamic religions.
ISIS and the like ARE their Reformation. Like our western Protestant one, it's focused on getting back to roots. Its just that the roots are entirely barbaric.
So no, it can't be reformed that way. It might be reformed in accordance with the way maybe I think you mean if we embrace, say, General Sherman's ideas of "making them feel they are defeated" and probably a March to the Sea through the Arabian peninsula.
How can a religion be reformed with a prophet like Mohamed at its foundation? How many consecutive life sentences would Mohamed serve if he could be prosecuted today?
oh thats hysterical. not a problem, we was dindus
I believe Islam can be reformed by forcefully removing all Muslims from non-Muslim countries and then nuking every single Muslim country repeatedly for about a month just to make sure.
I think it can be reformed, at least in the West but you need to do a lot more than give a voice to the true moderates because they are only the tiniest of minorities. The first thing that needs to go is all foreign funding for mosques as almost every imam is just a mouthpiece for the Saudi propaganda machine.
their religion got taken over and weaponized the same way catholics weaponized christianity during the crusades.
Oh no?
It STARTED as a weapon. That IS its foundation.
how about installing a liberal Caliph? Before WW1, the Ottoman Emperors held it, and they managed to keep the whole religion lukewarm and submissive for more than 200 years after 1700
moderate is scared because they will be killed by radical if they want to change and also the quran is absolute for both of them, if moderate want to change, radical will accuse moderate denying quran and have an excuse to kill them. this is why there will be no protest against radical by moderate.
and by this radical will be easy to sway moderate by preacher imam.
you have to convince the moderate that quran is not absolute then you will have a reform
OP you do realize that reformers/moderates get killed by other muslims, effectively rendering any change impossible
i don't think it's completely impossible for there to be a reform, but i do think the conservative and radical Muslims will be 100% correct when they accuse the reformers of heresy and of justifying their beliefs using dishonest bullshit interpretations of the Qu'ran
Wrong. Mohammed set a violent example in his life.
What "reformed" really means is subverting Islam into a tool the globalists can use to ensure their dominance, similar to how Christianity was subverted. This is why terrorist attacks happen, the terrorists realize the intent of the globalists who want to force all Muslim countries into their dominion by subverting Islam.
In that sense, this is why the terrorist attacks are claimed to be "part and parcel". This is because some Muslims inevitably get redpilled on what globalists are doing to their religion.
Islam's strength is in its appeal to all the worst impulses of a chronically abused adolescent male who has just hit puberty.
Are you seriously calling Reza Aslan a "moderate" muslim? He's the biggest fucking apologist on the planet.
Not while the Left continues to dismiss all criticism of Islam as racist. How do you expect Muslims to listen to "moderates" when the "moderates" are just repeating what racists say?
Also, by "moderates" you really mean "secularists".
Islam already had a reformation, and it gave us Wahabbism, aka Al Qaeda and ISIS.
(((moderate muslim)))
nonstarter. Although that is the liberal's project.
They think on Islam as an Apache Problem: Find the big chief, or appoint one, then make a treaty.
But Caliphates change the rules for all muslims. A complete state change. They aren't presidents or kings or popes. Anyway, liberal or not a caliph would make everything far far worse
A religion is reformed when it is incompatible with its adherents.
Islam is incompatible with the west, but it is perfectly compatible with muslims.
There will be no reformation, and all talking about such a possibility does is lull people into a false sense of 'everything will be alright in the end'.
The reformation will come from both sides. As we've already seen those living in western countries have adopted our ways to an extent, ie. girls and boys given equal education mixed in the same classes, women working outside of the home, driving; and those still in fundamental societies and countries gaining more access to the outside world will push for more societal freedoms as we've seen in SA recently. I don't know if this is good or dangerous, western culture is shit imo.
Do you think extremists give a fuck about moderates? Extremists are either so retarded that they have lost all semblance of the religion they claim to represent, or more likely, are charlatan fucks in it for profit.
Extremists rarely practice the religion they so violently try to propagate. Maybe the one fuckboy weirdo who straps a bomb to his dick because he cant get laid, but isis and shit is too organised for it to be simpleton religious people trying to spread their nonsense.
Look at the Reformation in Christianity. It took extremists who were willing to kill Roman Catholics to enforce their view.
Do you think moderate Muslims (if they exist) are going to go to war with ISIS, and then Saudi Arabia? Nope.
The problem with Islam is a two-part equation: Bad doctrine + low IQ group
Fix either one of those problems and it would be possible to reform Islam and make it compatible with the 21st century.
well no
if you create a condition where practice of the religion as it exists today is either impossible or has a sufficiently high cost associated, things change.
in order to do that requires we do some very untoward things, to the point where average westerner can't look himself in the mirror.
so stalemate, but something will give anyway.
Um no.
You still think a religion is an arbitrary set of beliefs and practices.
Rather, it is the spiritual and theological manifestation of a people's DNA.
Essentially, you can never 'stop' a muslim from being a muslim. It is hard-wired.
>Muslims in the West influencing the ones in the Middle East
Lmao never gonna happen.
Not really actually, and Aussies aren't colonialists, they're prisoners. Nice try faggot
Won't happen due to 1000 years of inbreeding permanantly damaging their gene pool
This never happened in Europe on that scale so they continued to evolve upwards
Islam and its die hard followers are permanently Plateau'd
Islam hasn't evolved in 1500 years, what makes you think it ever will?
no because the books provide every excuse for them to carry on as they are. For every 10 moderates you only need 1 to follow the book to the letter and you are talking millions of combatants - since there are billions of muslims, when they kick off who will the moderates follow ? The 'unbeliever' ? No chance
No, the solution to Islam (as well as any religion) is to mock it into oblivion. Why do you think they push for blasphemy laws so hard? Islam is the easiest to mock religion on the planet by far and they know it.
No, look at us as christians. We have moderate and progressive voices yet our movements for crusades and ethnic cleansing exist. The difference is sand niggers can't control their impulses and are more prone to act on their beliefs
Why would they? Islam is already sybaritic degenerate cult of death, with leaders enjoying bacha bazi, harems and drugs, while peasants enjoy cousins and drugs. All you need is lower the violence. Hard work, as promoted by protestants is not needed now, wealth is not sin for islam, so why would they reform?
No, of course not. It's operating as intended. If you look at ISIS, it's exactly what you would expect of people who venerated Mohammad.
The "moderate" is not real. Just a tool to make you accept certain changes in your society and make it more Muslim.
No, because their book preaches specifically against that...the only way to have an effective "reformation" would be too literally re-write the quran and remove large chunks. it would be difficult to convince 1.5 billion people to try Islam-lite