So uhh... everything's cool right?
So uhh... everything's cool right?
We allied with the wrong side in WW1
hey any Russian anons want to let me stay at their place while America burns? Thanks.
In other words, we allied with a side.
Trump has is helping isis and al quada and fighting syria and russia. He is closer to war with them than obama ever was. The very fact that msm barely covers this should tell you trump is making the right move for the globalists. He is lost. Unless he reels in his generals and works with russia syria and china to defeat isis he is lost.
I guess there was no way to stop it from happening
Why are you attacking Syria again?
The Jews get exactly what they want. We can't stop it. I hate this so much.
While I don't think russia will do shit, I do think Trump is taking the wrong approach. We should help Assad regain power and find a way for the country to have a proper election. Bombimg government forces just makes things extremely complicated.
Penis penis vagina vagina penis penis vagina vagina
But that doesnt help the jews agenda
It looks good
But Syria is rightful Israeli clay. Muslims need to be flushed out into Europe so Israel can annex Syria.
Everything is going according to plan.
Le beta eagle meme
Grandpa, you're sad.
>implying anyone clicks on that shit
Sholomo, gas your life now
plz gib we need economic help for the survivors of the non-existent shoah
fuck off kike
uh that's weird. cnn told me that trump and putin were butt buddies.
fake and gay
Yes. More chest thumping meant to imply strength and quell opposition at home. Trump wants the (((msm))) to shut up about muh russia and let him work, and Putin wants a boost as campaigning slowly begins for the 2018 election season. Only when important Americans or Russians start getting killed will we see anything real begin.
>but muh Syrian pilots and soldiers
Neither side really cares about sand niggers dying in the desert.
Remember how you faggots say "fake news"? This is fake news.