>no thread about Poland
lets make one
No thread about Poland
What a retarded article - I've never met anyone who would "glorify Hitler and nattional socialists" and I know a fuckload of right wingers. There was that moron who had a T-shirt with swastika during some nationalist march a year or two ago, but the rest of participants did a quick reality check for him, pic related.
>glorify a person who thinks your whole race was subhuman and attempted to exterminate you
quite embarassing desu.
what level of cuck is that
I'm going to visit someday.
>I've never met anyone who would "glorify Hitler and nattional socialists
We have our own right wing traditions and ideologies, we don't need to larp as krauts.
Leftists probably assumed that by creating memes on wykop and sadistic with Hitler we glorify him
What is this article even about? Jewish crimes against the Polish nation are a historical fact - the Skidel massacre, the Naliboki massacre, the Koniuchy massacre etc. etc. How is stating these well researched facts hate speech?
Good goy, we trained you well.
Hitler was a loser. Regardless of what you think about organized Jewry, rally around a winner.
>Germans invade Poland, leading to WWII
>FF 70 years
>Polish glorify Nazis and say they Dindu Nuffin
History is weird.
Can I get a rundown on Poland? Pics from Google Images make it look really beautiful but it seems like it has a bad economy and some bad parts of cities.
>bad economy
The fastest growing one in Europe
Already at Portugal's level
how is that bad?
> some bad parts of cities
bigger ones are almost completely renovated, especially in the eastern part you might find poor shitholes, but it is uncommon by now. If you manage to earn $1.5k netto/month you have very comfy life here
> look really beautiful
except for Warsaw, it is very average, but probably the cleanest capital in Europe
Poland is post world war 2 germany
i now have full respect for poland
> look really beautiful
Only in late spring/summer/early autumn, the same as anywhere in the region, I visited my Spanish friends during winter, and their winter compared with what we have here are two totally different phenomena, Polish winter is wet, cold and depressing.
>Slavs who worship Hitler
Lmao Hitler wanted to wipe out Poolacks and rightfully so, you guys are literally just niggers with glitched textures. Hope your shithole gets partitioned again or nuked so you can stop giving white people a bad name.
I am unironically so happy for and proud of Poland
The Soviets occupied and dominated Poland for most of that time. Eastern European worship of Hitler has always been more about hating Moscow (cf prison tattoos).
Poland is a Catholic country though, so in Jewish eyes that's the same as being a Nazi
>rally around a winner
>confederate flag flair
you must be a pretty big retard, huh fella?
Not even true. Man you faggots are dumb. Does dick cause frontal lobe damage?
smierc garbatym nosam
i speak russian, but did i understand correctly
"death to hump noses"?
that's right
"Death to crooked noses"
poles would be fucking retarded to love nazis
It's not about whether he won or lost. It's the principle. You can't expect to win when the jewry pits the world against you anyways.