Whoa, it's almost like they despise white people.
this is fucked up
He's Jewish
is this not true? I know it's in bad taste because he just died but
White privilege sent real
Is there anyone who isn't fucking Jewish?
Wow, that's pretty rude. Guy killed by Norks and HuffPo there hours later to add insult to injury.
fake the author's name is La-Sha (la dash sha)
I hope you die.
*white female privilege
this shit is fake look at the date
>implying they are wrong
holy fucking shit, that's disgusting
especially after all the berghdahl shit, this is pretty fucked
cant be real, please post link
lol more niggers insulting their jewish masters. nothing could go wrong there.
I feel you
i stand corrected, it's just a year old
That's what those cunts take from this? How fucking low can they get...
No, are you kidding me with your phony headline that doesn't exist outside your brain and this thread.
While males have no place in modern society user.
Norway guy, are you a bot or the biggest autist on Sup Forums?
Dis gon b gud
the article was updated an hour ago, wonder what was changed
This is abhorrent.
People are really paying for this journal? T
Is there a way to expose this article (social media?).
non-whites aren't Jewish
All white people are low-key Jewish
By that logic so does all of Africa, Asia (from India to the Middle East), South America, and Canada prove.
If you travel then you find out fast that most other races don't respect you.
That didn't age well
you'll be pleased to learn that someday I will
You shouldn't have believed (((them))) when they told you they're the smartest
To be fair most of us at the time thought "Fucking idiot white frat kid" Cause he literally lived out the stereotype
Serious question
Why do these people hate white men do much? I mean regular normie white men not Sup Forums tier white men.
It makes no sense
White men go out of their way to accommodate for others and yet they are constantly reminded that they are "oppressors"
This is the sort of shit that makes people become racist
Really activates my almonds
The (((media))) only covers Jewish interest pieces.
He's the hero we don't deserve.
>updated one hour ago
holy fuck I really didn't think this was real
fuck off kike
IS this real?
>american freedom
>white privilege
yes, although it was written a year ago when he was first sentenced
Outrage from middle america and the idiot dying.. Like nigga knew the risk and how the country was like..
Are you sure it is not /one of us/ trolling?
>most of us
degenerate faggots.
to 15 hard labor. your point?
You know what, I'm beginning to think they're not kidding.
I think they mean what they print literally.
Or it's some kind of super satire that I'm just incapable of grasping.
the name makes me wonder....although there are 3 other articles that are far less inflammatory
Good thing I don't consider online "articles" as my primary source of news and information.
thankyou for fucking archiving it Norman. No way I'm clicking on that bag of bollocks (huffpo)
But when you do you only consider those that suit your worldview.
It said it was updated an hour ago
What did they update? Doesn't say
Probably took out even more shit that said they hoped he would die or something
According to Sup Forums, no.
Objectively wrong
According to Sup Forums none is white either.
So it compensates.
>not becoming the kikes yourself to change/sabotage them from within
You deserve to die in a vegetative state. You piece of shit.
Of fucking course you are.
reminder that dems built that.
far as I can tell all they did was remove some callout quotes
huffpo is owned by AOL which is owned by Verizon
boycott Verizon
im going thru the author's twitter, and she is literally a paid shill
and dems should pay for their treasons.
while he indeed did deserve it, jewpo can go fuck itself sideways
Not sure if they're just shitposting anymore at this point.
White privileged is the same as black oppression. They are both IMAGINARY.
Where there's political hijinks, cultural agitation, and white collar crime? Not really, no.
This comes to mind when seeing that pic of SJWs (Social Justice Whores):
they are actual paid shills.
HUGE portions of the (((media))) are literal paid shills.
North Korea claims to be democratic then but now tries to claim to be left so libtards will move there and be enslaved into the workforce. Hail Kim Jong Un.
As with all anti-white propaganda, change white to jew and watch as it magically turns into hate speech.
>North Korea proves your jew privilege is not universal.
The media are LITERALLY paid shills.
It's like they're not even trying anymore. How can someone suck at shitposting?
They are trying. They are trying VERY hard...
And losing.
Around 95% of mainstream media is paid shilling. The fact that nearly all of the organizational structure of that 95% is controlled by Jews is purely coincidental.
I was b rowsing her articles and twitter now.
My fucking god. This is beyond good & evil.
Unrelated to her "political" and other views... she just menthaly ill. I came to this conclusion again and again. This "activists" or whatever they call each othe. They just obsessed with one idea. All the fucking time. "Idea fix"
And yeah. This IS the symptom of the menthal disorder.