Was giving women rights a mistake?
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Yes, suffrage specifically.
Women vote on emotional lines, and now we have a massive welfare state.
nice butt.
Awesome thread OP, real original
Just try and take my fucking rights nazi punks.
#1: women were born with 'rights' and don't need men to 'give' them their natural born rights
#2: if men hadn't fallen for the (((slut))) propaganda and if men hadn't glorified sluts, women would not have turned into sluts in order to be regarded as relevant
Men caused the problem as usual. Now men post fake 'concern' about the monster they created
Women were a mistake
She looks like a penis. Butt is balls and the back is the shaft. Can not unsee now.
You're 12. You have no rights.
I would fuck her butthole confirmed
That ass is only a right from me man.
If only you knew how to make sandwiches properly we would not talk about repairing that mistake to let women vote
>Women vote on emotional lines
and men do not, right? Fuck off.
>#1: women were born with 'rights' and don't need men to 'give' them their natural born rights
Yo that's a really dumb thought
All we need is breaktrough in cloning and androids.
Womens are ussles, the only way they are still kept around is for breeding.
She's on her period, you can tell from the white in the thong.
Wtf i love women now!
Yes. For the longest time I found myself unwilling to admit it. But I can no longer deny the burden women have brought upon our society.
No one has rights. The only reason men made the rules was because they are stronger. When you gave the illusion of rights to weaker people it made everyone else weaker as a result.
Who gave you rights in the first place? Nazi punks. Who is going to take them away because you done goofed? Nazi punks. Because we have the guns and you have...a finger.
brappity brap
But not to the extent women do. Women generally are more emotional. Ask any psychologist.
She literally looks like balls and a shaft
Women have always been concerned with the *distribution* part of the economy, not the *production* part. (i.e. men hunt, build businesses, etc. and women divy out the meat)
Is it any wonder they all support this egalitarian bullshit?
Not if it's this type of right
>Blue haired
You're pretty cute. How deep can you swallow a dick?
Tits or get out.
Rights were a mistake in general
seeing how an embarrassingly low number of women actually take care of themselves?
yeah it was a mistake, you have people who dont work or get handed free easy living making decisions for others who do work
19th amendment ratified in 1920. Surely the large uptick in spending has nothing to do with what happened in the 30s
She looks like a cock and balls.
Assfags will defend this.
avatar fags are just as bad as tripfags.
Women are just another useful idiot for the jews.
Voting on emotional lines is perfectly fine for nationalists if the emotions are love for ones country, race, traditions etc..
the problem is a cultural one, women's maternal instinct would typically be directed to one's own society, but women in modern society have been taught to identify not with their race/nation but as an 'oppressed minority' and therefore their maternal instinct is directed towards other 'oppressed minorities' since that is their 'group'
Seeing as the graph ends before the 30s idk but your point seems circumstantial
"i can't stop thinking about homosexuals and cock. even when I see a perfect ass in a tight dress and thong, i just think about homosexual sex and cock!"
>t. actual closet fag
Summon up all of your courage and neck yourself
Men can make hard decisions. Women cannot. Women have the innocence and naiveity of children. They should never have been granted the ability to vote.
Another sex thread.
picture on the right looks like casey nistat
What the fuck is your problem?
>Women vote on emotional lines, and now we have a massive welfare state.
Women have successfully taken more than their fair share of rights for the past 30 years. Their children and their Grandchildren will not live in chains in retribution. Hope it was worth it - we gave you everything and you fucked it all away.
Poor sweeties.
Rose is not antifa you fucking scumbag.
Errr - "will live in chains."
Why is that all the girls whom I've dated always likes to be dominated. Whenever I don't command them to do shit, they become extremely bitchy and controlling.
Whenever I lose my shit and start telling them what to do they fuck me 5x more than usual and is obedient as fuck.
Girls are so fucking strange. I think them liking being dominated is in their blood or something, all those years of oppression is just fully ingrained into their DNA?
Don't worry you cunts, there's a huge tradition in the US of generations selling their children and grandchildren's future, you're not alone, but you are worthless cunts who need to be locked up in neckchains and raped in the basement.
Fuck you.
Why is it that women are are being raped drip pussy juice the entire time?
It's a defensive mechanism. If you think that sex and reproduction was with consent for the first 100,000 years of mankind, you're mistaken.
responding to the wrong person
Thanks for clarifying I had a hard time understanding your comment.
It is sufficient to know that for whatever reason that's what they're like, up to a point and varying from woman to woman. I had an argument with a Mexican female friend about how the man needs the role of power in a relationship and she couldn't handle it, but my experience is identical to yours.
Yes, especially black women.
If only we murdered all betas and all ugly women none of this would ever happen
Sorry, been drinking all afternoon because some woman fucked me over. Of course.
attention seeking. Its purely so she can get people to talk about her hair as much as possible.
I was cheated on this week. Happens, man. Stay optimistic. Worst that could happen is you could end up living a worthwhile and active life without a partner. We're gonna make it though bro.
Yes. Even from (((their))) perspective it is, because they feed on white people's society, but they're too degenerate to ever learn.
Unironically yes. Most problems in the DEVELOPED world stem from womens suffrage
Totally agreed. *fistbump*
Humans have existed for a very very long time. Of course humans have all been through this before. Why do people think that women weren't allowed to have rights in the first place?
Pay a muslim or nigger to rape her
inb4 tl;dr
Any more pics of her?
Ban 4 Avatar faggotry
yes and no.
yes because anyone who cant sit through 2001: a space odyssey at least once is a moron who cannot pay attention to what is going on around them.
no because I like pussy.
The biggest mistake in our entire history, yes.
Nope, allowing corporate entities to seduce them was.
Because that experiment has been tried repeatedly and has always failed miserably. It is time to put women back where they belong: barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen making me a turkey pot pie.
Nice try. Lurk more, faggot.
wtf way to ruin the pic
Women need at least some form of political representation, because they have issues that need to be solved through politics.
We could argue that women have now EXCESS POLITICAL POWER, because they are a majority of voters (live longer).
looks like a drug addict. People who show their faces on Sup Forums are the worst.
>1 post by this ID
Women are not inclined to excersise voting outside of their own self interest
To be fair most men aren't either but more men vote pragmatically for the good of the nation over self gain or assuaging their guilt/ padding their sense of ego through welfare payments.
Women do not naturally have a sense of protecting anything outside of their immediate family and really just her and her children are of paramount concern
There is no inherint sense of tribe culturally nor biological and this is due to a number of reasons.
Unfortunately that box cannot be closed once opened and the civilization must collapse and the women must either go back into subservience willingly or through violent force that is incompatiable with the civilization we currently have
Newfags don't know Rose
Wrong, representative government only works when men vote, and it's not just because women are stupid. In the past, when only home-owning males could vote, nearly every vote being cast was by a father with children. In practice this meant one vote per family instead of one vote per individual. Individuals make short-sighted and self-centered decisions while families look to the future. Mothers had a voice in the past because their husbands actually listened to them and respected them before women were given the power to murder their offspring and pocket their husbands money after fucking Jamal. If women have individual votes it splits families politically.
based 1910s illustrator
nope, women vote for whatever the media wants. In nazi germany the women were the biggest nazis, because they ate the propaganda.
A politicion/movement is only as good as his propaganda. Currently kikes run the media, and push leftism and race mixing
>Idiot newfag doesn't recognize who the picture is.
Sure. And when you're sold naked at a slave market in Raqqa, remember who sent you there.
I worked with a Russian woman and she was kind of a Plain Jane (kind of like pic related), but one day at work, she received news that her child had been hit by a car on the way home from school and she turned into this quivering wreck in floods of tears. I'm not ashamed to say I started to get really turned on watching her sobbing, the tears running down her pale, white face while she tried to wipe them away. Her long brown hair was all over the place and she looked like a distressed young maiden crying as she evacuated her village to escape the approaching Nazi Army. I got a really hard erection and had to hide it behind my desk. I thought of how great it must have been to be an SS Officer and round up women like this, demure looking homely girls, and maybe take them to a barn and try to make them cry more. I would dearly love to hurt her face and make her fellate my pistol while I lick the tears from her face. I would lubricate her anus with her own tears and the sheer eroticism of the setting would mean that two fierce pumps in her torn, bleeding hole, and I would be spent. It wouldn't even count as a real orgasm for me until I turn her around again and shoot a bullet through her cunt. It would be important to make sure that she knew that she was about to die. I would savour this moment for a while, perhaps telling her what I already did to her elderly parents. I thought of all this that day, and when I got home my underpants were soaked.
No, it's awesome. That means women don't have to settle for ugly losers like you because their parents and society said so, thus they can find men they really want and have a relationship based on love and attraction. The fact you're ugly and unwanted makes you angry about this fact.
T.good looking white male.
Wtf did I just read
Women can easily lose their sense of national/tribal identity. Historically they would be moved to different groups for alliances and conquests, so they had to adapt.
When I come to think again after looking at the picture, it doesn't seem so.
When we conquer the kuffars women we will save them from themselves.
yeah it was
so maybe the problem are single mothers, who don't pay taxes?
I'd say they must not have voting power, because they are by definition welfare leeches. They should rely on the charity that we decide that is humane to give them, not the welfare they can vote for themselves.