7 Burgers Somehow Died From This


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Africans can't swim, matey. That's why we kept them secured with chains for their protection

6 billion jews somehow died from this

Do we know how the fuck this happened yet?

There's a big fucking hole below the waterline which let lots of water into a berthing compartment. The "chin" of the cargo ship protrudes forward enough to do that.

59,000 Burgers Somehow Died From This

Fuck me I thought we could all use our weight to float

They were in a berthing compartment that was breached and started filling with water, and someone sealed it off thinking no one was inside. For some reason they could't breathe the water

It's called a bow, you landlubber


there is? uss cole same ship class. interdasting

>implying burgers know how to war

They have lots of money, thats all

How the mighty have become cucked

200 million whites somehow died from this



the new tranny troops were busy manning the bilge pumps of the seamen

New US military policy

Don't ask, we swallow


>burger meme

A North Korea just bought a fleet
P of Philipino merchant ships
P WW3 imminent

of course

I won't spoonfeed you

The US is fuck as China will send an unlimited supply of container ships

Haven't heard anything juicy yet. Just a lot of military guys thinking it's weird and posing possible explanations.

Some people noticing the same patterns I do and wondering if this might somehow fit in.

i wonder who has diagrams for the berthing area





>A Multi-Million dollar military naval vessel from one of the most powerful countries in the world
>Gets completely debilitated by a rusty Philippine civvy vessel from an age-old technique of crashing into it.

Lmao the flips are the strongest race in the world.

How did a 21st century Navy warship not notice they were about to be rammed by a cargo ship?

What the fuck were the on-deck surveillance niggers doing? Digging their taints?

In my opinion it's the fault of people on station who someone didn't notice a cargo ship 3x's the size of their warship for this.

FUCKING NIGGERS in other words.

CIA niggers glow in the dark.
When you see one, run him over.

The Terry-Duterte Holy Alliance is in effect.

that was a pansy ass rules of engagement failure. a cargo ship hitting you has nothing to do with rules of engagement

Containers filled with knock off shoes

Kike with inverted swishes, nike goes belly up,

Dutiti will never ally with the yanks.
BTFO of our seas before we sinks all your vessels.

The ship took on water so there must be damage below water deck we can't see.

want to know what happened? Captains room got crushed, captain severely injured. Why were there 7 other men in the captains room late at night? Thats right, buttfucking. lots of buttfucking.

Wrong. FC1 didn't come back up after trying to rescue a 21st person, so they secured the watertight hatch to keep the rest of the ship from flooding.
There's no happening. The scuttlebutt is that the PI ship made an emergency turn that the Fitz wasn't expecting.

I made a meme son.

yeah but here wasn't talking about the "bow" shit for brains, he said the "chin" because he meant the chin

>The scuttlebutt is that the PI ship made an emergency turn that the Fitz wasn't expecting.
>wasn't expecting.
>tailgate truck on highway
>win stupid prizes

Lol remember that time Brazil did that one thing?
Oh wait, that was never.
Every brazshit that could afford a plane ticket moved to Florida.

Side note;
I never understood why they have that statue of Jesus overlooking a city made of garbage and rats.
Have some respect and decency for Christ's sake.

Yeah I get the feeling is justs a really impressive and ill-timed fuck-up, but so far everything I've heard is grasping at straws for a possible explanation that would lay out a believable set of coincidences.

My guess is that if it there is something to it, then it'd be too much of an embarrassment to reveal and we'll just all settle on some narrative or other anyway.

Fucking sand niggers

I don't know anything about what happened, but I would assume that the ships already crossed each other, but the PI ship was still close enough that when it turned, it hit the Fitz. Who fucking knows though, I can't wait for the results on the investigation. I hope that whoever killed these 7 men gets fucked. We didn't sign up to die on a fucking routine patrol.

More like Navy seals did botch a operation in NK and now the US gov try ´s desperately to cover up.

maybe jews are made out of sugar?

I've heard that the rules of the road might have already been followed, and it was just an extremely bad unavoidable mishap. If that's the case, then there's nothing that could have been done. The shipping lanes out in 7th fleet are super tight.

I think salt is more likely

12 kangillion Africans somehow were enslaved by this

>says the country so cucked by the powers that be that they have a illuminatti eye in all of their bills of money


Cause Jesus always loved the dirty bastard skinny fuckers more than fat greedy pieces of shit (USA)

Being station on a DDG I will explain what happened.

It's 0230. A majority of the crew are in their birthings. Birthing 2, located below Birthing 1 with a U shape mashed between the showers and the VLS magazine.

Suddenly the bulbous bow section on a freighter impacts Birthing 2's hull and makes a 4 foot wide hole in the ship's hull. Tons of seawater and fire main rushes in.

The ship torques and the hole turns into a gash as the DDG slides and the bulbus sull tears the few milimeter this of steel toward the front of the ship.

there are 9 or so racks in that section of Birthing 2 Their heads bordering the shower /head space inboard their feet the hull and water beyond.

The few feet opening between the hull and the racks they slept in is now twisted metal and thousands of tons of water.

The emergency egress hatch is on the other side of the birthing in the "common area".

The lights went out immediately on impact as racks, Gaussing lines and power lines short out.

You are going to die.

No way out, in darkness, Birthing 2 filling completely with water in minutes and egress on the other side of the wreckage that was the side of your ships hull.

It's been interesting listening to some people going with tight shipping lanes, some people talking like it's the middle of the Pacific, just all over the map. It's like de facto theory chaff.

Only problem is that at this point even if we do get a decent story from the investigation, now it's a sure thing it will be used as a continued distraction and conspiracy mill.

QA don't go up in holes to inspect them booger welds!


who paid dangerous ships to be there?

who was analyzing the risks of that area?

Blasted, the most powerful race have discovered the one weakness of US military grade radar systems: huge, slow moving freighters

looks like we got ourselves a college boy

Yes. The chink boat was making the required turn to avoid collision, then the American ship retardedly also moved to avoid collision, instead of remaining straight on course. Verified by ship GPS data publicly available online.

Top Kek

A cargo ship crashed into the sleeping quarters at 2:00AM. So most of the crew was in their quarters, exactly where the cargo ship hit. There was literally nothing those 7 poor bastards could have done once the collision happened.

Chinese tested a new stealth module on a container ship and told it to ram a DDG to embarrass the US. DDG didn't see the container ship on radar and the bigger ship had running lights off

they got locked in by the rest of the crew

Don't forget the Russians jammed the computer systems on the DDG and 19 Muslims from a cave called a number on their cell phone to set of a micro IED EMP to cut engine power just to make it more confusing to the crew.

There is a video on youtube of a big dick captain (usa) demanding that a lighthouse move position cause merica


with that catastrophic dmg only 7 died? ship with 300 crew?

I know right? Should have been a lot worse. It 250 ish though...Obama cuts.

a tranny sailor was manning 6 bilge pumps below deck

Norks also used an underwater mininuke to move the DDG with so much force it was damaged in such a way. Obviously, an armoured boat wouldn't have sustained that much damage on normal speeds

>tfw was considering joining the navy
guess i'm going chair force fuck it

burgers amirite

I heard Iran flew overhead and dropped soccer balls to create loud confusing noises in case any of the crew were still paying attention.

They sailors were blow decks.

You wouldn't make it in the Navy, fucking pussy

I hate bulbous chin chink bows now.

What a nightmare.

Zumwalt = engine flooding = 1 trillion R&D
F35 lemon = pilots pass out = 1 trillion R&D
Paper macher navy = 700 million
Afghanistan 14 years = vietnam 2.0 = 1 trillion

Watching the US become the USSA = priceless

Meanwhile the container ship has a 7:0 Kill/death ratio, literally infinity, and they probably just have to redo some minor bits and put on new paint to put it back in service.

If this is the true future of naval warfare it's going to be brutal. Just imagine groups going apeshit on out of line container ships and the Jews laughing all the way to the bank.

you're right i'd probably be dead too like these poor shmucks who died if only because of an incompetent fucking captain.

>insults a different nationality while being too cowardly to even don his own colors
sage and report


So much retardation in 1 post there.

The fucking insane military spending of the Usa on failed tech in the past decade tells me the jews have been to all your banks laughing

Military appropriation in the US is as corrupt as all the Brazilian gov combined x10

And the ones that were missing were found dead:



underrated comment chain

Chill. I'd order the batoning down myself if I know 10x 5 feet of twisted metal was between me and life.

Cloaking Device?

>Brazil population 207.8 million
>US makes 208 million drones controlled by googles AI using an algorithm that "rescues" the hot brazillians and escorts them to US and double murdles all others


How are you going to blame a man who was fucking sleeping for what is most likely going to turn out to be a complete accident?

That's how I know you're a fucking pussy.


>pillars of salt
It just keeps getting better

die during peacetime

Brazil 1400: Jungle shithole
Brazil 1500: Jungle shithole
Brazil 1600: Jungle shithole
Brazil 1700: Jungle shithole
Brazil 1800: Jungle shithole
Brazil 1900: Jungle shithole
Brazil 2000: Jungle shithole
Brazil 2100: Jungle shithole

By all means

Brazilian women know how to treat their men
Old school style

my American business partner came here 5 years ago. Fukin happy like a pig in brazilian shit

Radio (comms center) was one of the spaces that got hit

Yeah, and it's a tough thing to tighten up on. Fiat currency and shoddy military expansionism were a big part of what brought down Kublai Khan's empire in the end.

It sounds like there are some good ideas out there on how to get it down without significantly impacting our military capabilities, but I don't know if we'll get there or not. At this rate it does look like poorly spent money into the militay-intelligence complex is going to be a significant component of eventual economic blowout.

>be american
>be so fat that you can't stay afloat

No one practiced how to egress the berthing in total darkness? No one knew the location of the nearest Battle Lantern? You can pull them off the wall.


need me one of thems

Still richer than yo pasty ass

an entire regime of communist intellectuals somehow couldn't produce this