Rome’s Mayor Virginia Raggi has asked the Italian government to stop the flow of immigrants into the country’s capital.

Saying that it is now “impossible” to accommodate the rising number of immigrants, Raggi appealed to the ministry of the interior for a moratorium. There are now over 350,000 foreign residents in Rome, accounting for nearly 13% of the population.

Raggi’s stand puts her in direct opposition to Pope Francis, who has urged a welcoming attitude toward refugees.

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ZOG will stonewall her, as usual




Oke, time for the usual roundup.

I know how much Sup Forums wants this to be true but she (the major of Rome, Raggi) and M5S, the party she's member of, are NOT /our guys/. They're literally a hoax protest party.

Being a protest party they've scooped votes from both end of the political spectrum, therefore they're intentionally ambivalent and play dumb on every single potentially divisive political or social issue (i.e. immigration, faggots, EU, etc). They are good at shouting empty and vague slogans against "the establishment", but that's as far as they'll go. They know far too well that, having both right and left minded supporters, should they take a stance on anything they'll alienate about half of their voters. Some of their protests overlap with ours, when the targets are too easy to miss the opportunity, but other than that they're nothing good for Italy or Sup Forums. Overall their voting pattern, both in the Italian and EU parliaments, is significantly left leaning.

Despite being the 1st party in Italy by number of parliamentary seats (not governing though, the left wing coalition has more) their indecisiveness and ambivalence have costed them greatly at the recent local elections where they scored very, very poorly. Now they're in full damage control. Don't fall for their lies, you fools. This very bitch Raggi was virtue signalling on facebook about how migrants are our "brothers and sisters", plans to give gypsies families 800€/month of housing gibs to "help them integrate", and has been spotted at degenerate gay events.

>[FACE&BOOK].com/virginia.raggi.m5sroma/photos/a.470151043167350.1073741827.469144566601331/693172997531819/ - [ITA]
> - [ITA]


How is shit over there by the way? Last I heard normal people were kicking the shit out of migrants. Is this still happening? It would help deter migrants from coming.


>women in politics at any level


What the fuck? Dark hair and eyes? She's not even white. She legit looks like a sandnigger. Why is she trying to keep her mudblood brothers and sisters out of Rome? What's her endgame, Sup Forums?


i was there a few months ago and I agree, the nigger problem is completely out of control
same with genova

She is probably south Italian origin. North italy is lighter features, south= darker Greek/Carthaginian features.

Sandniggers are way darker, uglier, and hairy.

Holy shit 13% of population...

Whatever the fuck she is, she ain't white. Doesn't matter if we're talking skin, hair, or eye color- if it's brown, flush it down. You've got a nigger in the woodpile somewhere.

>How is shit over there by the way?
Better than the other Western European countries but not good. Italy is falling for the same Jewish tricks and people are getting angry.

> [at 4:07 it's "racist" not "separatist"]

you need to kill yourself

that is the most hick shit i have ever read.
congrats dancing to the jewish fiddle by calling white people non-white just because you havent left your state.
you're literally an undesirable

I didn't call white people non-white, I called a sandnigger out for being a sandnigger.

Sorry about your poo eyes, faggot. You ain't white.

i have blond hair and blue eyes.
my brother has dark features.
not sure if you knew this, but white people have a wide array of phenotypes, unlike other races.
i get that appalachian upbringing and inbreeding has left you with a limited mind and even more limited perspective on the world.
maybe you should go back to stormfront if you legitimately think that dark features on a european make him NOT european, despite being native to europe.

quick parting question: when's the last time you read a book that wasnt for school?

Sorry to be the one to tell you this son, but your mother fucked a nigger or a spic behind your daddy's back, and your brother is a mudblood.

too bad she literally didnt because i actually know my family tree, unlike you who was probably raised by a single mother.
you are a white nigger.

it's not that simple you fucking 13 year old

rigggggght jew

lmfao this

did upper paleolithic, mesolithic and neolithic Euros also fucked spics behind their mother's backs?

> accounting for nearly 13% of the population.
That is not even
> Rome NO!
> Rome YES!
> Rome... Yup.

No, but they evolved into proper light-eyed, light-haired white people long before that became a possibility.

clearly not everywhere, unless you want to explain to us what the fuck do white people have to do with south European climate

Yes, everywhere you nigger. You can take a look at ancient Roman emperors' physical descriptions to see that Italians back then used to be white.

oh we've got an albino nigger here, sorry, I thought we were having a serious discussion


At least the Roman guy isn't drawn with poo eyes. Too bad about the hair though.



>Beppe Grillo, the leader of the Five Star Movement party to which Raggi belongs, chose Tuesday to publish a blog post about the Rome administration's efforts to dismantle the Roma camps in the capital.


Protip, white people can get a tan from the sun. It's called adaptability.
However niggers can't become more white, so their bones become brittle and they become sickly in Northern regions.

Forza, Roma! L'Italia deve rimanere sempre italiana!

Non me importa. Lei sarà sempre /mygirl/. ;)

>38 posts and still no pics of /ourgal/'s phatass

I want a picture when all these Europeans finally realize these people aren't leaving. That this is the new Europe. That it's not a fun little dream. That these savages will be bringing villages and cities with them...Oooppppssss

Thanks for the breakdown. I've been wondering what kind of shitshows been going on over there .Mainly the NGO boats going straight to africa and dropping them off in Europe.
