Brit/pol/ - Papers edition

>Brexit Negotiations: Day 1 (The Cuckservatives have already given up)

>No self defence goy

>Lib Dem and Tory ministers warned about tower block fire risks

>Man drives van at crowd of Muslims in Finsbury Park mosque, possibly responsible for the death of 1 man.

>Man who ploughed into crowd of Muslims names as 42 year old father of four from Wales Darren Osbourne

>Man who died after the attack was having a heart attack before it started, there is a 90% chance that the reason he died was from the heart attack

Todays Muslim terror attempts that are getting little news coverage

>Attempted stabbing outside army reserves

>Attempted attack on officer in London

>Car "deliberately hits" Paris police van

>Tommy Robinson shitposting spree

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that Rightly So doesn't stick to his word


Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.
The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.


So we're all Muslims?

>threaten Tommy Robinson's life
>get a retweet

Today's attack was 4 Lions-tier in incompetence


>exam in 9 hours
I'm not going


why are muslims so ugly



Here's to you Darren "60 miles per hour near the minoret tower" Osborne


G'day to her majesty's land!

Hope you lads are all having a great one.

Lad i'm giving you written formal notice to return your flag the the UK flag, othewise I will have no choice but to revoke your lifetime WILLY™ certificate

you have 24 hours starting from


>Muslims slaughter your citizens on a regular basis
>respond in kind

why are our media and lefty class so completely fucking retarded

First cousin marriage




Australia will be a republic within 2 decades


Only one man can lead us to victory

Or just do what I'm doing, going to a Mosque tomrrow to talk with the Imam about converting maybe.

I would legitimately not put it past her to be looking for some prison time/charge for publicity.


>4 Terror attacks
>Building full of poor people burns down
>Lose your majority

Just fuck my premiership up


>times is the only good headline out of all of them

There's a surprise.

>3 Islamic attacks in 1 month
>man retaliates


Waj and Omar managed to kill more than this van driving taffy screwhead

Strewth m8, G'day to ya cobber

Enjoy your life of total and complete abject financial and social failure. You will have earned it by making that decision.

I told you all to start buying guns.

>man drives a van into a crowd
>not a maniac


The left wing media (guardian, independent and mirror) are REEEing at David Davis, I take it things are going well?

>man has a driving incident
>is somehow a maniac

Reminder that Rightly So touched someone's willy in PE school and hasn't had any sexual experiences since


I haven't looked yet, but I bet if I search from the times front page on twitter there will be lots of SJW shit.

Bloody hope we have some decent leaders by then otherwise I would rather stay under your warmth.

It's so hot. Might make bae sleep on the sofa.

Can't even walk through town without being acosted by some Tramps.

>>exam in 9 hours
>I'm not going

Lad all he does is stick his finger up your bum and has a feel of your prostate, you should go

>Brown Skin
>Brown Eyes
>Black Hair


Really gets the old almonds going.

Thank fuck m8s
I just got out of the abortion clinic today
managed to convince my gf to abort our child

I jut wasn't ready
I'm only 25
I have far more to do before a child

It's midnight mate, it's too fucking hot to sleep even though it's only 19 degrees, which is nothing compared to Australia I know but no one has AC in this country.


Can't wait for Thursday's This Week 2bh.

Reminder that Rightly So used to eat 3 Rustlers microwave burgers for his dinner ever day, until his local Spar stopped selling them


Have any spare change sir?

You made the right decision lad, only a mad man would deny your right

Speak out against Islam, get banged up for a 2 stretch in a radicalised prison and die before your first year is served...

Might as well go full ackbar and take some fuckers out with you.

The UKs glassjawed spineless leadership has directly resulted in making a terror attack seem merely as controversial an option to speaking out against the massive faults in our countrys policies.

How the fuck did we get here lads?


I didn't attend my advanced exams because I was so blackpilled by Peter Hitchens that I lost the motivation to do anything. That said I had a good base to start with so I can still do good

>our warmth
The Queen of Britain and the Queen of Australia are two different things.
Britain and Australia practically have no ties anymore.


Dont come near me

I'm sorry for your loss, how old was the baby?

kill yourself, also congrats on ruining your relationship


>re-post from previous thread:

What are your thoughts on the best decade musically? Here's my thoughts:

1. The 60s - took the best of the 50s and develpoed it to a new level. Laid the foundations for the 70s. the advent of Soul.
2. 70s - prog rock, rock, metal, punk, reggae, disco.
3. 80s all of the above + Indie & hip hop
4. 90s - a refinement of the 80s but not as original
5. The 50s and the advent of rock /n/ roll - would have had a higher placing except not as innovative as the other decades.

I think the 2000s and 2010s are a bit too early to call, but generally inferior to all of the above.

>inb4 I've probably missed a load out, but it's more like a side of a beer-mat review.

10p for a cup o' tea?

When that emerges to be the case, he can sue the lungenpress for their lies, right? His family will be getting death threats until they die now.



I used to microwave 33p pizzas from ALDI every day.

I just need a fiver for train mate

So May's going to use this to "crack down" on the internet.
Do they even have the internet in Wales?

no you have been conned

good luck in life with a failed uni degree

Okay I'll stop now but you get the point.

It's not the heat, user. It's the humidity that's unbearable. It isn't any better over here right now. It's killing me.

>being a mudereder

There's a cash machine across the road sir

Maggi Curry noodles are the best noodles there are.

>Britain and Australia practically have no ties anymore.

We have blood ties and that's stronger than any piece of paper, even 3-ply toilet paper

That was high school mate. I'm going to uni

Posted late in prev thread

So.. the majority of the country only make up, at most, 33% of all potential terrorists?

Why did she think this was even a good stat to tweet about?

One once asked me for £2:50 bus fare to go to hospital to see his son whilst literally stood across the road from the hospital

I made pic related months ago for one of those "let's meme TV shows to redpill normies" about the rapefugee crisis, but it works quite well for Islam is general in hindsight.

>failed uni degree

So a 2:2?

They are, five for a quid from B&M

If anyone actually had the balls to ever reported "brown Muslim terrorist savagely dismembers and murders x innocent Christians in hate crime terror attack", we'd never hear the end of it.

No. Just the entire staff of the Independent.

Would hate being called a lone wolf with mental health problems, Terrorist sounds well cool, there's a reason people want to join ISIS.

>List of Cool Terrorists

Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Big Boss, Barrett from FF7

>blood ties
>mattering when both people don't care about each other

We will always be family. Unlike your bastard mongrel son America, we still love you.

it's 19 here too on the coast, with 79% humidity, feels even worse in my room

Your sex life is now dead without even a child to show for it. Nice one pal

What exam is it, lad?

Even if this bullshit was true, lets just take proportion into consideration.



Strong and stable loses the race

fuck arse tits wtf is wrong with me tonight i cant even click street signs