Fuck this crying burger, and fuck his family. North Korea maybe a backwards, inbreed, third rate country...

Fuck this crying burger, and fuck his family. North Korea maybe a backwards, inbreed, third rate country, but if you are arrogant enough to go to another country with an authoritarian regime and intentionally break their laws, you deserve whatever you fucking get.

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Poor jew

I've pissed the bed now I'm walking around in pissy knickers darling

He's not Jewish you fucking retard

W-what? p-p-post p-pics

I feel bad for the fact he was tortured and shit, but come the fuck on dude. You go to NOKO and try to STEAL something? What the fuck were you thinking??

Highly suspicious. Guy was an idiot looking for trouble at best.

>He was active in the Hillel Jewish campus organization, and participated in Birthright Israel.

>Birthright Israel sponsors free ten-day heritage trips to Israel for young adults of Jewish heritage


he must have thought it was a great idea and wouod be a great lulz when he got home.

millenial snowflakes take notice.

>burger meme


Start shit get hit

Fuck atleast 3 of these threads already
Also day of the rake soon leaf nigger

I actually agree. What kind of fucking tard goes and starts shit inside of a place like North Korea.

If I had to guess he was probably hoping to make money off the publicity or something stupid like that.

What are the odds that he's innocent of the crime and the Norks set him up?

faggot detected

>Believing anything NK says

I would rather believe anyone but not the japanese, you are slimy cannibalistic motherfuckers

If he were innocent, don't you think Trump would be the first to speak up about it?

The government's been quiet because they know it's his own fault.

True, if i went to NK i would be on best behaviour at all times, not that i would even go.

I would like to have had cctv footage of his cell just to see how bad the experience was, would make gitmo look like Disney land

there was cctv footage of him stealing a propaganda poster lad, and NK cant video edit for shit.

SE asia has zero tolerance drug policy and stupid ausfags are always being caught with drugs there and sent to prison forever or executed. Lots of crying about how unfair it is and 'diplomatic solutions' but if they're stupid enough to be SE asian drug mules they deserve it.

Fuck off, Leaf. It was a poster

You would support this kind of nigger tier behavior
