Why isn't there an Aztlán flag? I want to represent my homeland.
Why isn't there an Aztlán flag? I want to represent my homeland
Fuck you, you're not real Mexican
lmao, is that supposed to be an insult, brayan?
You haven't done anything to deserve one.
MI name is cuautemoc , como un verdadero mexicano, go eat your burger fatass
I sure do wonder why white Americans are starting to hate spics more and more with each passing day...
What a mystery!
It must be frustrating when your people are so great and hard-working and creative that you must once again complain that white people are not doing something for you.
>why isn't there a flag for my made up country
Yeah, why isn't there one?
how does it feel to be hated by mexicans, americans, and pretty much everyone on earth?
That pic is so cringy fucking hell why did your government takes this retards
What is pretended as Aztlan is already majority Deseret land. We settled it and purchased the land from the Mexican Government. Then we lost most of it to the Federal Government. But it's still our land.
C-can I just go home back to spicland I swear I am not like the OTHERS JUST TAKE ME BACK I HATE IT HERE
dumb chicano
Fuck you, indecisive nationalist.
No, I do NOT want sauce with that, just put the taco in the bag, Javier.
Fuck you, exporter of scumbags.
Fuck you, LARPing wanna-be Jew.
Fuck you, target practice.
Shut up White boy and go prepare Jamal for Stacy
Stupid cumskin
You just admitted to being a reject in two countries. Neck yourself, you abject failure.
I never was on your side anglo
I am going home even if it kills me
>I want to represent my homeland
>I just don't want to live there
*blocks your path*
Reminder that Spaniards raped your ancestors creating genetic refuse such as yourself who to this day worship and favour the whitest members of your "societies".
Why do Mexicans do Rockabilly style and call it cholo/a style?
This is what superior genetics looks like white bois
yeah so?
at least we won't get Culturally enriched anytime soon
scholar... with stripper shoes and blue nail polish.
Why did your people leave in the first place? They were failures in the old country and would've eventually been killed by a mob of your own people. You think they want you back? They'd rather you stay here and get shot to death by your fellow spic reject in one of your shitty ghettos than go back and shit up the beautiful country that is Mexico.
They're literal reject form a country with low standards. They have no culture because they aren't a real people. They're a plague looking for a host to infest. That's why Mexicans don't want them back.
Do you even know where Aztlan was?
pro tip: You don't
I'd be like, what ARE you?
actually we had a comfy ass farm in jalisco
parents left for greener patches from what I understand I refused to become one of those Chicanos and want to go back I can't take pride in the US because I am not an American I am not an Anglo I am a fucken Spic
plus anglo
don't you want spics gone?
I forgot to say:
And are you even sure you are descendant of Aztecs?
You know...there wera (and still are) thousands of ethnic groups and cultures in Mexico.
how many layers of larp are you on rn
He's right, you CHIS are in a cultural limbo.
depends ...are you hungry,thirsty or both?
>hides behind left wing imagery but is actually a racial chauvinist
Typical minority behavior.
Well I guess there is nothing left but to spic white girls
Right next to Dorado
*unbuttons top button*
I just use a confederate flag just so i dont get "C H I" replies.
Kill yourself, pocho
Do it
fuck you, damn i't how did he know?.
>muh aztlan
The same day when shambala, shangri la, mictlan, valhalla, atlantis, mu, lemuria, agartha, rama, etc... get their flag.
>don't you want spics gone?
Sure. But I know that reality is gonna hit you like a bullet train when you return. They really don't want ignorant, pampered, whiny, Americanized spics coming back "home". You're people left for "greener pastures" anyway. Goes to show how much loyalty you have to your nation. Now you want to run away from the country you were born in again. Just more evidence of your lack of conviction and dedication to the land. How can you ever have a homeland if you have no loyalty to the land let alone your people?
These Mexican rejects all suffer from the "WE WUZ" disease. At least real Mexicans have some grounding in reality and acknowledge the fact that the Aztecs ruled over a vast empire of various ethnic, and linguistic and religious groups. Every hispanic who immigrates to America thinks along the lines of "I'm brown and speak Spanish so this was MY land anyway, whitey!" Not knowing that if they had shown up here before white people settled it they'd be skinned alive by the natives. As a matter of fact they never would've made it past all the other tribes and nations of people who spoke different languages and practiced different religions.
The WE WUZ AZTECAZ bullshit and entitlement of these people know no bounds. I really feel sorry for Mexicans for when we send all these people back. They're absolute trash and I know you guys don't want to deal with them, but they've got to go God damn it.
>painted eyebrows
>straigthen hair
>10k makeup on
>superior genetics
*deports your family*
Your probably right oh well back to shitposting
*blocks your drive way*
Hey Sup Forums question I really don't give a fuck for any of the ideologies in the flags. Which one is the coolest?
>Kekistan did
I mean if you cumskins really want us out I should warn you cucks we already have Mexican American high school classes I see more and more spics in California every year and less white people
if you're a chicano you should get the lgbt one so everyone knows you're a faggot
What if we send them to the leafland? kek
Yeah, that is cringy as fuck. WE WUZ AZTECS..fuck off with that.
If they self proclaim as Aztects then they have a common thing: Both landed on a foreign land and fucked the locals.
Looks liek my bitch sister. Thankfully my GF is white so my kids won't look like that subhuman
Priceless...bassed Colombia.
Fuck aztlan and fuck la gente too
>I should warn you cucks
come on paco, nobody is falling for that shit. If you want to watch your wife get fucked, do it on your own time
>we already have mexican american classes
Who gives a fuck? Guaranteed most kids don't give a shit about that. Betsy Devos will more than likely get rid of that shit soon anyway.
>I see more and more spics
Yeah, and the ones I saw were dumb as shit. If a civil war broke out they'd get their asses handed to them.
>Less white people
because sensible Americans don't like the stench or attitude of you worthless beaners
Im afraid she has to go back.
*erases eyebrows*
Heh, nothin personal hyna
>because sensible Americans don't like the stench or attitude of you worthless beaners
obliviously aren't you the guys that whine about white genocide all the time all I am saying is they are outbreeding you 10 to 1 and while I had thought maybe trump could stop I quickly dismissed those thoughts because democrats here , have started to act more and more independent
I don't think Trump can bail you out and I don't think White liberals are going to assist you if your "race war" or "civil war" broke out
think of something anglo or it might all come tumbling down
About right , spics that live in the USA have an alternate reality of what Mexico is. Mexico is a lawless and literal failed state , I am actually amazed that there is no wall between our hellhole and America.
If you have fully embraced the society you live in then the American flag is the flag of your homeland. Stop asking for flags gibs btw.
im actually a 17th century conquistador who found a fountain of youth.
fuck yea blood x demons
>Mexico is a lawless and literal failed state
Nigger, shut the fuck up. I don't know where you live but that's straight bullshit and you know it. Tio Tomas pendejo.
What's a chola anyway?
99% chance this spic has a gender studies or some other degree.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with There's still plenty of good spots in Mexico and no I don't mean the resorts were white people go to get drunk and get sunburned at.
If America went all nationalist there would be way less drug demand and therefore less drug money for the cartels. Especially if we separated ourselves from the blacks and deported all the spics. The violence would go way down if there was less money to be made decapitating rivals and intimidating your own people. You guys are probably overdue for a political revolution, but it's not that bad currently and it would be a lot better without globalist policies like NAFTA fucking your economy and with ethnic drug gangs in America consuming half the drugs they bring into this country and driving up the prices.
What's sad is that a mexican would consider her pretty.
What's the point? You'll be running for the border again in the next two decades or so, only this time the other way.
>What's sad is that a mexican would consider her pretty.
I'd bone and I'm (real world) white.
>Some white gringo will let me suck his cock if I lie about how shitty my country is