Sadist Khan

>SECURITY has been increased around mosques following calls from Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott after a suspected terror attack near a Finsbury Park mosque.

What did they mean by this? Why isnt security increased around London Bridge?

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This fucking bastard makes me so god damn mad.

He's doing this to throw it in your faces that he's on the side of the terrorists and plans to continue to be on the side of terrorists.

We must secure the Orc dwellings.

Seriously how can British even show their face anymore?

This is hilarious to watch

westminster and london bridge now have barricades along all the pedestrian areas to stop vehicles mounting the pavements.

They literally are spending their tax money to protect people who did 99% of terrorist attacks because of the 1% that belong to another group. But they wont spend the money to protect them selves.

Holy fuck the Brits are the worst cucks of 2017.

>build barricades but dont have a police presence

Stop and frisk the evil white terrorists kek
Your whole country is a joke I hope you know that.

There are always police at westminster and london bridge. Stop being a stupid burger. 60% white.

Oh wow, what are barricades and billies going to do when an alpha sand nigger starts chopping people with a cleaver?
Run away like they do so often? Haha

>Your whole country is a joke I hope you know that.

Shoot them as there are normally armed police present. There are always armed police at westminster and there are frequent armed patrols through london bridge station, these patrols were frequent even before the terrorist attacks.

>Whole country
>Attacks limited to areas saturated in brown

Let's talk about your country's murder rate. Stop hiding behind your gay pirate flag.

>muslims move in and take more from government than they give back
>muslims kill white tax paying slaves
>based white man kills one muslim
>muslims take even more resources to ensure the parasitism of their existance

nice one uk.

>Whites continue to die in terror attacks, nothing
>Bunch of muslims ran over in an apparent accident, increased security around mosques
Britain is being conquered in front of our eyes. Rule Britannia, indeed.



Not for Muslims you white heathen, now pay for our body guards, kek

Learn from us britcucks.

>tfw emigrating in 4 hours
>can't sleep lads
>feels good

[[[They]]] always overplay their hand

Mossad front all over this shit.

>60% white
Yeah, that may be the case, but there's no barricades to prevent muslims from running people over here. Enjoy your false security.

>protect "british" mudslimes
>don't protect actual British men and women.


We're not we want Sadist Khan's head on a fucking pike. We're just stuck with him until the next election. He only got in because it was him or a Jew

they meant ...embrace this false flag...muslims luv the world and they behead Christians and fuck the world...


You're more likely to get your head caved in by a nigger than I am to be killed by a Jihadi. Don't throw stones in glass houses.

>white tax paying slaves
That's very communist of you

Where to?

Where are you going?

Nip -pls no hate.

>more likely to get my head caved in by a nigger
Nope. Unlike you I can carry a knife or gun for self defense. And that's assuming nearby police haven't shot him dead beforehand.
I'm not throwing stones, consider it tough love instead. The West needs to get its matters sorted out and soon.

England has fallen

>What did they mean by this?
He means that police officers will be redirected from other areas, this probably also means that police will lose their rest days and have to work even more unsociable shifts in a row just to be present around a group that wouldn't care if they were being beheaded in public.

>Why isnt security increased around London Bridge?

Because it's a Islamic country you dumb ass

Crazy to think that muslims can brutally murder other muslims and no one bats an eye. A drunk white dude accidentially collides with people standing in the road (someone had a heart attack) and NOW they feel unsafe

>We're just stuck with him until the next election

What happens when the next election is rigged and you end up with a continuation of the same shit?

This is so painful to watch

Your police literally shot an American man in the face and he walked away just fine

You are truly an embarrassment to First World Nations and your police officer's guns are about as useless as the met themselves

>making fun of burger 60% white
>bong whites not even 50%


^it thinks death = is a dumbass^

That pic makes no sense though.

Wouldn't the left realize that Muslims are just going to over power them next? Or is this part of the jews plan to get everyone Muslim and making that religion become their servants?

"London". It isn't British.

>Wouldn't the left realize that Muslims are just going to over power them next?

If they lived in reality and could follow logic still, perhaps.

The Left hate Western civilization and want to see it destroyed. They don't care how it's done, they don't care who does it. They want it destroyed and they are fully prepared (even excited) to live on their knees for their conquerors.

here's a stat for a dumbass like you...3/4 muslims think beating a woman is's another stat 10% of pathetic muslims wanna rule SHARIA over you...(thats 100 million muslims wanna kill you moron)..

how stupid are you?

I forgot to add: the Left is mostly made up of women (who hand themselves over to conquerors by nature) and feminized men who are too weak and afraid to fight. They don't mind living under the boot of a foreign conqueror because to do otherwise would be frightening, or even worse, masculine.

more than 70% want Sharia world wide.

I don't give a fuck about your ninja teleports behind you self-defence crap, the simple fact is that you're more likely to die at the hands of a nigger in a violent confrontation than I am from a Jihadi. Deal with it. Fuck, you're more likely to get beaten or killed by your own police in a DUI than I am likely to be killed by a Jihadi. That's how ineffective these ragheads are at killing English people. More Chelsea mummies have been squashed under the wheels of TFL buses whilst riding their Boris bikes than at the hands of ISIS. Not to say that Islamic terrorism isn't something that needs to be driven from our shores. I'm just trying to put it into perspective. The state is a much more concerning enemy so "The West" can go fuck itself for all I care.

Liberals are retarded children. They actually think that the enemy of their enemy is their friend. They do not put any more thought into issues like this.

London will only be more muslim populated by then.

Disturbingly accurate.

Alright man, whatever you say. I guess we'll find out one way or another.

You have to remember, they no longer have a survival instinct.

^if what this guy says is true...and we all know muslims suc...700million muslims need to be introduced to western civilation...and then deported back to the GOD forsaken land they came from^

>your country has problems so dont discuss my more preventable problems

Stfu cuck

>(((SECURITY))) has been increased around mosques following calls from Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott

they're planning something huge and needed the extra "security"

can you feel it bongs?



It warms my heart seeing a politician protect his people against violent minorities


All that needs to be done is to put a border round London and keep the Londoncucks contained


glad I don't live in Britanistan

Neither should being wasted by your own state troopers, mong.

It's an alliance between the sons of Abraham.

I assume muslim people are retarded because of all the cousin marriage they do as a culture...then I understand these are "1/2 wits with damaged DNA"...and I feel like i'm beating up on retarded children"

Look at this paragon of authority deciding what should and shouldn't happen. Maybe your government shouldn't be spying on it's citizens, executing false flag attacks and sucking Israel's dick so hard, user.

Kafirs are second class citizens

^it said something nearly sux^

he didnt even kill the old man, that old man died of a heart attack..

Thank you brother Sadiq for looking out for the muslim community
Those terrorists are not muslims. But innocent muslims are being targeted by white people as a result. This is a completely reasonable response.
>>based white man
Nice to see you defending murder of innocents you scumbag
You probably just got yourself put on a watchlist. Good going.


^when you SUC...no1 else suc alone...

Khan looks like a transmale tbqh.

You forgot all the rape gangs raping white British girls with the blessing of the authorities who wouldn't want to be Islamophobic and racist to intervene in all the wholesome Muhammadan fun.

Well that didn't work out too well did it.
Muslims now just call in bomb threats on themselves.

when is the next election? Christ

We've got bigger problems than a few pakis. As I said, the state is the real enemy. These brown devils are just a sideshow to the real evil shit that's been going on here.


BRITAIN YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>those terrorists aren't Muslim

Ok if that's how you wanna play it, fine. "They aren't Muslim". But you know what they undeniably are? Arabs and Pakistanis. Perhaps it is they who are the who are the problem and a completely reasonable response, as you put it, is mass deportation as we don't know which of you will go on next rampage.

I like when dumb twats express themselves as lil girls..

That's what atheism +egalitarianism does to a country.

already had it, the last thing we need is cucked people having white guilt over this ONE attack and proving "im not racist" by voting Labour.
We don't want a fucking Commie who will just open the borders, reverse Brexit and use a magic money tree to throw at all ethnics (whites need not apply).

Hahahaha do you really think the majority of people are still backwards minded enough to discriminate people based on their ethnicity?
Why should everyone of a certain background get punished for the actions of a few?
The world has moved past racism. You are a relic of a dead age.

you guys have some beautiful politicians

the absolute state of the UK
it's all so tiresome

Lmao Britshit you were doing good with Brexit but now this.

What a failed Empire.

you're going to hate your life lmao
prepare to be the japanese version of muslims

Poor Muhammad, triggered by the radical notion that brown people shouldn't be able to blow themselves up or run peacetrucks into crowds of people.

>the absolute state of the UK

You guys know your politicians are traitors and are helping your nation to be invaded.. you know this right?
maybe you should get off Sup Forums and do something about that?
or you could just blame germany of say "muh 60% murica" because doing that will save you .

>Britain is literally a Muslim nation

We imperialists now

Yeah, but your teenage girls are more likely to be raped by a Muslim than his teenage girls by a nignog. Dunno about you, but as a man I have agency. I'm not afraid of cucks not doing their due diligence and getting themselves shot because they go in bad neighborhoods and don't carry. But I fear for my loved ones, who I can't control. America is undoubtedly safer than the UK (or even France) on that matter. You can make money and live in an all white community. No such thing in Europe, unless you want to live in rural areas where a good half of the population is mentally challenged.

>He's doing this to throw it in your faces that he's on the side of the terrorists and plans to continue to be on the side of terrorists.
Gee, didn't see that coming.

> whites get killed
> mud gets killed

Why doesn't everyone get this image trending? It should be all over Twitter and Facebook and chat rooms. Twitter it to the mayor.

>implying the choices won't be the same or worse come next elections
London is lost. Head north.

You really don't get it. The whole reason this mess is happening is because the state wanted it to happen. Yes brown people are a dangerous threat to europeans but we need to start dealing with the real threat, the people pulling the strings. We need to start dealing with that threat now.

Part and parcel bongs

Could you at least spell fascists properly?