How can we make women classy again Sup Forums?
tax their farts
Stop letting them go to college
You can stop masturbating to anime and get off the internet, for starters. Actually if you want to accomplish anything with your life those are going to be the first two steps
good answers guys keep them coming
Women don't fart you fucking virgin. They do poop pink foam though.
Just because the women you date are trashy whores doesn't mean they all are. Get better taste or the social status required to date outside the trailer park.
Thy could always stop drinking for starters.
maybe it's time we stopped them being allowed to drink
great minds
Revoke their rights for starters
Make alcohol illegal again
Theyre just ladetts copying men, and getting it ALL WRONG
yeah, the media's got a lot to answer for
Hey women, be like men, hey men, be like women
It's gonna happen when they find out no man will marry them when they see their college photos. Every man wants to fuck the slut, but does not want to marry the slut. Whores will end up alone and sad!
Replace them all with fully customizable (mentally and physically), lab grown, synthetic females.
Imagine being able to customize the taste, smell, shape, size, texture, color, and taste of a synthetic humans pussy, and customizing everything else you can think of, like ass size, shape, softness, or breast size, shape, perkiness, and areola size, shape, and color.
Natural women would be worthless.
why marry the cow when you can just milk it for free
is that jesse waters?
Takes six months to fully imprint on a partner, after that show contrition and you can get away with anything
Nope, I'm a sober or dry alcoholic. I say let people drink. Just because I can't drink safely doesn't mean we should take that right from others.
>How can we make women classy again Sup Forums?
We should throw stones at them until the behave.
Stop giving them Ds except as a grade on the toothjob report
>Replace them all with fully customizable (mentally and physically), lab grown, synthetic females.
Props burgerbro, +1.
Natural women 'are' worthless.
What's it like knowing you'll never ever lose your virginity, OP?
Why would girls get blackout drunk when they get to be qt grils? It doesn't make sense to me anons. Why would they tarnish themselves?
oi oi!
get yer nob out for the girls
Well /TFG/ was a bust so I guess we better give up.
It definitely doesn't have anything to do with bad parenting or subversion in the education and entertainment industries.
Dress codes, obviously, O.P.
Yeah, prohibition worked so well the first time.
Also, friendly reminder that WOMEN were the ones who made prohibition happen.
Morals from a natsoc
purge, then replace with fembots
butt-hurt drunk slag?
Yes, because many degenerate husbands went out drinking hard liquor, and when they were broke, they'd get angry with their wives.
But really, I don't understand it. They can be pretty, and magical and all that, but they throw it away for degeneracy.
Making women classy is not a concern of male homosexuals like yourself. As a buttplug model, you should know that.
>women fuck up
>blame men
>it's ok because now even more no women so muh vagina something something that drunken idiot blonde slag
That's the story (((they))) pushed. I expect more coming from someone with a Nat-soc flag. Domestic abuse barely went down during prohibition, meanwhile organized crime became widespread. It wasn't worth it.
gr8 bantz
Why do women get so fucked up from a couple of shots and beers?
Why do they listen to talking snakes
Expelling the refugees must be the first step, their disgusting morale only contaminates the weak minds of our women. But that's just a symptom, the cancer are the jews
And if men refused to accept that behaviour they'd stop but men are lazy tfw just want a fuck
You can't, unless a totalitarian government takes control and rebuilds this degenerate society from the ground up. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
White Sharia
i can go to hipster mecca in my city and you see these tiny scrawny metro/gay looking guys in cardigans and shit with beautiful normal looking girls instagram model tier with fat asses and nice tits. i guess girls really dont care about looks or even if you come off as gay.
hell one of my friends had a gf and she thought he was gay the entire time but she loved him. weird.
I sorry baby that skank din mean nuffin to me you KNOW I love you baby.....sound familiar?