Really tinkers my thinker.
Really tinkers my thinker
Not sure if lack of self awareness, or has been brainwashed into thinking they invented everything
Das rite mayne.
Even 99.9% of them understand that this is not true.
You made this op.
Even niggers aren't this dumb.
He has his colors mixed up. Did he go to school?
Opposite day?
Fuck you balding rat. I am already balding prematurely.
I'd have to switch from PB&J to Ham and Cheese. Damn.
Damn, niggers are stupid. Why do Whites get vilified for noticing this?
Down's Syndrome level of intelligence.
Oh no
this shits gay
Hello rat!
And black people constantly have to vye for validation
What would it take to get them to leave?
Switch black/white around and he'd be right.
hello rato
i dont think thats the percentage, at least not anymore.
my we wuz radar only gets better the more niggers blather on about this shit
too late rato
hello rat.
how stupid can niggers be??
What ever will I do without peanut butter?
we wuz inventive entrepreneurs n sheit
Are they all Stringbean fans or something? I've never seen a black man play the five-string
hello rato
looks like the merchant
hello rato
You're right by the way
Very true and thought provoking.. White people have a disgusting history of stealing other races culture. Reminder that the Romans, Greeks, and medieval Europeans were actually BLACK
>our inventions
Hello rato plz its not spam
hello rato
gotta try
>all our inventions
like crime?
oh the horror
Shut tha fuck up cracka as bitch and pay my reparashunz!
so... uh... hello rato?
Crime is universal anybody is capable of doing wrong
hello rato. hows life as a senator
Hello rato!