Brit/pol/ I'm sorry brother Crow edition

>Brexit Negotiations: Day 1 (The cuckservatives have already given up)

>Terror attack suspect family "in shock"

>No self defence goy

>Lib Dem and Tory ministers warned about tower block fire risks

>Man drives van at crowd of Muslims in Finsbury Park mosque, possibly responsible for the death of 1 man.

>Man who ploughed into crowd of Muslims names as 42 year old father of four from Wales Darren Osbourne

>Man who died after the attack was having a heart attack before it started, there is a 90% chance that the reason he died was from the heart attack

Recent Muslim terror attempts that are getting little news coverage

>Attempted stabbing outside army reserves

>Attempted attack on officer in London

>Car "deliberately hits" Paris police van

>Tommy Robinson shitposting spree

Other urls found in this thread:

I am the protagonist and the world is my stage.

The Markov Chain is in a steady state. In Monte Carlo.

Good night brit/pol/

britcucks need their own containment threads

We've been friends a long time and I have a broad social circle. We might disagree entirely on politics but can still enjoy cooking, drinking beer, talking about movies and arguing about history. It's nice to have people to test your views on as well.

DEUS VULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck. You're stopping math and science.

Just CANNOT sleep.
>need to be up in 4 hours

As always anons. Please remember that our triplords are delicate but majestic creatures. In nature they rarely receive sustenance, they are shy and retiring creatures with poor social skills and in captivity can easily suffer harmful effects from a single careless (you).

If you truly wish to preserve our delicate ecosystem of britpol, don't reply to them. It's for their own good.

>this requires all three of his followers to leave the house.

Same. I am going to try now though.

Lost cause lad. Get a cup of coffee and some bacon on.

You best watch the mouth of yours lad, you're getting above your station around here, you're a marked man pube, a marked man.


You like watching Syrian refugees have their way with your girlfriend.


written by the mayor of London himself

I'm aware of this user but not all of our recent happenings have been Islam related. We've had some communism and a robot too.

>unarchived clickbaiters

I think you bongs have some explaining to do

Empress Virginia will save us from Corbyn, May and Muslims when she rebuilds the great empire and reconquers Britannia.


And a world record attempt at the worlds largest kebab but Guinness hasn't gotten back to us yet.

It's a long story. Markov Chains Monte Carlo is a statistical algorithm from fifties now poplar in Machine Learning and for integrating the render equation in computer graphics.

I've started smoking rollups the last couple weeks. To my surprise I've noticed a real change in my stamina at the gym compared to my usual 20 Dunhill International a day. I think I'll stick with the rollies.

I'm still convinced you're an AI.

Take Vitamin D in the morning.

The Greek finance wog said months ago the first plan of attack will be getting Britain to agree to negotiations to entet negotiations and the minute Britain caves is the minute they lose.

One. Fucking. Day.

Thanks Mummy.

Just got myself an ice cold Dark Fruit Cider, a snifter of brandy and a packet of them bacon fry crips, the one that look like little rashers

enjoy your 4 hours of clock watching lad.

>gotta be up in 4 hours, if I fall asleep in the next hour i'll have 3 hours of sleep

>gotta be up in 3 hours, if I fall asleep in the next hour i'll have 2 hours of sleep

>gotta be up in 2 hours, if I fall asleep in the next hour i'll have 1 hour of sleep

>gotta be up in 1 hour, if I fall asleep in the next 30 mins i'll have 30 mins of sleep

>time to get up

Are we even sure he was a terrorist yet? I thought he was just some pissed bloke?

It's going to be fantastic if that turns out to be the case.
>muh islamaphobia
>I did my bit
Actually it was just a drunk driver

Is this a new meme?


she has a point

There's also a TV series, Silicon Valleys, the soundtrack from there Dj Shadow Systematic is about the system and the steady state.

>May calls islamo"""phobia""" a form of extremism
she really is a slimy little fucker isn't she

I blame the UKIP voters, they returned to Labour.

If you're going to give someone a task ie. May get us out the EU, at least give her the fucking tools to do it, ie. a majority in the HoC.

I can comfortably do my mile and a half in eight minutes. I'm happy with that user.

has sean spicer been sacked?

So shitskins spam the board again. Are there any classy interracials with actually attractive people out there?

Wait she caved? I get my news from here, the spectator and a the Times. I won't be buying a paper for three more hours.

Imagine being in the safe parts of Assad controlled Syria right now, lads.

All of that lonely Syrian girl poon, husbands and boyfriends out fighting for their country or already dead. None of them getting any cock for months.

Even if you're a fugly cunt I bet the prossies are charging stupidly low rates.

>fighting for their country
Don't you mean
>in Germany

She wouldn't do it with a 400 seat majority, you mong.

Certainly some of the cunts.

No, from December they are negotiating our trade agreement after 'sufficient progress has been made on the leaving settlement', so basically they met each other halfway.

Silicon Valley. A long story really. Pixar and ILM were in San Francisco. The interesting story that ILM now has an office in England.

give me a quick rundown on what the fuck this concession is and why it's important

>tfw watching Jeremy Kyle repeats and shitposting at quarter past three in the morning
How do I get a job?

Apply to the most understaffed supermarket in your area.



Which one of you fuckers dropped lsd in the manlet pit again?
>another paddy who's obsessed with cuckold scenarios including syrians
Did they start deporting them from Ireland? What is the reason behind all the Irish cuckold enthusiasts flocking to Sup Forums all of a sudden?

Start buying guns.

you have all of the equipment required to be a rentboy user

Buy a white van, and then people will talk to you.

>How do I get a job?
Have a look on Reed or Indeed, apply for a job between each post you make here.

>Just CANNOT sleep.
>>need to be up in 4 hours
Same here m8, only I got in from work, fell asleep about 8 and woke up at midnight. Tomorrow will be fun.>How do I get a job?
Completely fabricate your CV, then get two friends to be fake references.

Join the police.

Watching JK repeats all night kind of is a job.

>only got in from work
>going to work soon again
explan this


> Welfare state.
> Socialism.
> Burger education.

Ive have had a thought kicking about my head for a bit. I'd like to hear what user thinks.

>migration begins in the 50s. There's no real plan for it but it's handy.
>continues. Politicians are always dealing with today's problem and aren't really worried about tomorrows.
>the electorate already don't like it.
>Labour blows the doors off in the late nineties early 2000s.
>the conservatives can't or won't try to close Pandoras box.
>it's politically very difficult to even attempt to do this. Whitehall and Westminster know that the electorate are still pissed off about it.
>immigrants have now formed extremely useful voting blocs to the left.
>the powers that be will do anything to stop people vocalizing just how annoyed they are. They are tapdancing on a volcano and are doing their hardest to make it through another election cycle without this whole mess exploding violently in their faces.

>children getting blown to pieces isn't enough for the volcano to blow

not gonna happen

Yeah pretty much,

Labour would shut off the tap because they're a voter block and for ideological reasons, Tories won't because it suppresses wages and helps the neo-liberal economy, even though the average man on the street sees no benefit. Most Tories are also wealthy enough to escape the fallout.
>948 ▶
>>children getting blown to pieces isn't enough for the volcano to blow
>not gonna happen

It can get a lot worse, look at France, over 100 killed in the Bataclan.

In my opinion. Labours are very similar to the American dream. It's fair. It's for the many not for the few.

I love England and Switzerland just because they're for the few, not for the many.

The absolute state of brexit negotiations.

Probably a good thing tbqh

That's literally them getting their way. Nothing half about it.

Yeah pretty much,

Labour would shut off the tap because they're a voter block and for ideological reasons, Tories won't because it suppresses wages and helps the neo-liberal economy, even though the average man on the street sees no benefit. Most Tories are also wealthy enough to escape the fallout.

It can get a lot worse, look at France, over 100 killed in the Bataclan.

I've reformatted that abomination of a post.

Ur getting your willy sucked by homless men in alleyways whilst wearing binbags to keep the rain off

No their way was we settle the deal afterwards once we've left. So after 2 years all we would have is a transitional agreement and no leverage. At least this way if they fuck us about we can renege on our exit agreements.

Doesn't matter.

>last year: starting 2017 I'm totally turning my life around
>January 1st: it doesn't count because it's didn't start on a Monday, I'll start next week instead
>Monday: it doesn't count because I'm still on holiday, I'll enjoy this and truly begin anew when back in work
>work: ugh at least get me get adjusted
>adjusted: fuck it, doing this on my birthday will provide me with a better symbolic inspiration

Okay lads, honestly, I swear to god that I'll actually better myself on the Summer solstice!

ur a spunky sheila give us a root an i'll share my tinny with ya

A blow jobs a blow job right

What time is Tommy on GMB tomorrow?

What do you even need to do to "turn your life around"?

I watched trainspotting 2 the other day, thought it was good.

I... I don't know...


>trainspotting 2

Didn't even know it had been released, knew it was being made but

Go and do some pressups.

>but user you're up at twenty to four on a Tuesday.
Can't sleep. Heat. I'm in at work at eight am and not looking forward to it.

I thought it was shit. Desperate attempt, shadow of its former self and fucking tacky.

This is a mongy post but I kinda like it





The original was tacky enough tbf


Nah that's too harsh.

>And a world record attempt at the worlds largest kebab but Guinness hasn't gotten back to us yet.
It's been a disappointing year. We didn't win worlds largest barbecue with Grenfell Tower either.

Responday see voo play

How much have you had to drink?

>captcha: sores lotis-semen

We've all gone to bed.

Is it me you're looking for?



i saw the first one on the cinema.

history repeats itself. nothing has changed. why. YOUSORO

THat is a shame, I appear to have started drinking at the wrong time

I love you lionel with your big black willy, spin it around like a helecopter

How fucking retarded is she

It's time to sleep

I can nearly see up ur skirt love, Show us your gubbins