Independent : so who responsible for radicalization of Finsbury terror?

Independent : so who responsible for radicalization of Finsbury terror?
>hint Islamophobia

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wasn't he drunk? or was that fake news?

>defending your country

>so who responsible for radicalization of Finsbury terror?
Radical van attacks are just part and parcel of living in an Islamic state.

>every terrorist attack has something to do with Islam
>people still don't think it's a problem

Revenge attacks are just part and parcel of living in a globalized city famalam.

Alcohol radicalised his driving

If it was indeed an anti-Muslim attack, we already know what radicalized him: the unending stream of Muslim terrorist attacks.

The more you speak against against islamophobia and against all ilsamophobes, the more terrorists it will create

Hint nobody gives a shit you all deserve to get TRUCKED!!!

Won't you savages let the Muslims play the victim for once?

Seeing his country deteriorate into a dark shithole while his countrymen are mowed down by invaders that he is legally restricted from even denouncing is a good start.

Well obviously he was radicalized by muslims. He wouldnt have done it if there was no muslims would he?

He hasn't even been charged let alone brought to trial, nobody has the full set of facts yet and any statements attributed to him are purely hearsay secondhand evidence yet this 'paper' is now painting him as the next Breivik. Cunts.

Islamic terror radicalized him

>it's another libcuck flip conservative arguments against Muslims as a joke in bad faith as proof that conservatives are hypocrites
>halfway through repeating it while replacing Muslim with White they are unable to hide their joy
>suddenly violating human rights aren't a big deal since the target are whites

And there's no cognitive dissonance since libcucks have cognition.

If muzzies rekt shit in my city three times in as many months I'd probably be feeling pretty radical too.

This is a man bites dog story, only nobody's talking about how the dog has a history of mauling passers-by.


That's just rude. The lad was merely returning their van to them. They left it on the London bridge and ran off in a hurry before they could retrieve it! He was just helping the Muslim community in a way they are used to (peace). Then again I guess driving a van into people is cultural appropriation

spend well pupper

The radicalization of drugged Jew drivers is now a civilization issue

It's been less than 24 hours and they already have the narrative they want.

>Drunk guy bumps his van into some extremist Muslims congregated in the middle of the road - zero casualties

>Compared to """"radicalized"""" Muslims slaughtering women and children indiscriminately

Nice false equivalency, Achmed.


A phobia is a medical condition. You don't arrest and jail sick people for being sick, do you Achmed?

T. A nigger who literally nobody cares about


> If they dun it and they dun it then it is even. See tit-for-tat.
Nah. One has an overarching objective and goes amongst a whole host of violence and oppression of free speech/ corruption the other is a minor backlash.

Islamist terrorism and the lack of a response radicalised this guy. So he went for it just to show that you can.

London turning into a mini Saudi Arabia is what radicalized him fucknuts.

The muslims by their behavior

Yeah when will they admit that forced immigration from muslim countries is a radicalizing force? Living around Muslims is the best predictor for """islamophobia"""

The media, government, and the Muslim invaders, that's who's doing it.

Nationalism is the ideology of peace.

One lone nut doesn't represent all nationalists. We need mental health funding NOW.

It's the true fruit of 'multiculturalism.'

I'll tell you what radicalized the guy. Radical Islam. He got tired of seeing all the rapes and terrorist attacks every fucking week. This isn't the first or the last.

If you say islamaphopia was the reason one more time you mincing fucking CUNT, I will tear your fucking skin off and i will wear it to your mothers birthday party and I will rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling Bohemian fucking rhapsody okay?

I don't think this is a very productive and healthy way to look at things, Muslims shouldn't look back in anger and just learn to live with it, as the mayor of London said such attack are part and parcel of the life in a big city like London :^)

it is funny how they bitch when it happens to them but nothing when they do it........b-b-b-b-b-islamiphobia


Within 5 minutes the world over had blamed white supremacy for the attack
>when will we start questioning?
How oblivious do you have to be to think this is journalism? When will leftists realise their enemies are fictitious boogie men made up by a mainstream media to keep itself alive?

t. Based kekistani

Gee, who knows? Could it be the people forcibly moving in, refusing to adapt to your culture but forcing you to adapt to theirs, meanwhile raping, stabbing, and running over everything that doesn't.

He literally avenged the victims of the previous attack by hitting the mosque of the guy who did the last attack

It's just an awkward civil war with Benny hill playing in the background:

Someone put dad out of his misery, he can't even civil war to death properly anymore.

Maybe it was the sand niggers blowing themselves up and the government that was inviting them in? I'm no expert, but I think that might be a possibility.

He may be a reactionary, but it was still motivated by Islam, just like all the other fucking terrorist attacks.

oh, so that's why muslims hate dogs, they view them as competition. Kinda like how girls hate other girls they view as rivals.

the suffix -phobia denotes an irrational fear, and it is not irrational to fear muslims.

Are the """witnesses""" lying (taqiyya) about what happened? Most gave aliases or only first names.

I'd bet you good money that every war that turned romantic later on was pretty awkward and gay when it happened/got going.

Not nearly this bad though

It's taken decades of conditioning to make both sides so cringingly beta. No real warrior can even join the fray because only the most pathetic losers are actually fighting this civil war.

traitors first anons.

>who responsible

i blame Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.

A question we can never ask about the muslims.
Ironically enough, it was the muslims that radicalized this man. Can only ignore a problem so long until people start to lose faith in the system and will take matters into their own hands like here.

As an egyptian living in country with a muslim majority. I can tell you that a lot of them are racist. You can hear sheiks in mosques yelling cure the christians and the jews. Christian homes get burned and the people living there are forced to flee, chruches are burned and destroyed, and i personally experienced this racism as has every other christian living here. However on the other hand, some of my closest friends are muslims and a lot of them arent racist and are geberally nice people. What i meant to say that islamophobia isnt comepletly unjustified however it is not ok to kill or use violence aganist them.


Fanatical Muhammadans spreading Islam and killing and raping people all over the world radicalized him. Duh. What do the libtards expect? That non-Muslims will forever be happy to just watch while Muhammadans Islamize their countries, destroy their societies, and attack non-Muslims with impunity? Who radicalized Britain to attack Nazi Germany? Who radicalized America to nuke Japan?


Radicalized by Islam, only in reverse.

>christians and jews

Do words mean fucking anything anymore?

>dislike a rat
>fucking homophobe

Only the people who support gun control and immigration deserve this.

There are many of us who have seen burgeoning Islamic attacks on Europe over the last 2 years, and who have seen our authorities' pitiful response.
Each one of us is angered by that reality, or "radicalized" by it. Plenty of us talk about it. But they want to act as if he couldn't have simply acted out of direct anger or retaliation for the Islamic attacks themselves. He has to have been influenced by other people who in all actuality, feel just how he did, for the same reasons.
Correlation doesn't equal causation, but they want to send as many of us to the chopping block for this. Fuck them. They're only adding fuel to the fire.
Maybe if the press hadn't so irresponsibly warped every Islamist attack to their narrative, disenfranchising Europeans, you wouldn't get people like this guy. If we could feel that our concerns were being taken seriously, if we could feel our law enforcement were actually protecting us, this wouldn't happen.
The press is radicalizing people like him, for fuck's sake.
Independent need to take a long hard look in the mirror.