You're daily reminder that Sup Forums is and always has been a Confederate board. Yankfags git out ree
GA reporting, Empire State of the south. Hot as balls today y'all.
Thread theme
Srsly tho, yankfags fuck off
You're daily reminder that Sup Forums is and always has been a Confederate board. Yankfags git out ree
GA reporting, Empire State of the south. Hot as balls today y'all.
Thread theme
Srsly tho, yankfags fuck off
what a faggot
Fuck off mapleyank
Tennessee reporting in. I've put this in a few threads but I enjoy mentioning it again. A popular tune for both sides, Battle Cry of Freedom started as a pro-union song. While the lyrics are abolitionist in nature it was so subtle it was popular with everyone in the Union Army. The Confederates wrote their own version. So here's both versions by the excellent 2nd South Carolina String Band. I'll also include a beautiful portrait of southern hero Stonewall Jackson. A genius at war he did allow his hardcore Presbyterian beliefs to make some unwise decisions at times.
Confederates never stood a chance. Fat lazy retards.
I-is Missouri allowed?
SC reporting
North Florida swamp shooter checking in. Just got back from beautiful Georgia and Tennessee. Pic is from Chicamauga battlefield where the armies of Tennessee and Georgia gave the Yankee invader hell despite being severely outgunned and ultimately losing due to lack of artillery/equipment. Illinois and Wisconsin took a beating that day.
What anime show is that?
Yeah, you and Kentucky were never official but you're ok I guess
Arkansas reporting for duty
VA Reporting for duty, please no make fun
North Florida Seccessionist also reporting in. Muggy rainy evening we have here tonight.
It was only 85, quit your whining.
i hate life
I make my way down the NC on the motorcycle quite often, but never make it down to SC.
It sure is, friend. My mulberry and nectarine trees are enjoying it.
I just wanted to come here to say that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president in U.S. history and that General Sherman literally did nothing wrong.
Now I'm going to enjoy my clam bake and Moxie.
>I just came here to I'm a huge faggot please rape my face.
Why would you tell us that?
Wait, fellow Arkansas here, I'm from the northwest. We must first exterminate all the Indians and sand niggers that live up here
You have no power here, jayhawker
No Kentucky cucked hard they can fuck off.
Nah I love you VA.
Next up is the song Bonnie Blue Flag which was both a famous flag and a very popular Confederate tune. It was even the first unofficial anthem of the Confederate States. Of course common to the war the Union made their own versions. With a picture of Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Often known as the Wizard of the Saddle Sherman called him the best general in the war and Davis and Lee both lamented underusing him. His raids through West Tennessee are now rather famous and his man took great pride after the war to say they rode with Forrest.
Post local heroes who did nothing wrong
I grew up near Bell Grove Plantation in Shenandoah where the reenactments are held each year. Pic Related.
Wish I had more space to grow stuff on. We had a wild BlackBerry bush but may have killed it when we took the fence down.
Ever have any interest in getting together with fellow florida bros and rallying/Demonstrating?
Also SC here. I was going through some of my dad's old stuff and found a reproduction Declaration of Secession today.
I strongly believe that we are the master race of North Amerixa
also these things
Can't miss a connection if you live in the city. And the flights are always delayed, so you have to try hard to miss it.
kek would disagree
no he wouldn't hockeyankee
I live not too far from Shiloh which is one of the bloodiest battles of the entire war. Every time I go I learn something different. I also volunteer with a group that aids several local battlefields here in TN which is a very rewarding experience.
Next is "The Gray Ghost" Colonel John Mosby. Another popular cavalry leader Mosby was infamous for being able to elude Union forces and disappear, often blending in with the local farmers. He was also fiercely loyal to JEB Stuart and defended him many times when people blamed him for the Confederacy's failures after the war
Kentuckian here. I've got salt pork and whiskey for sale at a 500% percent markup! First come first serve. No confederate "dollars" please
>4th most african americans in usa
>6th most hiv infections in usa
no thanks
I fished in Cedar Creek as a child, Manassass(Bull Run) wasn't too far. I grew up in a history rich environment.
Blackberries are amusing plants. They grow everywhere you don't want em and when you deliberately plant them and take care of them they die on you.
I would love to attend rallies and demonstrate but I have to be careful, as I'm undercover in a public sector job where I have a tremendous amount of influence over a lot of people. I can never fully reveal my power level. I redpill from within the beast, and I redpill a LOT of people.
Always here this bullshit, yeah there's a lot of niggers in the south, but if you stick to the countrysides and away from nigger cities like new-orleans you'll probably never see them
According to O.P., the South lived and died during the 1860s... It must be hard being dead so long, O.P.!
you guys sure do seem to have a lot of niggers down there in georgia
not really my cup of tea desu
>new orleans
I was talking about georgia, and those statistics apply to the entire state
Actual yank here, family fought for the Union. Are you guys just really desperate for attention or what? You flooded the south with blacks and now you are flooding the south with mexicans, all in the name of cheap labor. Why can't you guys just relax for like 10 fucking seconds?
Texas here,
Last to surrender, all our troops deserted and went looting...
Well, I honestly couldnt tell you about Georgia, the farthest north I've ever gone was arkansas and the temperature dropped below 85 so I got the fuck out of there
I like what you're trying to do here, but right now it's a little too wonky, if you know what I mean.
I would request and invite my fellow Floridians to help me replenish my supply of pro-Florida propaganda, as I lost most of mine.
we dont want the beaners here, and where I live in florida the beaner population is like 2.42%. South Florida, Atlanta, and Houston dont represent us, thats all carpetbagger territory
California reporting in dude, like the Confederate is pretty rad
Lee County checking in.
I'd love to visit sometime. I've been to many Civil War battlefields but I haven't had the opportunity to hit many in Virginia.
I planted two blackberry plants by the area I keep my dogs at night. The older one is so healthy and large now I already have two giant bowls full of blackberries and I haven't even checked the smaller one or the wild ones in the forest.
Next up is J.E.B. Stuart. Considered a master of recon and offensive cavalry fighting he was one of Lee's most trusted men and inspirational to many in the south during the war. Unfortunately due to bad luck or Lee's poor orders Stuart was seperated from Lee for a long time which made Lee unaware of Union troop movements which aided in his defeat at Gettysburg. After this many in the south blamed Stuart for the loss although many modern historians believed he doesn't deserve the hate when a lot of it was out of his control.
Knox County Tennessee checking in GO VAWLS
Check em. Why don't you leave your Communist den of degeneracy and join us in reclaiming Dixie from the carpetbaggers?
Whats the story with that buttfucker ossofstein? Any chance in hell of him winning?
Bradley county native now residing in north florida. Can confirm that Vols are life
Dallasfag here.
You ever have a desire to both be somewhere populated and be somewhere desolate at the same time? It's very confusing.
it took the north 4 generals to find a way to beat lee you fucking pylon
MD here. We're southerners here, if it wasn't for Lincoln.
How are us midwestfags viewed by southerners? Like your boring cousin?
North Cacalacky Piedmont checking in. It is hot and it's been storming like a mother fucker. Fuck trucks, Jeep life.
>in florida the beaner population is like 2.42%.
literally laughed out loud. theres this giant road that spans your entire state from top to bottom called i95. you should drive down it sometime
The problem is having neighbors with 300ft of your property is shit but driving 20 minutes to the nearest gas station also sucks
the only thing good to come out of the southern usa is the 70s and 80s country music
Kek the Dixie combat frog god has blessed this thread. I harvest wild blackberries in the woods by my home. Some of the vines have reached dozens of feet into the tops of the trees. The fruit is small but delicious
Richmond here, all the memorials and southern culture feels good.
Paradise, at least to those in cities. My fiance and I are thinking about moving to Wyoming or Montana. Midwestfags are cool, as long as you aren't Illinois.
>I live in florida the beaner population is like 2.42%
I go down to Florida almost ever year to fish down in Marathon. You have Cuban slums, people living in fucking makeshit shacks. They all fish off the run down literally crumbling infrastructure to feed themselves, it's like a third world country. The rest of Florida is old people and biker gangs.
I wish I had the money too
How do southerners view midwest states?
Upstate SC here, its a great day to be Southern boys.
Hello Good Sir from Tidewater.
Still waiting for the South to rise again
Best food in the world faggot
Piedmont is the best of everything. I'm to the south of you.
Praise kek. We like you. Your women are girl-next-door hot.
Expire, maple nigger.
>Dixie loves being free
>One of the most southern things you can do is drink tea
>Tea is garbage and is a remnant from forced British cultural adoption
Reject the tea and bee free boys
from NY to hawaii and florida to washington you are all yanks
Yeah, not like good ol Appalachia
I said my region of Florida. Beaners and cubans are nowhere to be seen and the niggers are all concentrated in one small area. North Florida is pure white dixieland
>The racial makeup of the county was 84.17% White, 10.64% Black or African American, 0.78% Native American, 1.73% Asian, 0.08% Pacific Islander, 0.66% from other races, and 1.94% from two or more races. 2.42% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any
creole is breddy gud
All I'm saying is if a woman has to choose between a masculine Southern man who knows his way around the woods, and a dainty maple leaf who eats French fries and gravy don't ya know, she's going for the real man every time.
Heart of Dixie reporting in. Sweet home Alabama
Greetings fellow resident.
I love Dallas, used to live in Forth Worth myself.
I wish there was less crime.
How's the humidity treating you?
Gettysburg reporting
Going to north Virginia tomorrow
not really
Luckily my suburb is crime-free. Thank God for the mid-cities.
Where are you now, bud?
From one floridafag to another, have an AWOOO
Nice. It's been a while since I've been to Gettysburg.
its hell. I just moved back after living in Dallas for a year. dry heat has nothing on this
Also I have the same birthday as Jefferson davis