Climate change deniers in a nutshell

How can anyone deny that the climate is changing?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Stupid climate change deniers, don't you know there is a scientific consensus!"

"But, how do you know that the climate is changing?"

"Because Al Gore told me so."

Funny because they're considering reclassifying Pluto as a planet again

Pluto should've remained a planet.. they just think kids are too stupid to learn another dozen planets because that would mean Ceres and several Kuiper belt objects would have to also be considered planets

Listen mate, if everyone on the planet agreed that each time you go to work with your car the climate gets hotter by 1 degree celsius. Do you really believe all co2 emissions would just suddenly disappear?
And even if they do, do you have any idea of how much flora we have devastated that helps absorb the co2?

>Hey guys, I think Pluto shouldn't be a planet anymore

A better question is to ask, what is a planet?

Anyway, climate deniers deny it will be so bad

Weren't we all supposed to be dead by now anyway?

Or at least have several beaches underwater?


Aren't the icebergs supposed to be gone? Al Gore said they would.
Fuck Al Gore.

You are honestly retarded to think global warming isn't happening and that regardless of whether mankind is causing it that pollution is fine to do

Whether or not they classify Pluto as a planet is completely arbitrary, and has no basis in reality. The adult in the picture is correct.

People on either side of this debate don't seem to realize that there's a middle ground. Most sane people agree that there is global warming, but disagree on the projections, the effects of CO2 and how the IPCC are dealing with it.
For fuck's sake, even Jordan Peterson agrees that climate change activists have their heads up their asses, and you'd be hard pressed to find a more pragmatic man than him.

>How can anyone deny that the climate is changing?

man, they fight soooo hard to keep you people so simple... The issue isn't whether or not the climate is changing, it's whether we can reverse the effects by reversing actions we've taken, or if they are truly inevitable cyclical events that we just have to deal with. There is basically no real evidence that man has had anything to do with it, and even further we had 6 figures worth of emails leaked from the IPCC where they are asking how to hide data from FOIA, and how to use things like "Mikes Trick" to give misleading graphs and charts for fomenting alarmism.

Take a minute and ponder how many planets you know of that have ice caps. You have to be in a truly magical sweet spot proximity of the sun to have the situation we have on earth. We are basically leaving an ice age, and it wasn't caused because the dinosaurs had to have Hummers and air conditioning

>Pluto's classification was changed by committee
But it was. And Black Science Man lead that crusade. There was more a war of personalities involved than any actual real science. Scientists are human and have human vices particularly pride.

Out of curiosity, how would Sup Forums explain the 97% number that climate scientists agree that climate change is real?

>There is basically no real evidence that man has had anything to do with it
This is wrong. There is universal consensus on both sides that mankind has had some impact on the climate. The question is how much, and if the linear projections are correct.
Among actual scholars on the side that disagrees with the left's narrative on climate change, the issues isn't whether or not man made climate change is real. It's too broad of a topic to get into though. If you want to actually talk about climate change and not look like a total retard, look up what the respected critics of the IPCC actually say about climate change. It's far more nuanced than people on either side of the political spectrum make it out to be.

Basically, climate change is real, but it's not as catastrophic as the left makes it out to be, and they don't actually understand the mechanics behind it, which goes far beyond mere CO2.

Every discovery starts with one man, and when have a look at the modern scientific community you see that they are filling the shoes of the Holy Roman Empire. They use anti-scientific terms like "incontrovertible" to describe climate change, and denounce anyone who disagrees as the equivalent of a heretic, as well as advocate for punishment for deniers. God has a sense of humor...

I for one also blame the Ice Age and the following age of warmth that melted the ice on too many cars. The Flintstones should have stayed with foot power and maybe they wouldn't have caused the ice to melt.

how does taxing the shit out of people save the world

>1 post by this ID
why can all you fucking newfags learn to sage
We don't need 12 of these threads everyday

First off, what is a planet?

Second, almost nobody denies climate change is a thing, the "climate change deniers" simply deny that all of florida will end up underwater anytime soon.

Not denying it changed. Just don't believe we caused it. If we can cause these things why haven't we changed the climate on mars yet? A - Cuz people can't change the fukin' climate dumb ads!

When are people going to accept that climates changing is something that has always happened.

Only africa is going to get fucked

That is ironic because Pluto is a planet again.

We too Dutchbro, be prepared for hundreds of millions of climate refugees from Africa in the next 50 years.

I bet your stupid ass doesnt know 1 thing about meteorology? But yet you want to preach like a screeching retard based on muh feels and 99% of paid scientists agree to on global warming

behold, 2 posts by this id

your move dahnald

> Global Warming
> Climate Change
>How can anyone deny that the climate is changing?

The argument has ALWAYS been man made climate change. NO ONE ever denied the climate doesn't change. The climate changes, the earth changes, the heavens change. People change. Change is what we are.

P.S. Pluto is a fucking planet.

Yeah let me know when we change pluto's climate and people go there and live. Then I'll believe that people can change the climate. Till then it's no different than believing in et. Proove it or shut up

Do you deny that CO2 is an insulator

Why is Jerry always right?

Liberals always disagree with him but he is.

It's almost as if.... It was on purpose

Got any sauce on this? I remember hearing about it a few months back but can't recall where.

By your retarded standards nothing derived from science is true then? It's true that there are a couple outliers, but you will be hard pressed to find a field of science that has higher coherence.

>those fat-cat researchers need those grant moneys

>2 posts by this ID
Stop replying to bait.

>2 posts by this ID
>both just doing so to throw people off of the shill trail

shartblue shit heads trying to act sly is so transparent and obvious LMFAO.

Kiketrails in the skies.

Climate change believers are no different than flat earthers.

its like a religion for them, no matter how many cold hard facts you give them, it doesnt even compute in their minds because their god (obama) and his disciples (the scientists working under his administration) told them its true.

I Couldn't have said it better

Bro, theres no science accurately predicting florida would be under water, and thats the crap people care about

yes, we know green house gasses CAN have an effect, nobody denies this

People deny you dumbasses acting like it will kill all humans.


Right in this very thread people are disagreeing on whether humans influence the climate at all.

We don't deny it is changing which is natural but the lack of solid proof we are the problem and that we can do anything - tell the poos and chinks to do efforts, not the civilized world

>tell the poos and chinks to do efforts, not the civilized world
Yet a lot of their emissions are are the result of them doing the cheap labour the "civilised world" outsourced out of greed.
It's stupid and sticking your head in the sand to think it's not related to you at all and developing nations pollute just for the fun of it.

This is one of my favourite Jewish memes. Not "if you deny climate change is man made then you deny climate change", that you, the spastic, is making. I mean the "It's currently X year and Y is true", "Now it's currently Y year and X is true instead, how can you not know that when (((Google))), (((Wikipedia))) and (((Snopes))) are at your finger tips you bigot?". Remember when salt was bad for your heart? Not anymore says latest (((science))) consensus. Asbestos? Totally fine. In fact it's so fine it'll get right into your lungs so use this handkerchief made from it, oh no it's current year (((we))) haven't discovered that yet because we're still making a profit off it.

Never post on this board again.

>Citation needed

Their lack of cicility and environmental care and rules are to blame, not industrialists but governments

*civility - I fucked up

>compares climate denier with those who oppose a an arbitrary definition

Why no one actually look up records n shit?

Climate change and the made made effects to it are not a binary. To what degree to either occur if at all?



>not taking the bravopill

We are all worried about global warming. But what about HAARP?

When I found out my Dad was going on a climate deny meme route, our conversation went like this:

Dad. Do you understand humans are taking resources out of the ground, using it and byproducts are escaping into the atmosphere.
>Yes son, but...
Thats about it dad, we can argue the impact if you want to however I'm not making a value judgement of its good vs bad. Just recognising actions have consequences. Is that unreasonable?
> son.
That's manmade climate change in a nutshell

Appeal to academia

If I pay you a couple hundred thousand a year in research grants to prove the sky isn't blue, what do you think your results will be?.

Kek confirms.

You are stepping your shitposting game up a little, I like it!

Reductio ad absurdum

But dipshit, your point has a huge gaping hole, like your ass.

Scientists THOUGHT there was no climate change, and now they have learned in recent decades with better technology that there is.

So the problem is your point is right, as long as you are saying climate change is real.

Otherwise, you were too stupid to know you made the opposite point.

I hope it's the former, knowing Sup Forums I have a feeling it's the latter.

>flat earther
>not hollow earther

>The industrial revolution was solely powered by grit, sweat and hard work. Not carbon based fuels.


And developed nations export work there precisely because of those policies that make it cheaper. It's not like it's some secret that the poor business owners are kept in the dark about.
In order to save money on cheap factory trash and all manner of other shit we export the production to the places that we know lack as strict emissions standards and money to enact or enforce such standards as we do.
You either have to in-denial deluding yourself or completely ignorant of the whole situations to not understand the obvious consequences.

Please understand that I'm not saying the evil capitalists are trying to destroy the world, the majority are just following the market trends they need to in order to compete.
Given a choice between negative publicity over pollution/paying out the ass to reduce emissions or just sending it to the shithole where they don't require containing emissions the smart business choice is obvious but that doesn't make the consequences disappear. It's just moving the pollution out of sight so people like you can pretend it has nothing to do with them even if they're paying for it to happen.