Bernie still has a chance if we fight hard enough

Before I go any further, I know you will all point and laugh and call me batshit crazy. I know my subject line has already lost a good number of you. But, for those of you who are still here, please bear with me. Bernie does, indeed, still have a slim chance at becoming president before 2020. There is still a way he can win and take the Oval Office from Trump and Co. Are the odds stacked against us? Very much so. Does that mean we should sit back and give up? Never! Bernie CAN still win, and here's how.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Quit while you're ahead kiddo


Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the SCOOPlear codes.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't lost hope. Drumpf better pour himself a strong cup of covfefe because Bernie is comin' to bash some fasc

>Bernie does, indeed, still have a slim chance at becoming president before 2020

So what rehab facility was it that you escaped from?
Seriously man, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I won't quit and I won't stop until we have the one truly righteous person in office. You're a bootlicker.


Sweet post bro

Good one, drumpftard. At least Merkel has the common human decency to give refugees homes in your country. I'm lucky if I see a single hijab over the course of a day

>is x impossible but i still believe it?
>do i think x can still happen?
This is why you lost.

>op here


Some potential candidates in order of probability of getting the presidency:

>George W. getting a third term.
>George H. W. getting a second term.
>Jeb! getting his first.

>No Refunds

Old Man Uses This One Crazy Trick To Become President!!! Click Here To Find Out How!!!

I missed these threads...

i will be the presint, im a white

I will fight hard as hell.

Which Republican do we need to take out next Bernie bros?

So Jewish looking it's absurd.

I never said it was impossible, just nearly so. We still have time guys. Time is on our side.