Lenin could have been an amazing fucking world leader. But no the poor Soviets get stuck with fucking paranoid idiot of Stalin who tarnished the name of Marx forever with Stalinism.
A real hero of the people
Marx's entire purpose with communism was the destruction of other nations. Read a few of the many poems he wrote to Satan dealing with this to get an understanding. The majority of it was brought on by the angst of being mortal.
>implying Stalin wasn't the guy of all potential successors to be most like lenin
>implying Lenin didn't hate the NEP and wanted to return to hard socialism as he called it, just like Stalin
>being this stupid
>having a nazbol flag and believing all of the above
You're just a stupid, idealistic lefty that doesn't know what he is talking about, like most leftists, which is why Marxist ideology in general is doomed to fail for the foreseeable future.
He died too early all because of the bitch that shot him
They were both murderous psychopaths. Lenin was a little more reasonable than Stalin but not much different.
From their writings, it's hard to say that Lenin's course of action would have been substantially different than that of Stalins; it most likely would have been very similar.
Lenin certainly was not more "reasonable" than Stalin either.
If anything, he was even less compromising and more shrewd, and even more hostile toward his opposition (especially internally if we look toward the past and his splintering of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party) and his tactics to fund it.
Stalin simply learned from the master.
They were the greatest heroes in the history of humanity along with Marx they wanted to create an harmonious society freed from exploitation. They created the first workers state in history.
Stalinb was a great man because he murdered all the russians and doomed them to generations of pverty and slavery
This isn't an argument. Even if he did kill them, so what?
He moved Russia from being a shit-tier peasant country to first-rate industrial power in under 20 years and a space power several years after that.
And that's with "inferior" slavic people assuming racial realist theories are true, it's even more a feat and the the loss of life really doesn't matter if you look at it from a survival of the fittest perspective.
Such progress is unparalleled at any point in history.
Russia only became impoverished once he died and the movement away from centralization began.
Okay, now do you know the actual history, or did you read a 2 paragraph summary?
Do you know about article 58 of the Soviet penal code which criminalized the entire population for even suspicion of anti-revolutionary conduct? How many millions died in the collectivization efforts and gulag prison camp? How little regard the soviet regime had for human existence or quality of life? How much suffering and death was endured by the people under Soviet rule?
Tell me what kind of freedom the soviet people enjoyed and how they were free from exploitation. What kind of a workers state is a gulag?
>Tell me what kind of freedom the soviet people enjoyed and how they were free from exploitation
See pic related.
Besides, your entire rambling means nothing.
"If you want to make an omelet, you're gonna have to break a few eggs."
Stalin and Lenin made one hell of one.
None of what I said is rambling. That's the problem with you commies, you're all ideology and no reasoning.
Lenin and Stalin made Russia powerful, that's for sure. But at what cost? People were miserable and starving, and had no quality of life whatsoever. They were slaves to a murderous tyranny that used and exploited them. What good is power when it comes at such a cost of your humanity?
Yeah, that's a cute quote, except it doesn't represent his philosophy or practices in the least. Do some actual research, and stop basing your whole ideology on picture quotes.
>amazing fucking world leader
>FIRST thing he does is command his army of resentful jealous peasants to slaughter thousands of slightly less poor peasant farmers, which caused a famine that starved 7 million ukrainians
Bolsheviks elected Stalin because they were afraid of Trotsky - too bloodthirsty. Stalin was moderate. Stalin saved the world from Trotsky' World' revolution. Be thankful. But Stalin can't save you now from Soros and Co. You have to do it yourself. And by the way, this story with Lenin' attempted assassination is laughable - some BLIND revolutionary Jewess shot him with poison bullet. Maybe she fired - hit cloud in the sky, there was second real shooter for sure - probably sent by Trotsky. Same thing happens nowadays all the time - some idiotic lonely disabled shooter - must be great great son of blind Fanny Kaplan.
> the loss of life really doesn't matter
total psychopath detected
I do not care how many people allegedly died.
The end result was worth it (a highly developed, industrial society and world-power).
If Marxism-Leninism (ie, Stalinism) had remained in place instead of the state capitalism that followed during the late 1950s onward, it would have grown even more powerful.
The problem was not one of excess but one of not doing enough.
He should have consolidated power further by truly installing a real dictatorship of the proletariat instead of filling the CPSU with incompetent sycophantic who were oblivious to ideology or anything. That way, a direct line of succession to say, Molotov would have occurred.
They would have taken over the world by the 2000s had a clear line of absolute ideologically pure succession been established.
Well, thank goodness a line of succession didn't occur. I wouldn't wish what happened to the Russians under the Soviet regime on any human being, so much of their history and culture was obliterated and they still haven't recovered and probably never will.
>Russia was a shit tier peasent country before communism
Russia was considered a world power way before communism m8. Your making it sound like they went from being a literally who to a great power when in reality they wrnt through a period of decline to being a regional/world power again.
Bolshevism was created and funded by the Banksters in hopes of destroying Russia. And it succeeded. It did not matter whether it was Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky who led the nation at the end of it. They all had the same mission.
I would agree with this, honestly.
He was jewish
You think Stalin tarnished the name of Marx? Like there was just this one blip and without him everything would be fine?
Leftists are such naive idiots about Russian history. They where not some primitive third world "shit tier" country, nor was there industrial rise unprecedented. Sure, they whereby as industrialized as the UK or France, but they still had considerable industrial power comparable to the average European nations. And as far as rate of industrialization goes, the Japanese imperial industry shift was much more dramatic, and that was mix of capitalism and monarchy.
Soviet industrialization was just a brute force shift that was inefficient and fueled by millions of lives.
In a system of absolute power, the most ruthless brutal person always rises to the top. Stalin became the leader of Russia because he murdered all of his political opposition.
Stalin wasn't some accident of random chance, he was inevitable
he wasn't
Lenin was a kike working for international jewry just like Trotsky.
Immediately after the Napoleonic Wars. The banking elite believed that the European powers would be so desperate and exhausted from the war that they would accept almost any solution. So, at the Congress of Vienna, the League of Nations (an attempt at a one world government) was proposed. The banking elite believed that since all the great powers were indebted to them, they would accept this proposal. That is, all the great powers except for one.
Tsar Alexander I of Russia, having not succumbed to a Rothschild central bank, saw through this plot, and torpedoed the idea. Enraged, Nathan Rothschild vowed that he or his descendants would destroy the Russian Tsar and his entire family, and in the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, Rothschild's wish came true.
>A real hero of the people.
Obvious troll thread
fuck lenin he had so much blood on his hands and he murdered people like you
Not that I don't believe you, but do you have any source for this information? I'd like to read more.
Jesus could me an amazing fucking wolrd leader. But no the poor satandominatedpersons get stuck with fuckin paranoid powerhungry idiot of antichrist who tarnished the name of Jesus with everybullshitofthemodernworld.
god forgive me but im glad you people are hanging yourselfs with your own fuckin rope. when you finally kill yourself he will reign.
and believe me there are people there are going to try and rescue you afterwards.
im high and thinking about god so fuck it hue
In English, Doc.
Wasn't Lenin the guy who caused a village to start eating their own kids in desperation?
It's bullshit, especially given that the Concert of Europe that came out of Vienna was explicitly anti-nationalist, and pro-imperial. A league of nations was the last thing on their mind - and if that faggot tries to tell me the Congress was a League, he doesn't understand what international organisations do and how they work.
Secondly, a central bank existed in Russia since the 1760s (State Assignation Bank, becoming the State Commercial Bank in 1818). The Austrian central bank was also created AFTER the Congress (1816).
Thank goodness someone shot him.
>you can't be free unless you live in a dictatorship with no economic OR personal freedom, because otherwise you might only have personal freedom and not economic freedom
really gets the noggin joggin
Russia's Assignation Bank was owned by the state, not private creditors.
The Creature From Jekyll Island is a good starting point.
>cause of abortion rates climbing
>cause of Godless ideology
>cause of dwindling native population
>oy guys, your population is so low, you NEED afriacns to come in and make it up because they don't have abortions
Fuck lenin and fuck Marx.....fucking assholes