Be a cute Muslim grill aged 17

>Be a cute Muslim grill aged 17
>Be in front of Mosque
>Get beaten to death by some crazy guy with a metal bat
>It was actually an illegal immigrant from Mexico trying to rob her

Why is this shit getting ridiculous now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it was actually an illegal immigrant
Sauce desperately needed for maximum kek.

>aliens vs predators
>whoever wins, we lose

His race doesn't matter. The problem is toxic masculinity

Just think about all the jihadist that mussie would farted, thank you Mr wetback.

I keked a bit too hard

this shit happened 10 minutes from my hometown, so fucking ridiculous.

The remove the kebab Americans won't remove.

>he says from the dentist waiting room while he ogles kebab boobies

only white males can be masculinely toxic

You don't have to be white to absorb racist ideas from this country. Not saying this was a hate crime, but there's a cultural component that can affect people of any race. Just my 2 cents, I'm a newf*g so you probably don't care.

he was a white hispanic male

because people are fucking idiots. the big wigs have created this white hating culture that promotes white shaming and black pride, muslim pride. and the stupid piggies are eating it up


>Why is this shit getting ridiculous now?

Welcome to the world of post-modernism.

Your right, we dont care, not because you are a newfag but because you have shitty opinions

>implying USA is more racist than anyplace else on the planet
typical, self-hating, liberal cuck


Fake news

Wait, it was an illegal spic? No fucking way. Liberals literally cannot win here. Between illegal """""""dreamers"""""""" and mudslimes, they have to pick where they'd get more diversity points.

Fuck, this is 10/10 bantz

Someone's doing the raping.

>A 22-year-old man accused of killing a 17-year-old Muslim girl in Virginia on Sunday morning is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, a spokesperson for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) tells The Daily Caller.

top kek

Day of rake soon, leaf.

This is glorious.

Has to be an Aussie proxy

>Why is this shit getting ridiculous now?
The crazy right scream for months that Hillary Clinton is running a child prostitution ring out of a Pizza parlor

and WE'RE getting ridiculous? Step back, Clyde.

Why do you think liberals are trying to deflect all attention to a drunk driver in the UK?

Who could be behind this post?

like poetry

mexican illegal aliens vs islamist raping predators

whoever wins, we all lose lads


Bitch looks like Cookie from Ned's Declassified


one less thicc qt red pilled woman in the world, sigh

Yes, toxic masculinity is always a problem, my fellow Canadian, but we have to acknowledge that he did this due to white oppression which is why minorities are forced into a life of crime


Don't worry, other women can also be heavily photoshopped.

s'not tho

We have so many of these foreign fucks in our country, they are running out of white people to kill

Her "friends" she was with ran away and left her to die.

She's just obese, user. You can find many porkers in the US



top kek

>can't tell the difference between thicc and pork

More like overweight.

Not only was at an illegal immigrant he was also in the DREAMER PROGRAM. Liberals and leftists are the bane of society.
top kek.

Now post one where weapons-grade elastics aren't holding her fucking gut and waist in

Movie still from the next Planet of the Apes?

I read another article that some of the mohammedan boys on bikes were tainting Darwin by blocking his path. They were also making fun of his old, beat up car. He pulled out the palo and served up some spicy machismo, paisano-style.

Because the jews control the media user and they despise whites. They hate them enough to want to kill them all.

That isnt even attractive. more degenerate than anything.

wew eke

The enemy of my enemy is my ally?


wtf is happening here?

>gay calling pictures of attractive women degenerate

WTF I love spics now

So illega... I mean undocumented immigrants are now on top of the victim hierachy?

ayy lmao



waqs a beaner but not illegal i elieve. may be wrong though

i'm surprised they left in those details

this is truelly the greatest time line. you cant deny that....

I always wonder what's going on inside the brain of women in these types of photos

Not just any illegal, one of Obama's dreamers

>op says from mexico
>it's from el scumbagador
inb4 all spics are mexican but not all white people are white retards

How the fuck do you have internet Angel?

Let's all take a moment to thank Kek for punishing pisslam with the brutal death of this dead mudslime bitch.

Made my day

>whoever wins, we lose

I love how the libtards are trying to figure out how they can turn this shit to their advantage.

But I've been thinking about his a lot: assume the USA is getting a massive influx of muslims (european scale) and the fuckers get a foothold - wouldn't it be a matter of time before mexicans and mudslimes start getting at eachother?


Will father ever love me?

That is my guess.

how can I show off my breeding capabilities for the next legion of jihadis

that's my guess

I hear these type of women get nourishment from instagram likes.

>He can't into fecitious

Boy that diversity feels good. Drink it up homies.

Because through the jew-controlled social-media it is easy to brainwash teenage goy into doing and being anything you want. Our children are being government by the enemy, not by /our guys/. We are Zionist Occupied Government, a ZOG - look it up. ZOG.

Mexicans will never convert to Islam.....I guess that's one good thing about 40 million of em running around here.

with pleasure

>a cute Muslim grill

Kek, gringos trying to take credit for their self. It was a based Salvo. You are Welcome.

Latin America might indeed become the last bastion of christianity. Godspeed, you smelly bastards.

>whites flight
>mexicans and muslims battle to the death
Sounds like too much winning IMO, at the end of the battle the winning team will have been weakened

Dude was a Mexican

A fucking white mare.

Top kek

I dont think we'd want credit for this one.

An illegal spic killing a mudslime. That scenario is too good.Now the left may try to spin the guy as a "white hispanic" and try to push it on to whites.

the left eating themselves.

Why do I want to fuck that animal...

It is glorious. Nature and the natural order works things out in the end. it just takes time.