Why is Sup Forums becoming more and more communist everyday?
WTF is happening?!
Why is Sup Forums becoming more and more communist everyday?
WTF is happening?!
Leftist are manuplating us with stupid ideologys
it's not
Bots and paid tools.
It's bots and Brockpuppets. They'll be gone when Brock is on prison for pedophilia and human trafficking.
>meanwhile, in bizarro Sup Forums...
The right wing is becoming more mainstream. Have to stay edgy.
a. you are just posting the same shit every day
b. you commis are the cancer of the left
>ignore, I wanna see the gets
Maybe because having an orange fuckboi at the helm representing us is not a good look.
>when communists try to debate
There is a culture war right now. They actually are not winning. Republicans were voted into every branch of the govt. A lot of figures on the left are against the hard left antifa and such. They are split. We will only lose when the alt right becomes the hard left.
>False flag
>MFW Evalion is getting the superior RED DICK from a commie now
She needs a real man, right wingers just can't compete
the alt-right is developing an SJW culture. I don't think it will be a "fun" culture in a couple of years.
member when athiesm and letting gay people have rights BTFO of conservatives? it is gonna cycle back to that once the alt-right becomes authoritarian.
Your Aryan princess turned her back on right wing ideology for the superior Marxism, you mad beta males?
Behold: the APLHA MALE who single handedly cucked Sup Forums, right wing cock jus couldn't satisfy Evalion, sorry hun
Commies think if they shitpost hard enough they win the meme war that way. All that ends up happening is they add more fuel to the fire.
Good. I do not want "the right" to "win" the culture war.
I just want the annoying CIA honey-pot Fag parades to die out and homos to be personable normies. They are such a distraction from genuinely understanding other issues and retaining personal freedom and independence from the state. They get trotted out for psy-ops and to "culture jam"/ Intimidate and "freak out"
Yeah they need to stop being fags and develop a genuine counter culture that transforms thier ideas into economy and community.
I agree. I saw a pic today that compared the alt right to extreme left and it showed a lot of similarities. I would show you but i cant download anything on my computer atm. Anyways, Sup Forums seems to glorify the alt right but they are doing some damage. People are starting to get really annoyed by the left.
>blockade cars
>disrupt speeches
>indecent humor towards the populace
The list can go on. They are starting to open up and understand the importance of order and decency hat the right pushes. The alt right will take this away from us and create a culture where neither side is good, so they keep to their flawed beliefs because both sides appear the same.
>The leftists are winning
You wish shlomo.
>Why is Sup Forums becoming more and more communist everyday? WTF is happening?!
You claim something that is not true and ask why it is so. Typical, subversion. Try harder.
Sup Forums has been fully colonized by lolbertarian faggots and capitalist brainlets who can't debate
> pol is becoming more and more left wing!
[Citation needed] you retarded concern troll nigger
>Why is Sup Forums becoming more and more communist everyday?
just seems like it my dude
we are slowly turning into comfash that's all
This is a shill thread. Type sage in the options menu. The OP is fucking delusional lmao.
go back to being stalinist and drop the progressive shit and i'll consider.
It's not
Sage doesnt work you bepis
It's the same 2 retarded commiefags posting over and over again, do not confuse this for anything else.
There aren't many mentally defective individuals left who believe the communist lie.
Leftypol shitposting