Brazil is one of the best countries in the world , hot women everywhere let's show some love to the brazilian master race
Brazil Appreaciation Thread
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stfu stop spreading lies. Brazil is a shitty place with ugly people and full of niggers
send bunda pls
How dare you say that , the brazilians are the best in the world at everything , they invented the airplane
ooga booga thread
Brazil is the 3rd whitest country in the world bros
Brazilian Women Master Race
Official Brazil theme
All men
brainless pieces of meat with ugly faces and with your small dick you won't even be able to reach her anus
Brazilians are hot , Brazil is a economic superpower stop hating on yourself babaca
post with your geographic location i know you are a filthy monkey i can smell you from here
Brazilians are awesome you guys invented the airplane
How can we europeans even compete?
>South America
>Third World
Ewww, such waste of time.
What monkeyposter didnt mention was that these chicks all have 8 inch penises
Just appreciate GOD TIER women , we don't have these in Europe , Brazilians are truly the master race
Gangsters getting beaten to death with flip flops in public , that's Brazil
pls don't come to brazil
Brazil is a 1st world country
Bro Brazil is one of the richest countries in the world , its better than a lot of european countries and in the future will surprass germany and the Uk
Looks decieve, user. Those women are dumber than rocks.
Brazilians are white and japanese who invented the airplane.
We europeans are inferior to brazilians , at the end of the day the brazilian dudes go home and bang their hot women and we are stuck in our boring shithole european countries
Disgusting mud monkey people
The Jewish-Brazilian menace is the greatest threat to mankind
>in the future will surprass germany and the Uk
Not exactly an achievement to surpass countries that are committing sudoku.
why are Brazilian men so ugly but the women are top tier?
Lol Uruguay is a province of brazil , in fact uruguay was part of the best empire ever , the brazilian empire
>ugly faces
far right one seems top tier to me, only the negro is ugly
>small dick
speak for yourself
We europeans are really inferior to brazilians I tell you that , their genes are better than ours
but that's cannibalism
Boy do I love Brazil. I just came home (I really don't want to call it home as Brazil feels like home to me) from a 4 month trip there and only 50% of the prostitutes were traps. I only got infected by the zika virus once and was only part of two guerrilla wars. The things people say about Brazil are simply NOT TRUE. Brazil is a beautiful country and the rest of the west (if I can even call it west after the stellar country that Brazil is) should strive for its perfection.
nah, serb bitches are still top tier for me, and stop larping huemonkey.
Yes , Brazil is truly the gem of this world , most people are just jealous because Brazil is rich and they have hot women there
The one on the right is clearly a man
Based Norway admitting inferiority.
The only way i can cope living in this shithole is knowing that in 15 years the whole world is going to be just one big brazil.
Hahahahahahaha no.
she's Columbian
>appreaciation thread
Respect your child , look at these HOT BRAZILIANS
How can we europeans even compete when their women from the favela look hotter than our top class women , we truly are inferior to brazilains
Stop it Ramón.
Sorry but you're the child not even a father can love
Damn it sucks being european I wish I was brazilian
Im moving to brazil the future world superpower
Should I move to Brazil? If you have to live in a socialist multicultural shithole you might as well pick a shithole where at least there is no islam, the weather is nice and the women are thicc. And who know maybe they like white boys.
You should be proud of your child and ashamed you stole their gold
why do I have to live in shithole europe :c
Brazilian master race
many of those girls are trannies or have artificial butt.
i'm brazillian, so I know this
Move to Argentina instead.
Just... don't.
Come to Brazil.
Why? Brazil looks more appealing
I don't doubt it. Animals have more developed than humans the sense of smell.
This is what a 15 year old brazilian looks like
They have better bodies than our average adult european women , we are inferior
We are shit
Somos bosta!
brazil is fine if you consider corolla a luxury car and like to get stabbed in the neck
It's less shitty
Damn Europe sucks ass
Brazilian women are whores and gold diggers good luck.
>women are whores and gold diggers good luck.
She's built like a fucking bullfrog, something wrong with that girl.
She is already past her expiration date.
Guys let's just admit our european inferiority , Brazilians will always be better than us , Brazil is already richer than 95% of european countries ;)
It's a good place to be a tourist there Joao, unless one is looking for cheaper destinations that have prettier nature but stank gook women.
If you want a whore so much just go to a Belgian brothel. At least they are honestly whores and don't want schengen visa
yes. but it's too dangerous for white brazilians, so imagine to foreigners? especially those very anglo-looking
but it's certainly better today than certain areas of london and paris
Brazilian superiority
Oh wait
I'd superior'd her if you know what i mean ''wink, wink''
Our trannys are better then yours!
I really hope you're not Brazilian.
>still making propaganda of women
This is so fucking beta.
no idea and don't care i'm black(Mulatto) so it's a non issue
When i was in Rio i was assumed to be a dumb local since i barley responded to people since my Portuguese is so limited
also true
They only like white guys from first world countries because they assume you are all rich and will give them green cards. If you're white and speak Portuguese they don't give a shit.
A real Dieversity suckass story.
You can't really blame 100% diversity but communism.
>shitty niggers complain to death about gettinf treated like shitty niggers in the states
>go to third world countries
>get treated like shitty niggers
>"oh well must be the local culture"
Fucking murrican logic working at it's finest there
what? they never cared about Brasil, they wanted money fast from the first day here
I'd rather blend in and have fun with locals than be tall and white and get mugged jsuyt for looking like a foreigner plus i'm cute i got lots of tinder matches in rio and lots of sexual looks from Women and men.
not complaining it's a good thing in Rio since tourists are often the target if crime
yes, but they can recognized foreigners even black. beware of were you go.
but for americans I can understand the appeal. there's prostitution hehehe it's not like europeans that can go netherlands
Brasil is violenty as shit, sometimes we are worst then contrys in war.
At least we can blame leftism and communism, leftism is cancer way worse than diversity itself.
A real intervencionist history.
I'd say Brazil is better than the US ,everything in Brazil is better than the US
Plot twist: all the whores in Belgium are Ukrainian
Fuck off. America has lot of right wing and conservative places. We don't even have right wing parties.
maybe not even the economic policies. but what really kill many cities is the legalization of invasion. like favelas in rio, crackolandia in sao paulo, no loitering laws (check what it is in wikipedia),etc
I think 90% of our criminality is due to marxism and leftism. Leftists judges, leftists lawyers, leftists politicians, etc. And we need to remember, all of them are white.
Brazil is like the US if it was poorer, more mixed, and only criminals had access to guns.
I know i'm a streets smarts guy grew up in a shithole in the us that has a similar homicide rate to Rio(ATL)
I stayed in Centro and took metro to Zona sul when i wanted to go to the beach it was nice
Planning on visiting other cities this year
and improving my Portuguese
memes but certain things are
In Brazil women are better looking and people are literally half as fat lol(statistically) Rio has a nice gym body culture and for a shallow nigger like myself i love it.
Geography is way better and the languages is great in Brland
Food is better in the USA
living off of a basic wage is easier in the states with the right budgeting
infrastructure is shit in both countries but better in the USA