So was he really a pedo?


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All faggots are pedophiles

He was abused by a pedo and he's ok with that. He's a pedo enabler, which is no better.


No because pedophilia is before puberty (11 and under). He said teenagers which is perfectly natural. It's literally what nature intended. Teenagers are MADE for fucking by nature itself. It's natural law there's no way around it.

all leafs are cuckolds

All straight faggots are pedophiles

No he wasn't. The liberals succeeded in ruining his career though. Makes me sad. He wasn't perfect but he redpilled many many people including myself.

this faggot admitted he is attracted to children in one interview when describing a 17 year old who is a child.

how fucking sick, all these baby rapers should be killed.

No! He's a based faggot!!!!

...but yeah, he's a pederast. All fags are.

Ah yeah? If it's law why is it not written down?

>Amerifat paedo education


Most gays are not pesos

Most ARE pederasts... they get very hard for boys on the cusp of puberty.

All jews and all gays are pedophiles. Jews because they believe everyone else is subhuman. Gays because the development of their hypothalamus was retarded in utero by endocrine disruptors the government purposely puts into our water, food, and household items (plastic).

This this this this and this.

Also many gays were touched as children by older men, or at least that USED to be the case for lots of gays.

Like, I mean, I get it. A lot of gay dudes aren't -really- gay. They just have an aversion to women, so they go for the most feminine males they can find, which generally means chasing guys with a lack of secondary sexual characteristics and children.

Pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. Nothing in any of what Milo said indicates that.

Attraction to a 17 year old adolescent male is pederasty. Whether he has these feelings himself, has acted on those feelings, or has sympathy for practitioners of pederasty, is unclear.

>Pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children
Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

>writing laws
dumb leaf

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Nothing in my post contradicted what you said.

Pedophilia = attraction to pre-pubescent children

Hebephilia = attraction to adolescent teens.

Pederasty = a subset of Hebephilia in which an adult male is in a sexual relationship with a pubescent male.

I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation.

Oh, and get the fuck out of my country kiddy-diddler.

Based leaf, you will be spared on the day of the rake.

I don't get why people think 17 is underage. Is 16 not the age of consent there? To be clear I'm in my 20s and wouldn't go for a chick under 18 because schoolgirls are fucking stupid and I need a bitch that can at least help pay the damn rent.

Not like Rick Wilson league pedo

all gays are pedos

No. He chose words poorly and refused to describe his own experience as being sexual abuse.
Bill Mahar (the faggot that people praised for giving Milo exposure, before he was torn down) l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y said that it was okay for a 12yo to fuck a 33yo. That it was just "love" or whatever. But he also just got away with publicly referring to himself as a house-nigger, so I guess it pays to be jew.

Consent laws vary by state in the US. It can be anywhere between 16 and 18, and age difference comes into play. Generally speaking, teens having sex isn't a problem - and teens can marry as young as 13 in most states (with parental permission), but an adult having sex with a teen is a no-no. General guideline if visiting US is don't fuck anyone under 18.

In the UK, which is presumably where Milo received his priestly attention, it's 16.

Depends on the state.
The way it was in my home state (iirc) was that if you're over 18 the person you're fucking has to be no more than 2 years your junior. Under 18 I don't remember.

Some states have it as 16 being the age of consent until you're over 20 or some such. It's all kinda hazy.

No. He's a victim of character assassination.

>Lena Dunham admits to fingering her prepubescent little sister when she was 19
>media ignores it
>Milo admits he sucked a priest's dick as a teenager
>he gets slammed as a pedo/pedo enabler by the media
I hate this double standard.

Obviously not. He's the victim.

those are called romeo and juliet laws and they only exist in states were the aoc is 18. if youre state has an aoc of 16 than the aoc is 16 but sometimes the law says if youre in a postion of power ie teacher, priest or something the aoc is 18 but otherwise youre good to go and let me tell you that these 16 year olds are fucking older men all the time if you dont go for the 16 year olds youre basically a faggot.

Rick Wilson

No, what you have to realize is that Breitbart has been compromised and is now the enemy thanks mainly to pic related. He's a massive cuck (constantly jokes on the SiriusXM show that he's "half-Jewish") who's worked to slowly liberalize the site and get it away from what worked. Readership has been down and ex-writers have more or less been writing about how shit the site became once Bannon left and he was put in charge. Katie "Putting lead into Ahmed" McHugh did an article with Chuck Johnson about it. Lee Stranahan has been going off on him too, absolutely hates the guy and thinks he's a sackless loser more or less after Matt (((Boyle))) got Stranahan fired for going to WH press briefings then learned it was Marlow who ordered Boyle to do it. Also that appearance on Real Time where Marlow pretty much supplicated himself like a fucking cuck towards Maher saying that Rurssia did interfere in the election and even letting Maher "joke" about fucking Marlow's wife.

Look at that shit. He's a fucking pussy. Fun fact too: Marlow's parents are editors for Breitbart and his sister is the one who moderates the comments. Stranahan's been dishing some shit too about the site basically all but outright saying that Marlow hates Bannon and there are elements of the site (Boyle specifically) that hate Trump but know they can't say anything against him (probably because readers would revolt. Funny thing is today, Marlow was finally back on Breitbart News Daily and would flip out and go into full SHUT IT DOWN mode any time someone called him out for his Real Time appearance.

Anyway, getting rid of Milo was an attempt by Marlow, Boyle and the other urbanite cretins to bring "respectability" to Breitbart. Anyone who says anything that they feel is overly controversial (including Roger Stone, Pam Gellar, etc.) has to go because while they may have been good fits for Breitbart, they're not good fits for Cuckbart.

All homosexuals are pedos. They also all play in each other's feces

It was such an obvious political hit job I can't believe people fell for it.

Those podcasts were seen by nearly a million people when they came out, I saw them when they came out. No one made a big deal about what he said back then. But some neocons decide to take the most outrageous parts out of it a year later, edit them together and spin it in the worst way and suddenly Milo is a pedo. Really opened my eyes to how easy it is to manipulate people with spin.

this, Sup Forums is just hearing what it wants to hear


THIS is what opened your eyes to what can happen with spin?

the entire world is spin right now

I see news spin shit all the time, but this was the first time I saw a hugely popular figure brought down in one day purely through the power of spin. It felt more personal, I felt bad for him. Not anymore though, he is not that useful to the movement at this point.

YES. He fucked underage kids recently. Not an old meme. It will come out soon. People close to him know and he is trying to quiet them.

No, he's a pederast. All homos are. It is mainstream and fully accepted in homo culture to have sex with underaged teens.

Stop victim blaming.