Brexit is finished



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How worried is UK right now? Still can't believe you retards voted leave.

>the newspaper that supports an independent Scotland


Scotland isn't wrong in wanting to leave. The UK is fucked.

>the current state of the UK
lmao already knocked KO on day 1
May didn't even have the guts to show up herself...

Not gonna lie, former Leave supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Britain crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let Brexit get the nuclear codes

Strange that the EU would be worried about UK getting a divorce
Even stranger are the comments above
Willing to be not one of you is white
So who's the Paki
who's the Nigerian
who's the kyke
C'mon shekel shills, slide out from behind those flags

About as worried as I am when I see CNN talk about how Trump is being impeached this time and they really mean it.

>But in all seriousness we can't let Brexit get the nuclear codes
What did he mean by this? Comrade Corbyn?

The EU is more fucked.

scotland doesnt want to leave hence why the snp lost tons of seats they are here forever now lmao


The far-right English & Welsh are desperate to try and stop us becoming a prosperous & diverse nation like Sweden

>inbred Anglo damage control
wakey wakey britcucks, Scotland will be independent, Ireland re-united and Gibraltar will be Spanish when the HARD BREXIT is over

It was made clear that this would be the first thing discussed before everything else, how is this a 1-Nil situation- oh that's right it's the MSM

>how is this a 1-Nil situation
EU said they want this cleared up first.
Miss weak & wobbly said the UK is a strong independent nation that needs no deal and will first discuss the FTA.

Then UK capitulates on the very first day of negotiation on such a major point.


>Being this new...

The only reason BREXIT is a bad thing is because the EU is doing everything to screw them over. If (((they))) weren't such cunts about saving their open borders clusterfuck then there wouldn't be a problem.

I am gutting myself laughing at how wrong the brexiters are

How do bongs feel about the fact that the EU negociator is french?

I remember a poll revealing that the british deemed the french to be the least trustworthy europeans.

How does the UK not want to just go kill everyone on that goddamned rock every day? lol I mean holy shit, almost one year of Brexit now and still not a done deal, their politics are horrific.

This is going to be hilarious

No, Brexit will continue.

If you're cheering this on, you're a dumbass. Brexit will continue, and you'll get the harshest possible trade agreements by default.

Basically, the UK's economy will tank.

He isn't French. He represents the European Union, and only looks out for the interests of that union. His nationality is therefore irrelevant.

Now you know why we voted to leave.

God fucking damnit, why

>Basically, the UK's economy will tank.

The only performing large economy in the Eurozone is Germany and that's purely down to the black magic they apply to the Med countries.

>Leftwing rag
>relevant or believable

Good. You and the ref of the actual cucks can go fuck yourself. I'd love nothing more than for England to be free

Because you voted Tory.

I'm almost starting to feel bad for the UK. Almost.

You will be subject to bad tariffs, and an increase cost for importing/exporting goods due to the subsequent increase in regulation, and a complete loss of protections that keep your goods from being beat out of the water by cheaper shit.

The only thing that was protecting you for getting BTFO by cheaper competitors was the EU.

>EU flag
>Doesn't even recognise this pasta

Back to plebbit

Wouldn't that all be countered with a falling british pound though?

>make a referendum to ask the population if they want certain thing
>The UK makes a decision
>the entire EU establishment and leftist parties work their hardest to make sure they people's will doesn't happens because they simply don't like it.

Europe is a authoritarian shithole

Oh no. Worse case scenario, we end up as poor as you are except we aren't part of your cuckold club.

Enjoy your refugees.

>genuinely believing the EU isn't going to force you to take in refugees if you don't want to get fucked in the anus economically.

People knew what the economic implications would be from day one of the campaign but they still voted leave. It'd be better to reform the EU then to leave it outright.

day of the toothbrush draws nigh

Enjoy your quintessential fellow Brits.

lol do they even know brexit was a meme started by the rish and voted for by the irish? Britain is being attacked up down and from all sides

How dare you Brits vote for sovereignty from bearucratic authoritarians.



>It'd be better to reform the EU
That doesn't look like happening any time soon.

close the door, tell the EU to fuck themselves.
tell the EU members "we will deal with you directly, if the EU doesn't let you, tell your people, get out the EU!"

No deal is better than a 100 billion Euro extortion.

This is like Mexico building the wall itself and Sup Forums saying >DRUMPF BTFO

>mfw europoors are not stock piling gold/silver while the going is good
Your bankers are doing it while also fraudulently keeping the price down with worthless paper contracts
Are you all retards or something?

And again
[[[ they ]]] always overplay their hand


Hard brexit means they'll lose everything that's preventing them from tanking economically...

EU forces other countries to buy higher priced products, and discourages competition from outside sources. The UK will not get this protection anymore, causing massive inflation.

You cancerous piece of shit

Good luck reforming it, Paddy.
Easier to make eternal peace between Israel and Palestine.

The eu refuses to reform, the commission decides what is debated. The only option you have as an eu member is to give more and more power to the unelected commission.

We'll take the no trade option in that deal.

I thought it was 274 billion now.

>Easier to make eternal peace between Israel and Palestine.
They said the same about Franc and Germany.
They said the same about Poland and Germany.
They said the same about Netherlands and Germany.
They said the same about Denmark and Germany.

Yet here we are today.

>win vote
Nice government you got there

The English are honestly shitting themselves. Everyone knows the French will boss these negotiations and the UK will come out with nothing whilst scotland laughs

The only answer the eu commission offers is to give them more power.

Are you in drugs?
Or you let the koala near the keyboard again?

We are already aware that there will be a hard brexit as this is the only option the eu could possibly put on the table. Anything less would be political suicide for the commission.

sounds familiar


You'll get a Norway type deal/EFTA offer. Shariah May will refuse it.

this is fucking retarded

Sensitivity training for Bobbies is how the UK maintains its peaceful, multicultural society :S

wtf is this gay shit

I love how they both look absolutely horrified

>just saved ourselves from freedom of movement and domination from a foreign empire that is importing thousands of muslims and niggers and blackmailing members into taking them every single day
Not yet paddy.

It's the police force Shariah May built while she was Home Secretary.

To be fair there's nothing sharia about what's going on here, in fact it is positively haram. That indian lady needs to put some clothes on

I bet UK continues to take in refugees at the same rate

>belong to the biggest trade block in the world
>no barriers, no tariffis, no nothing
>allowed to keep this priviledges and your own currency
>free to mold and adapt easily to the economic climate
>lol i'm out

i'll never understand this

>That tanned UK cop staring at that mans big titties

Soros was crying about brexit in the daily mail
Of course it won't go easy if (((they))) want us to remain

Have fun being a negroid-eurasian ruled over by jews mate.

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the EU, President of the Paneuropean Union 1926–1972

>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014

>Van Rompuy receives Kalergi prize 2012

>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010

> bad tariffs
Why are tattoos a bad thing again?

Why is the tax payer subsidising huge international companies cheep imports a good thing?

lmao you are deluded euro cuck

Honestly user, this is Economics 101.

Every tax imposed on a producer/importer is ultimately a tax that consumers have to pay for through higher prices. The state gets richer while the people get poorer.

Refugees === civil war
This isn't a lefty civil war, this is right wing nationalist death dead civil war.

I kinda want a shit deal so I can start burning shit... starting with all those shorty brutalist buildings.
We will call it "the great purge"

The future will honour us for our crimes....!!!!

> reform
We threatened to leave and Cameron couldn't
get a single reform worth having.

Prolly runs to the USofA, where he belongs

>Have fun being a negroid-eurasian ruled over by jews mate.

British Colonies, mate. There's a higher % of "native british" niggers, brownskins and yellowskins in Britain than in the rest of Europe.

UK isn't out of EU. The only stupid people are those pretending UK is out of EU.

Surely, by this point no one's going to argue that May isn't a pro-EU Labour agent..

I mean, you couldn't fuck up so badly if you really tried hard.

The funny thing is you were asking for the EXACT SAME THINGS then and right now.
>no payment
You didn't get it before, you're not getting it now.
>no free movement

Wanna bet on the outcome this time?

This x100


If some cunt wants to import a German car let them, also let them pay the fucking tarrif.

I don't see how just because some middle class cunt wants a German car EVERYONE has to pay for them to get it cheeper...

Also tariffs effect German more than it effects us.

5% of companies in the U.K. Trade directly with EU, 15% indirectly...
We'll be fine user, once Trump offers FTA with anglosphere we are fine and EU Is fucked....!!!!

>We'll be fine user, once Trump offers FTA with anglosphere we are fine and EU Is fucked....!!!!

Historically, no country that has signed an FTA with the USA, profited from it. The Americans always profited (see NAFTA etc.), the other partners got royally shafted. What makes you think this'll be different?

>The National
>Scotland is not a nation

It really makes me think

>I don't see how just because some middle class cunt wants a German car EVERYONE has to pay for them to get it cheeper...
I really think you're misunderstanding how tariffs work.

>no tariffs
Nobody pays anything. Pure free market conditions, best product wins.

>import tariffs
State wins money, home consumers lose money because they are paying the tariff, foreign exporters lose profit because they sell less products.

>black paki
you're describing the curent uk ladfamalam

Yeah easy.
EU carry on being cunts, we leave with no deal (£160 billion boost to economy)
Germany economy collapses and tries to make the rest of EUROPE pay for their shit.
Rest of EU gets fucked off with Germany.
EU civil war.
Germany looses again (it's what they do)
A bright future for Europe with its biggest plague (Germans) a distant memory

>What makes you think this'll be different?
Because Trump said AMERICA FIRST and of course that means giving charity to the UK, right.

That was sarcasm.

Well when our politicians believe nobody would vote brexit they didn't plan how to exit the EU or even prepare any negotiators for the process.

>There's a higher % of "native british" niggers, brownskins and yellowskins in Britain than in the rest of Europe.
At least we don't have to worry about yours now too. And our government isn't trying to turn us into a eurasian-negroid race ruled by jews.

>EU takes action against eastern states for refusing to take refugees
>13 June 2017

>French would-be president Macron says would seek Poland sanctions
>Apr 27, 2017

>Merkel REFUSES to change her migration policy despite terror attacks and says refugees who wage jihad 'mock Germany for taking them in'
>28 July 2016

Yes. The current UK is in the EU, one of the main sources of cuckoldry. But not for much longer.

Also, you should read these. Soon Romanians will be getting browner.

>And our government isn't trying to turn us into a eurasian-negroid race ruled by jews.

They don't have to, 'cause you already are.
And now with your economy going to go downhill, there will soon come a time when Britain will start begging to be allowed into the EU again... and much laughter will be heard all over Europe

>And our government isn't trying to turn us into a eurasian-negroid race ruled by jews.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Kicking out the White European meat out of the UK while importing more Commonwealth trash sure isn't helping.

The least trustworthy Europeans are definitely Germans

No deal is better than a bad deal.

>I really think you're misunderstanding how tariffs work.
Enlighten me!
Government pays EU membership out of tax, we all pay tax, only cunts who import shit get the benifit.

> Exporters loose money
LOL.... but when we leave EU's shitty FTA with strings, we can write our own FTA with the other 160 countries in the world...

Fastest growing economies, South America.
Slowest growing economies, EU

Keep dreaming my bitter kraut friend.

At least at this rate you'll make a killing exporting all that salt you got over there, might make up for destroyed car companies...

p.s your shitty fusion reactor is IMPOSSIBLE to make sustained power, you spend €15 billion on a reactor that doesn't work yet (and will never) and our American bros have a mini reactor design (that actually works) for around £1 billion.