>be germany
Migrant in germany with 4 wives gets 390k a year you can't make that shit up
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Isn't it illegal for whites to be polygamist as well
>I would like tho work, but taking care of family takes all my time,,
He had to choose 1 "main" wife in order to get the benefits to all of his 23 children.
That is seriously a lot of tax free money.
so tollerant
How does anybody let this happen?
Reminder shitskins are the ones that are oppressed.
The white man gets more benefits.
Meanwhile in our country...
Reminder that Germany voted against giving a few thousand a year to German couples that have kids, but imported these muslim fucks because there's no other way to raise the birth rate.
and here you can see why they let all the rapefugees in
because they spend every single cent of wellfare money
europeans save and invest money, subhumans just spend it
spending is better for the current economic situation than investing and saving
so we are going to kill the european people and civilization because some corrupt rats earn a few millions more by that
greed is killing us
meh. thats like 28 people. not that much per person.
that migrant is now king of migrants all over
think about it.. he escaped his war torn land, got past all the women and children that were originally in the way, made it to GERMANY, and was able to conceive with F O U R women in order to receive benefits.
Absolutely the winner of the race, bravo Elyas.
Fuck that horrid place it will be the downfall of Europe soon enough
more than enough for the average person.
food and clothing is cheaper in germany than in serbia and we ain't nearly as rich as them while still living nice lives.
the only thing more expensive in germany are houses and apartments, and that also really depends on where you live.
>meh. thats like 28 people. not that much per person.
It will encourage them to breed more.
someone needs too.
This. The reason for bringing down average IQ and influx of welfare monkeys is so that consumerism can keep flowing and more cash can go into the jew hands
>you can't make that shit up
I bet they can
mashallah he has truly preserved his race
It's kids dude. They can live in bunk rooms, wear hand me downs, get fed at school by the state, when you feed them you just make be stews of rice and beans, etc. it's actually CHEAPER to take care of more kids, on a per kid basis.
Kids being expensive is the biggest lie People were sold.
that's a gold medal in the NEETing olympics
btw sounds like its time to move to Germany, they seem pretty welcoming
This actually makes sense.
That's 18k a year per kid, that's more than 1k a month per kid for his needs, education is free.
this is fucked up.
400,000 divided by 28 people is a little bit over $14k per person. Probably not true, but what would each kid receive in assistance per year OUTSIDE of the fact they get an education? $7,000? Germany probably spends over $8,000 per student a year on schooling.
Kids start getting EXTREMELY expensive if you fall for all the jewish tricks.
Each kid needs his own tablet and smartphone, and you better get him that last $600 top model goy!
Oy vey, you aren't going to take all of your kids on vacation to our overpriced tourist village?
What a terrible father!
My colleague spent 3000€ on his 2 week vacation last year.
3000€ is more than TWO MONTHS of work for him, 2.5 for me (junior).
Now tell me that's not fucking retarded when they could have just bought a tent and gone camping by some beautiful lake or mountain and spent a fraction of that.
Germany yes
Who would've thought that being white in this day and age would be a disadvantage in a developed country.
Truly the end of days.
>A municipality spokesperson told German news service Deutsche Welle that this is not how benefits work in Germany: the country’s laws prohibit polygamy and do not allow someone to receive benefits for multiple families.
I'd still argue it's not a disadvantage. These leftists retards are so apeshit because they can't actually accomplish anything.
I'm so done.
They WANT Germany to become muslim country
Germany already IS a muslims country (and that's a good thing)
inshallah we will continue to multiply
If it helps you forget your own downfall for a minute...
wanna know why they get their way?
because they are willing to get off their ass and get violent. Europeans won't, that is why your politicians are catering to them. because they know you will just stake it. No one fears or listens to cowards.
yes, but that just means that he gets benefits for one wife and her children, the other wives have to make benefit claims for themselves and their children, all in all, I bet they are getting a pretty decent amount per person, and will be a net drag on society. the husband doesn't work, and I assume his harem of wives don't work. no income taxes paid back for the gibs.
Imagine being in a village of 100 people. Imagine people who can't speak the language come into your village. Imagine these people are hostile to your culture and have a huge sense of entitlement. Imagine the locals have to pay for these individuals' parasitism. Pay for their house including maintenance, pay for their food, pay for their entertainment gadgets, pay for them to have a pool in their backyard, pay for their car, pay for everything. Imagine a lot of people in your village work and might still not afford the full alien lifestyle. Would this be allowed? Or would the villagers make these aliens disappear one night?
This is exactly the situation in Europe, but because people are alienated from understanding what a society is the parasitism isn't as tangible as it is in that village example. So people do nothing but retreat into a fantasy world where all the resources to maintain the parasites just magically appear out of thin air.
One legally recognized wife. Probably the other wives live in their own free apartments with free stuff and pick up benefits as single mothers.
>because there's no other way to raise the birth rate.
Russia had an extremely low birth rate. They reversed it with government incentives for native Russians to have children. There is ALWAYS a choice.
people actually believe this?
Man, he deserves it. Imagine the stress from dealing with four fucking Muslim women all day
>hey honey does this bomb make my ass look fat
>honey don't eat that it's bad for your jihad
>honey you forgot to take mohammad to infidel shooting practice
>i don't care which kebab restaurant we go to, why dont you pick
Nigger, this happens everywhere in Europe. I haven't calculated the exact numbers, but I know for a fact it's not uncommon in my country either. The "single mother" Muhammadans are usually not real single mothers but married according to Islamic law while their husband is officially registered in only one address and legally married to only one woman. When you calculate all the unemployment and welfare money to five adult individuals (man and four wives) plus chid support money for all the chillruns plus all other help they get in exchange for nothing, that bill is not that unrealistic.
>not a single source but trust me it's true.
At least ICE is doing their job again
My source is living in this society, Abdullah. It's the worst-kept secret of multiculturalist society. There are even additional programs to help "single mother" Muhammadans here because libtards going to libtard. The vast majority of Muslims are parasites, and they are far worse parasites than the locals living off benefits precisely because of schemes like unofficial polygamy.
While you are hiding your flag. Opinion disregarded.
so literally nothing. not a single source. not a single number. pathetic.
>in order to get the benefits to all of his 23 children.
if we don't sort this out now there is no hope
Half of Somali families in my city are single-mother households. No one knows how many of those women are Islamically married because it would be too intrusive to investigate, you see. Of course the vast majority of Somali women don't work so they're on benefits either way.
The fact you think this is somehow completely unbelieveable shows how little you understand about European multiculturalism and welfare systems.
Ghazia’s story has provoked a strong reaction among many Germans, who are protesting the level of benefits enjoyed by the refugee.
The estimated sum of 360 thousand euros per year comes from a German financial manager who posted the figure on the website of the “Association of Employers” as an approximative calculation of what the German state would be paying for the whole family.
For his part, Ghazia claims he would “like to work” but his familial burdens make it impossible. Back in Syria the man reportedly earned enough money with his car sharing and car service business to cover the expenses of his large family.
Now he spends his time visiting his various families, he says.
This is probably the best that can happen.
Our government gives a shit about philanthropy. They see the refugees as cheap workingforce for the jobs no german wants (low-pay-jobs). Seeing news every second week, that the refugees get more and more and more money, will probably change their opinion.
You don't need refuges to spend money you jsut ...spend it. Spending money is simplest thing in the world.
*edit of the redaction: No, it won´t fucking change their minds, but this country needs to burn to get cleansed.
So buckle up, bakaroos. This will be one hell of a ride.
yes but once they have a niggerous population that does not value secular society or democracy they can do whatever they want. Already happening with free speech and privacy
Yeah but work out how much it costs to house his children, and to feed and clothe them.
Hes still not got much money left for himself.
(((No other way))) the germans have been led astray thats all is to it
God the double down chicken sandwhich. Got it once just to try that monstrosity and I could feel it clogging my arteries
>Germans pay Muslim men to have wild sex, eat amazing food, and sleep in a luxurious bed all day, every day
Hes a subhuman whos dna will not dominate the earth.
>sit down to piss
Thanks allies
Those who reproduce less are biologically inferior.
these are my gibs, you muslim fuckers
The point is why are german tax payers paying to feed 23 non german shitskin muslim children?
Youre a subhuman for submittibg, if Germans had any testicles they could slaughter all the sovieys amd incaders through tribal organization.
>be bong
>get shot
>get stabbed
>get robbed
>get taxed
>get cucked
Subhuman in whose terms? Nietzsche? Hitler?
According to nietzsche, both my grandfather and great-grandfather who fought and died in both world wars would be considered as such (me too since i'd fight in one of these without hesitation).
Hitler defined subhumans on a genetic basis which gets ruled out regarding my german/austrian-hungarian ancestry.
UK citizens and war heroes get cheap pre-fab houses while Muslim colonizers get taxpayer-funded luxurious council homes
>get shot
>said the american
not being sarcastic, my muslim uncle lives in a beautiful 6 bedroom victorian house in london
(he was until recently chief engineer for one of the biggest civil engineering firms in england so he can afford it)
Bongs are fine with black murders roaming around. They also give him more benefits. What a cuck
Can you get in on this at all?
Ants biologically superiority confirmed
OK, I need 50 Germans to be my dependents. Who's in?
>fast food