Poor Whites commit less violent crime than Poor Blacks.
Race can be one indicator of crime.
Prove me wrong commie lurkers
Pro tip: you can't
Poverty and Crime
Cops just don't bother to go to rural areas because there aren't as many people. Cities (where most blacks reside) are a nice dense area to arrest a lot of people for quotas/profit for the prison industrial complex.
I'm not even claiming that the police are racist and target blacks on purpose.
But based on the practicality (for numbers/quotas) they target cities and poor people who can't afford good lawyers, and blacks are disproportionately poor.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: You can't
Someone want to give me the run down on these two groups?
low iq faggots
all you need to know
always fucking excuses,leftism has now become blacks dindu nuffinism
>cops just don't go to rural areas because not as many people
There are still cops in those areas though.
Your theory may do well to explain drug crime stats (those stupid drug raids the police so) but violent crime doesn't bring those kinda of raids. That's not the MO of the fuzz.
In a small rural county, if they don't bother with drug crimes, then they would only have more time/resources to address violent crime complaints than in the cities. And they're still turning up with less incidences of violence.
Your argument fails, leftist shill.
>statist cuck detected
The mods really ought to have labeled the red and black flag Anarcho-Communist, since most who use that flag fall into the group.
AnCom: fags
AnCap: Master Race
>you wear a hat xD
appropriate banner right now
Aren't there more poor blacks than whites.
>Poor Whites commit less violent crime than Poor Blacks
I'd be willing to bet that poor whites commit less crime than middle class blacks.
Blacks are criminally inclined, impulsive, less likely to understand cause and effect and low IQ.
Dress it how you like, it is what is is
>black culture developed violence out of necessity to deal with oppressive whites who greatly outnumbered them
>this violence in black culture lingers to this day as these things take time and blacks are still being oppressed to a degree
>"lol look at these violent apes! why are blacks so violent?" says the pampered, spoiled basement dwelling white
Makes you think
>flag checks out
>x checks out
>kekistani flag
You have to go back
>>says the pampered, spoiled basement dwelling white
People on this site may be middle class basement dwellers, but the people discussed in the article are not spoiled. They are just as if not more impoverished than your average ghetto nog.
Yet they do NOT commit the same amount of violent crime and if the article is accurate, commit less violent crime than many other parts of the nation (I assume this includes whites in better financial circumstances)
Good job trying to shift the attention to the middle class neckbeards though.
>blacks had to be violent to fight back against whitey
I am so tired of this absurd meme
Fuck off from this site and go focus on stealing farms from the poor people you claim to love.
>kekistani flag
Underage b&
Blacks BTFO
>"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! " says the Bolshevik falling from a helicopter to his death.
>reeeeeee dont step on snek
t. anarchist forced to contribute to society in the gulag
>blacks are violent because they were slaves 150 years ago
That is some serious Bolshit
t. dogfucker
>tips fedora
Not wearing a fucking fedora.
Why is OP always a fuckin faggot
>autism intensifies
Black cops should police blacks.
White cops should police whites.
Fun Fact: When discussing crime, gov't statistics lump hispanics in with whites. When discussing the victims of crimes, hispanics are given their own separate category from whites.