Eyes Wide Open /EWO/: "Get to work you, autists" edition

Scalise was strongly against humantrafficing and childdiddling

Scalise gets shot, and Pizza gets send to his office

He was then brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center

The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds
>In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends.
>A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away.
>Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car.
what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?

Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise

Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.

Other urls found in this thread:


Inb4 delete

Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive
He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.”
the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/

the same doctor who was responsible for seth rich, jack sava, also is in charge of scalise.
sava also appears to be on the guestlist together with the podestas

he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition.
this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly
here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries?
they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies
this bitch even already talks like he dead

he had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list?
is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?

>blood libel

a few weeks ago someone claimed, that the Italian Mafia is basically behind the deep state.

>the Italian Mafia is basically behind the deep state

The deep state is behind the deep state, it's a splinter group that developed after dealing with the cold war shenanigans, mafia investigations, etc.



There are definite Chinese connections to the corrupt leftist elite, but Italian mafia seems with the Vatican and Pope corruption now

>a few weeks ago someone claimed, that the Italian Mafia is basically behind the deep state.
not sure about that. mafia probably has some guys in the government, maybe even in the deepstate, but i feel like those are 2 different forces otherwise.

LIVE - Rick Wiles: Prophetic Warning, Debt Tidal Wave Towering Over Sleeping America, Pentagon’s Decision to Shoot Down Syrian Warplane Bombing ISIS


>signs are everywhere
>shows spiral in the window
makes you think, doesnt it?

>pizza in tha captcha

This is why I said Chinese are involved

convicted drugtrafficer of 33 children serves no jailtime and now works for a company with government affiliation which among others is a warningsystem for the case that childs go missing. clinton got a heads up for an eery similar mission, and updates to the case where she got caught with the 33 children.

*convicted childtrafficer, not drugtrafficer

Also he 'disappeared' for a couple of months before the shooting. Apparently 'camping' or something...


wait what? any source for that?
that could mean he was sent off somewhere for some MKUltra shit or something. seeing how he shot and didnt hit anyone on the list he at least didnt went to targetpractice

notice the C.H.I.L.D. center mirroring CPPs position

It's been 7 years Lashara

just because you know the anime you think you are hot shit?

I'll archive this if I get back before 404.
I also found pic re. Very interesting do you have any more info and proof?
sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fnews%2F2017-02-16%2Ffeds-make-record-gains-human-trafficking-global-networks-broken

most of what i know is in here
will post stuff over time to bump this here but i cant think of anything you dont see in the last thread. about your pic
maybe the eyething isnt the cause of the abuse, but caused by the abuse. there is some method of diagnosing damage in the body through the iris (pic related) this is considdered pseudoscience, probably is, but the part it shows damage in case seems to be mainly at the testis/ovaries. now during ritual abuse they sometime let you get fucked by a donkey or something, and i can surely imagine how this causes such damage

>now during ritual abuse they sometime let you get fucked by a donkey or something, and i can surely imagine how this causes such damage

I can imagine how that would damage girls and most of the images posted tend to be girls but how would donkey cock damage boys testicles?

And for that matter why would it affect Soros? I know they routinely inject themselves with baby blood because they believe it will increase their lifespan, but that's meant to heal them, why would it affect their eyes?

need to do some explaining;
kids that get sexually abused often try to reanact this with fellow other kids after it happened as they think this is just normal behaviour. i believe this is pretty similar to MKUltra. during MKUltra you abuse and torture someone long enough for their personality to break. a new one will be formed that will either forget about all that traumatic stuff, or even kinda enjoy it to cope with it and not go crazy. they probably use drugs to steer or enhance the effect, and probably build in some trigger (like wearing a special shirt every time for the torture resulting in the desired personality coming out whenever you will). the new personality then can be shaped much like the issue with kids i mentioned in the beginning, telling them its the normal thing to do, making it believe they MUST follow that guys orders as everyone does (in that personalities eyes) etc.
now if a kid gets abused (MKUltra or not) this will kid will automatically think this is normal, and since this is the normal thing to do they continue the "tradition" when they are adult themselves. im fairly sure most of those people among the so called elite are victims of ritual and sexual abuse as well and are just continuing the tradition. if this damage on the iris is indeed because of the ritual abuse, it would the case for soros and the others as well since they were abused as childs as well.

this kid talks about how she was abused


>now if a kid gets abused (MKUltra or not) this will kid will automatically think this is normal, and since this is the normal thing to do they continue the "tradition" when they are adult themselves. im fairly sure most of those people among the so called elite are victims of ritual and sexual abuse as well and are just continuing the tradition. if this damage on the iris is indeed because of the ritual abuse, it would the case for soros and the others as well since they were abused as childs as well.

Yeah heard this all before, sounds solid that abuse > more abuse, you might find this a useful video in the future


The issue I see with this theory is "why?"

Someone must have kicked it off, say they discovered a pedo cult ensured absolute loyalty what was it for, world domination?
Then for what and why, I struggle to believe they would go to such lengths just to rule, they practically already live as kings, drugs, sex, cult rituals they already have all that so what is all this effort for?

that's obama's physician to the president that was with Trump. not the trump doctor we have all come to know and love... haha...
it is normal protocol for a doctor to travel with the president in case of emergency

sick fucks do evil things to get into power>they enjoy doing evil things and continue to do so>get more people to do evil things together with them>keep records of evil things so you can blackmail and controll people>victims of the evil things grow accustomed to it and eventually take over the positions the dying old evil fucks left>since they now benefit from it they dont speak out>they continue the cycle
thats how i imagine it


holy fuck with the line drawn to cpp and then mirrored and flipped horizontally fucking goes directly to the c.h.i.l.d. center

is it new?


Worldcorp News, Updates and new Content

17/6/17 New Site Released
New videos will either be found at the top or the bottom of the videos page
Stay tuned

how did you find this?
seems like a little bit softer reanactment of the hot shit video. kid seems to be forced to shower (with shorts on, so no kiddyporn) screaming (water too cold or too hot?) while the dude says all the time "why you screaming? it okay, you are alright" and some other guy flashes his flashlight. wtf?! how did you find that? any idea who that could be?

we need a transcript on this shit pronto
>someone thinks they're hot shit

that site is the source of the hot shit video

>this shit again

go to worldcorpo's website, it will look different cause it's updated, go to videos, it's the first video listed.

Jesus Christ more Podesta mystery shit.




see not really transcript, but not much more that happens.

what is that kind of website? never heard of it before to be honest. it looks creepy as fuck

it's the source of the "hot shit" video
that site is the weird af site

>go to worldcorpo.net/src/video/
>open alfonse.wmv

what the fuck mayne

i don't even wanna that's why i need help for a transcript for the new video
it's the same shower and the same voice of the kid from the hot shit doncha video

hey its me again and guess what im afraid to click again desu

the voice of the old dude is at least different. kid could be the same voice. but ime not sure

i can't put myself through that shit of watching any of them
>pg8 ate my soul

The men have NY or Boston of Philly accents but it's a lot of screaming and there is some distortion on the sounds because it seems like a phone video. Not sure of those aspects.

This is the most faithful, best accounting I can do.


A dark place with the shower stall with the sliding glass doors and several men seated in chairs.

A few things mumbled, sounds like “you boys ready” or “a boy is ready”… “It’s almost show time, sit back you’re going to like this”

Man opens sliding shower glass door and there is a kid inside with what looks like blue swim trunks with white waves or similar pattern on and something over his head like a pillowcase, they are shining a high flashlights. The kid, without seeing his face, judging height appears to be about 6 or 7, possibly 8.

Man opens door real fast and yells, “Alright, Showtime!!!!” and men shine flashlights on him all together making a high beam.

The kid starts screaming when the door slides open and screams louder when he hears the man-hysterical panic screaming.

Man to the kid: Calm Down, you gotta calm down.

Man to kid: It’s ok, let me see. Stand up straight, stand up straight. That’s nice, that’s nice. You got a nice body on you.

Kid: moans in fear (an actual fear moan, which is not normal, it is as horrible as it sounds) Then he starts to sob and begins screaming

Man: What are you screaming at? It’s ok.

-There is water on in the shower stall-It’s clear the kid is experiencing like a waterboarding type effect with the water and the pillowcase over his head.

Man: What’s the matter, you never been in a shower before?

Kid: Screaming

Man: Take a shower, it’s ok. You don’t get hurt in the shower.

A lot of mumbling here I can’t make out about the man wanting the child to turn around or wash himself.

I see now all of the men have flashlights I think there are three men, there with 3 flashlights. At this part they start putting the flashlights all over and closing the shower door and hitting the shower door. I think the child has a pillow case or face covered the entire time, as he is in the shower with water running.

Man to kid: What are you screaming about?

Kid: (Says something I just can’t make out, it’s one sentence)

Man: I like this. I like this kid. He’s a real special guy, you know?

Kid: Screaming at the top of his lungs

Man to kid: Hey kid, you gotta relax.

Then man starts to scream at the kid Hey, hey hey hey real fast and louder and gets angrier and then stands up and rushes the boy and the video cuts off.

you rock dude
you are my hero

Got a youtube link of it

Oh boy here we go again
Pizzagate is fake news created by polfags who thought Hillary was going to win and wanted to discredit her. When Trump won, pizzagate was adopted by r/eTarDs as something to do and began to autisticly push it.
There is no secret child fucking conspiracy, I am not a """shill"""
You guys are just autists LARPing

thank you we are proud of our collective idiocy

>thinking pizzagate is only against hillary and the dems
already outed you as either shill or someone who has no idea but either way as huge faggot

if it ate your soul you have nothing to lose anymore


Guts. Go through the videos in the roots. There's a video there of small boy rubbing poop on himself.


>Believing the lie
This autism just wow

>believing the (((truth))) the media tells you
>using autism as something bad here
fuck off, you dont belong here

Upload the vids to youtube, not clicking that shit

i like that graphic user


I don't know bout "insubordination.mp4" unless you're talking about this

It's a very well-done ad, and the taxpayers got their money's worth.


btw, the link for that video doesn't work anymore, got 404'd

nvr mind got it

I saw anons summary. I cant watch this shit anymore, im gonna pop a blood vessel. I hope this investigation wraps up soon. Makes me fucking sick that Podesta is walking around free.


I am praying to God this is fake.

he's just a cog in the machine
it can't end soon enough
but in a courtroom
not in an edgar (((welch))) way
knowing what the Bible says, it is quite discouraging for the prospect of defeating this here and now
>literal sodom and gomorrah

how come this mp4 isnt supported for my laptop but the others are?

It sickens me to think there are higher ups in FBI/Intelligence basically giving these sickos cover. Please Trump btfo of them. Good agents need to pull through and pull the rug off this whole elite pedo scam.

What is that? I stopped watching pretty quick

i pray to god that's not real

Anyone watch the imnotsure.mp4 video yet?

That worldcorp shit is so confusing.

The whole site seems fake as shit, but nothing and nobody has even officially implied it's Podesta in some of them or tried to make any money or hype out of it

Just seriously creeping out people too far along the path already to need that level of convincing

Almost like it's fucking real somehow

Most of pizzagate supporters are pedophiles themselves trying to deflect attention to their activities.
Most of the """evidence""" you fags post is just you, projecting

Kek. Whatever happens don't play matchead.webm

it's the (((fucking evil motherfuckers))) pulling off goreposting against people who gorepost

rake yourself, we all know this is real and your "le projecting" memes wont change anything.

>knowing what the Bible says, it is quite discouraging for the prospect of defeating this here and now
its still every christians duty to try his best

>a pedo projecting his projection issues on others
we know most of you are pedos brock knew from his exlovers alefantis pizzaparties. you all will hang if your boss doesnt get rid of you before we can

by the way, does anyone know in which hospital brock was brought into? every article just says "local hospital"
for some reason i suspect MedStar, the same seth rich and scalise brought into

Both signs are relevant.

You can rake me, but you can't rake the truth. And the truth is you're a bunch of LARPing r/eTarDs

>only LARPing
Oh thank God. I thought I was trapped in a nightmare.

Funfact; pol only cares about pizzagate because the alleged victims are white. Any other non-white child raping going on? Who gives a fuck

Good work and thank you I got till the shower opened then stopped hot shit gave me nightmares. You have dedication Bruv





yeah, such a relieve. will be able to sleep sound now finally again. so nice. getting sleepy now. anyone else? we should just all go to bed.

Let's be logical. The 1st video was touted to and fro and back again. Ask yourself... if this was a catch by some user... then why would this site continue to make content available to us further.
This does not compute.

See my posts on autistic larping

Create a discord server as your main platform to keep the devoted ones up to date when threads are not up and eliminate wasteful data. Sup Forums should be used for recruitment so I will bump the thread.

This except for last part
Please keep you autistic LARPing somewhere secure and away from pol

put the tl;dr on top so people see it first and dont ignore all of it.

i dont know, i feel we would get a lot of problems with shills in there

Maybe actual shills.
I just want you and your nonpol discussion off pol.
You dumbasses have strayed so far from the original intent of pizzagate that you honestly believe that some evil gubmints is fuckin the kiddies
Only white kiddies though cuz muh white race is being victimized n shit

As far as I know, one of the biggest international leads we're working on involves Haiti.

Fuck off, shill.

I think I'll categorize under CIfAkery

Get up, walk around, and do some stretches.

Did a mod just delete the worldcorp video thread?

Wouldn't be the first time.
