Only nations that were part of the axis powers or aligned with the axis are allowed to post here. (((allies))) not welcome
Axis powers
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Glorious Honourary Aryan reporting in. How did you forget your largest naval power???
Prove to me that you are a glorious nippon and a son of empire of the Rising Sun
and not an american english teacher.
He spelled Honorary wrongly, and used the British spelling for honour, so at any rate I doubt he's American
facist nation when?
1933-1945, obviously
i just missed it then
My God, how old are you?
>yfw too poor to be an axis
>tfw senile
a-am I welcome?
>In August the IRA confidently predicted that with the assistance of ‘our victorious European allies’ Ireland would ‘achieve absolute independence within the next few months’.
The feels. We missed the days of glory of our ancestors. Now all we have is communist and immigrant infested shitholes. I would've gladly fought and died for my country in ww2. Sure beats living with mudslimes and commies and feminists
I hope you're just larping. It'd be terrible to be 76 and still stuck on this site.
Our dictator decree a 3 day national morning when Hitler died. Does that count?
Yes you are welcome brother. (((brits))) fucked up our dream of a white europe free of communists and other scum
Ok then.
we sent condolences to Germany when Hitler died, true neutrals.
hey i larp for a living, buddy
show some respect
You are welcome Portuguese are based.
>tfw your country's leader always had been close to the axis
>tfw burgers threatened invanding us if we didn't join the allies and we ended up in the wrong side of the war
spineless cucks tbqh senpai
bumping. Axis bros report in!
How is Franco and the spanish civil war viewed in Spain nowadays? Do people hold pro-nationalist views?
feels bad man. You should have joined the alliance against the red menace
Australia reporting. You guys don't forget the sacrifice Australians made at Stalingrad
Tell me about it
In the end we were doomed even before the threat, when Roosevelt came here for diplomatic reasons we had not chance to join the axis anymore
Vargas weren't a true facist like the left portray him as, he was simply authoritarian and ended up being conviced by the liberal shit he was told.
We were just a friendly state.
In all honesty though japan was pretty nigger. At-least the European axis powers didn't mass rape and slaughter and do the most fucked up experiments on civilian populations.
We haven't been truly independent since that day in 1944 when we were forced to sign a peace treaty. If we didn't sign it then we would have been eventually occupied by soviets and suffered germanys fate.
Who cares about (((allied civilians))) Also all sides massacred civilians in ww2 that is common knowledge
Greetings my fellow Axis members.
I really don't see the Germans hanging the french upside down or operating on them without pain reliever or testing to see how long it takes for someone to die of starvation or lack of sleep. Heck even cannibalization the Japanese were really big on literally eating people
Then why was Japan even fighting. Instead of having honorable goals of a co-prosperity sphere it was more Japan trying to jump in on the 17th century imperialism meme.
Japan is the nigger of the axis, all the others at-least had moral goals and didn't commit that many warcrimes. Germany could of just as easily chosen nationalist China over the Japs and they were going to but they had a civil war
We should learn about our own history, after all the civil war in Spain was an important event, but nowdays its like a taboo issue, almost like the figure of hitler in Germany.
And the people are dumb as fuck they some of then feel ashamed of Spain for no reason, some people even call "facha" (facha its like nazi for those dosnt knowed the meaning) just for use the spanish flag (the regular spanish flag, not even the flag of Franco) or somethings like that, its very very sad... but the 95% of the time are butthurt communist who want back the republic and the other faggot flag
they literally did though moron
Spain was not part of the Axis. Franco was secretly aiding the British.
who send 45000 men and didnt join the war just becouse the disastrous economy back then
>or a cuck with dignity
Not that many and none of that experiment shit, anyway both Allies and Axis committed war crimes on eachother it's the nature of war, but japan went full retard on civilian populations.
Fuck off shill cunt
>in the war just becouse the disastrous economy back then
We didn't join because Hitler didn't allow it, he was too afriad to actually put his money where his mouth was:
>Yeah, Franco, we TOTALLY will defeat the UK tomorrow, just let me get into Gibraltar TODAY
>btw, give me Morocco
>btw we won't send help when the UK inevitable comes to defend Gibratal
>"but Hitler, we can still help you in the Soviet front, the División Azul is doing wonders"
>fuck off fag, no more negotiations
Thank fucking God we didn't enter, that cunt Hitler wanted to fuck us up more than the allies did.
>Le meme flag of racemixing
you cunt was made as a buffer zone between sven and rus so they cease their hostilities for a while..topkek. and fuck your axis.
the germans literally experimented on the jews you dumb cunt. The jews literally were civilians too. braindead fuck
But Salazar hated Hitler and affirmed the Treaty of Windsor?
>Als Dank für nicht bewiesene Waffenbrüderschaft
Why did they do it?
We should have nuked Germany and Russia and than Africa Detroit Chicago San Francisco and Hollywood. What a beautiful world it would be.
>This meme again
I wish newfags lurked for a few years like they used too
If Spain and Portugal had followed the axis, like their ideology of the times, the history could be different. But who knows.
That war was a disgrace
Portugal reaffirmed the Treaty of Windsor before the war.
>In axis
Spain was neutral in ww2 you fucking ingrate.
The spanish flag is a product of (((democracy))),that shit doesnt represent me.
Actually people suck adolfo suarez dick,but he was just an american puppet that created the 2 political parties system to controll the courts.
The father of my grandpa fought in civil war as a republican and he died.And you know what?Fuck him,im proud that he died,ARRIBA ESPAÑA!
What if you were subtly planning with Germany behind the scenes whilst playing "neutral"?
Yes they had an old alliance with England, but they were surely pro-axis and anti-commie.
>americans fought less than 1/5 (and that's generous) of the Wehrmacht
>make a retarded meme pic that lays the blame on them instead of the USSR or UK
No, Salazar actually despised Hitler.
>got one for Britain aswell
And don't you know? You single handedly won the war!
Nah, Ireland was actually neutral. Unlike Switzerland and Swedish definitions of """neutral""" where they supply the Axis war machine and you're supposed to be okay with it.
I doubt that. He was just smart, Portugal just like Spain had close relations with Germany. Even some portuguese volunteers fought in the eastern front against the communists.
inb4 it's what the Eternal Mick wants me to believe
so you are saying the jews arent civilians or arent human? I mean you can just call out newfag or shill whenever youre wrong.
I mean Britain contributed to that maybe 1/5 the Americans fought.
It's just really silly to blame Germany's defeat on any nation but the USSR when they killed 80% of the Wehrmacht.
>Hoare averred that "Salazar detested Hitler and all his works" and that his corporative state was fundamentally different from a Nazi or fascist state, with Salazar never leaving a doubt of his desire for a Nazi defeat.
Jews weren't experimented on and their not human either t b h
>You will never be a former axis power
Well at least my county overwhelmingly supported Huey P. Long
What its the problem with the actual flag? it represent every community.
>post a music video of Portugal's Nazi sympathizers
>when talking about Salazar
like i've told you, Salazar played smart, if the axis had won, they would be fellas. The axis lost, so no problem.
>just like Spain had close relations with Germany
A complete farce. Franco didn't like Hitler and Hitler didn't like Franco, they simply needed to coexist under friendly agreements for fascism to not collapse on itself.
Aye, aye.. sure we were..
That.I mean,it was just a fucking try to keep everyone happy(specially the catalans and the basques),and thats fucked up.Our anthem is one of the few that has no lyrics,why?the same reason.We are a fake country,everything here is made to be neutral,including the constitution,and that doesnt represent me.
>National (((Socialism)))
Good goyim
theres literally an entire page on the experiments which were done
Comeback when your educated on anything but school propaganda
(((Anachsim))) (((Capitalism)))
Good goyim
Any form of socialism is for shitskins, you kike faggot
>muh roads
>muh taxes
>yes goy support nationalism for all races! No hate, look at this picture of shitskin SS soldiers! Hitlers army was so DIVERSE! BASED mudslime in an SS uniform!
c-can I post, argentina remained with the axis until the end, we even declared war on germany AFTER italy and due to ((international pressure))
Does it count if we half-heartedly declared war on Germany one month before they surrendered while harboring hundreds of Nazis in secret after the war?
We even got Kurt Tank which designed here one of the best jet aircraft fighters of the Cold War. (Pulqui II)
t.actual Jewish movement
Yes goy the free market will fix everything give blacks and racemixers equal rights. Just remember anarchism can totally work and corporations always have the best intentions for the race
you cunts better not be up to no good in here.
as you were
Yes goy, fight against evil white imperialism, dose nasty brits being white and all exploiting innocent shitskins and poo in loos! Capitalism is so evil because its white people exploiting da brothas! Kill all slavs!
Do u know they had a legion of 20k soldiers,right? Not much but spain just had a civil war
Hi guys
yes goy import the shitskins and poo in loo's because they work for less. Don't forget to give the non whites equal rights
>Anarchism will work this time surely just like it did in Crimea