Kekistan cringe thread


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Holy shit that is cringe


TFW Kekistan is full of juggalos.

Shareblue kys

Gas the shareblue employees
Shill war now

most Sup Forums memes die out when normies hijack them

pepe & kekistan.... well my flag says it all

jesus christ


What's with all the manchildren types? I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be anti-degenerate, ie strong and traditional.

Oh. So a neck beard is actually a real thing.

I almost wish trump didn't run just so our memes wouldn't get dank. I guess we all have to make sacrifices.

This is all our fault

Kek was a massive mistake

I remember when we were saying 'the memes are spilling into reality' during the election.
These faggots actually thought it meant taking meme flags and signs out in public and sperging out like autists.

the types willing to brand themselves as part of any movement in public are often struggling with their own personal identity. these faggots don't understand anonymity is a core principle of the whole schtick.

At least they're doing something, what the fuck are you faggots doing?

Kek is taking a little break.
The stock market super bubble will pop by September.
Kek will take down Trump, take down the US economy, take down the housing market.
Get ready to praise kek like never before...

Normie fags officially killed kek. What now?

Every thread got the some pics.
I need new ones for my dank maymay folder

Remember when these same retards through Pepe was a nazi symbol?

back to the bear.

Reminder: if you are a white man and cannot compete with an immigrant, you are a failure, and are the reason for the "Genocide" of the white race, white men are the biggest race mixers in the history of mankind but now you want to cry because "your" women are getting in on it too and not to mention the hundred of Asian fetishist threads that get posted on here, Pathetic

This is your daily reminder that in spite of what your Russian psy-op overlords want you to believe, Kekistan really is cringy as fuck and it's basically like stapling a nylon bag of diarrhea to your face.

It just makes you a stupid follower with no knowledge of history or facts. Welcome to your lobotomy.

working on myself and voting for my interests.


Women are already crushing them. What you see here is the white lightning bolt of cloying terror.

Pretty much this. It's cringy but everyone complaining is doing literally nothing aside from posting on an underwater basket weaving BBS.

The best part is that the black guys were the most racist ones there. I heard them making shekel jokes about the jew in the bottom left.

The damage is done. Its Sup Forums's pound of flesh for backing Trump. IRL memeing will never not be cringy when enough time passes. Will people really look back at some of these pictures in say like 10 years, with fondness? I doubt it.

I mean I'm pretty sure we used Kek to meme President Trump into office. And summon a space creature.

Am I missing something or?

>kekistan cringe thread



kys americans

Anonymity is our greatest power indeed. The IRA was very successful because of this.

But I understand how hard it is to stay quiet in these times, I've wanted to rip it all off and go charge the castle but shit it's hard to keep it down sometimes