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Its a good way to drop red pills. Even though the "trusted" host will ridicule the redpill, a certain percentage will actually swallow the pill.

What a shitty hackjob of an interview

The moment Alex Jones joined Trump' scapegoats like Kushner or Seth I stopped buying his products (which are good btw). He's pretty much MSM now

I've seen this before boys!

>the slaughter of innocent children and teachers at Sandy Hook elementary school, one of the darkest chapters in American history
what the fuck, how can your memory be that short

The language is intentional to make Jones and Trump look like literal Hitlers while also making her and NBC look like the sympathetic heroes.
The whole video is retarded like that.

I was thinking the same. Alex should have had a clock behind him so people could see just how edited the interview was.

he should have choked her to death

The fact (((they))) tried to make jones look so bad in this interview makes me think maybe he's not just a crazy water filter salesman who spouts whatever conspiracy theories are trending on the internet.

I watched it, eagerly hoping for copious red pills to be dispensed on the unwitting NBC viewers...and instead it was a 17 minute long Chobani Yogurt commercial with a little trump trash talk and some bitching about sandy hook thrown in. Alex Jones maybe spoke for a total of about 2 minutes, the rest was Crazg Megyn Kelly telling everyone how crazy he is. Even though I love InfoWars, and know I am biased, by any normal measure or standard it was a pretty lame, bad interview. Sad!

Maybe he has...


Why can't we ban faggots who post this garbage? I get ban all time I ain't do nuffin

holy fuggin kek m8

You did catch that bit where Infowars has no journalistic standards, did you not?


>Its a good way to drop red pills. Even though the "trusted" host will ridicule the redpill, a certain percentage will actually swallow the pill.
Yes, retards.

Not exactly the best way to advance a good cause.

Remember when the Iraqis threw those babies out of the incubators. But pizzagate is instantly 'debunked'.

Podesta please go

Found the kike
you fucking retards don't even notice how edited this is? The red pill is how bad Megyn made herself look

Watching this Jones' breakdown of the interview is pretty damn funny, though.

>claims he was put under a heat lamp
>though in media, would willingly sit under a heat lamp for an interview
>cut to a segment of the interview held outdoors

>m-muh heat lamps

They must be desperate because Jones probably gets more viewers than NBC and CNN combined

he lives in Texas, outdoors is a heatlamp


He should star in Der Untermensch 2

Why is it too much to ask for you guys to back people who aren't radioactive imbeciles? This guy is NOT credible. He's talked so much bullshit, and slung so many stupid predictions. Is it just because we're in the post-truth era that people don't care?

How well do you expect to move forward when you're dragging around a ball-and chain (or six of them)? Watch this guy make 42 ASSHOLE-TIER predictions that were completely false. Why do you want to be connected to this time-bomb? Just because the MSM is corrupt doesn't mean there are no standards.

>you fucking retards don't even notice how edited this is?
It's an hours long series of interviews cut down for a fifteen minute segment. Of course it's edited.
>The red pill is how bad Megyn made herself look
That's not how it came across to those outside of Jones' thrall.

You missed the point, not contained in the humorous observation. He's Alex Jones, in Alex Jones' own studios. He has his own make-up people.


Jones wants you to believe Megyn Kelly walked onto his turf and controlled his environment. Which is about as ridiculous and asinine as most anything Jones would have you believe.

Didn't this sneaky bitch promise it was not gonna be a hitpiece?

Did Kelly ever imply it was going to be a puff piece?




>Is it just because we're in the post-truth era that people don't care?

(((Truth))) and (((caring))) is for cucks.

this was all to tie "weird conspiracy theorists" to trump
even that will backfire because no one fucking believes anything msm says anymore. hell people probably take it as an endorsement.

>Even though I love InfoWars
are you the last niggah on earth that doesn't know infowars is make believe? He literally said he was acting


What are you trying to say, that heatlamps can only exist indoors?

>One chance to get your kids back by pretending you aren't really serious on your tv show
>Take it to try and save your kids
>Get mocked by retards online

But seriously, we can't let this guy get the chimeras

>I was just pretending to be a nutjob
you for cereal think any judge would fall for that bullshit?

he spent decades shilling his paranoia and hate and getting money from tards like you.

And the part where he claimed he couldn't remember basic facts about his children because he had a big bowl of chili for lunch?


litterally sounds like fake news name so bad

OP we are thier audience now

Your point being? Nonsense.

Fuck I drive for Uber and heard people making fun of those complaining about the heat lamp comment here. It's fucking hot in Texas, everyone will sweat outside here.

I don't expect the whole Megyn Kelly/NBC thing to end well. Interviewing a lighting rod like Jones who creates controversy every where is pretty savvy.

How's driving for uber in Texas? How many hours to make 100 bucks a day gross?

It's been 90 above in Austin right now.

fuck drumpf and fuck white conspiratards

I buy my waterfilters from this guy, very humble lad. What's msnbc's problem?

>90 above
do texas cucks really think thats hot?

Yeah with high as sweaty balls humidity it is



the bitch lied

They uncovered the
John McCain Tokyo Rose Tape I think.

She implied that it would be sympathetic to Alex as a complex but relateable guy, with positives to balance out any negatives.

(((Alex Jones))) with his Jewish ex-wife problems can go suck the elite 'little pizza loving' pedo dicks all he wants.

>INB4 "You again"

wrong video

dude I wanna fuck megyn kelly. I know shes crazy tho

Alex is live

wash the TV off her and you're looking at something vaguely human yeah i want to too actually come to think of it



>they won't include the parts where I now say Sandy Hook did happen
>look, they didn't include the parts where I said Sandy Hook did happen
>yeah, that's right, Alex; you sure called it
>no they wouldn't do that; it's all in the editing
>later, clip is played in which Jones now says he does tend to believe the Sandy Hook shooting happened
>tends to believe, but even that's not the point
>"Amazing...they put it in later"
>as part of an exchange trying to contextualize Jones' well-known, long held public position that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax
>literally 5 seconds after he'd complained that they didn't include it
>talking over the part where Kelly points out that Jones hasn't completely disavowed his previous statements

What slimy fucking worms Alex and his crew are. The gist of Alex Jones' connection to Sandy Hook is not his lately come by equivocations and misdirects over what his beliefs currently are. If he was mistaken in his earlier belief, he'll have you lose the point that he wants people to perceive a claim that he now believes something vastly different from what he earlier promulgated, without coming clean over such a huge and hurtful "mistake." How could he get such an important thing so horribly wrong? No, the real bad guys in all this are any who think to call Jones out for his positions (which speaks to his credibility), and their devious editing of his twisting and turning out of being held responsible to his words.

>What are you trying to say?
What I was trying to say is what I subsequently flatly said. >I don't look bad if I'm sweating; Kelly assaulted me with heat lamps!
What a joke.

Alex Jones looks like a fat John Ritter

An anonymous source told me the mainstream media has the highest journalistic standards

Alex Jones recorded a call between him in Kelly in which she states it wasn't going to be a interview directed towards him and how she'd make sure not to ask intrusive questions. While what Jones did was illegal Kelly was shown to be a hack.

Both sides of this are pretty pathetic. Jones is using piss-poor evidence if he even has a shred at all, but Megyn Kelly is just on a high horse and using pure emotional arguments.

So both sides of this argument are losers who don't rely on evidence. How can I pick a side?

If you have to defend yourself against conspiracy theorist it means you already lost.

she better have better tits than this

>Don't worry, I'm just pretending lol
>Now, let's talk about the (((globalists)))
That's exactly how I'd be to. Be completely serious and attention grabbing, then claim it's a joke if some asshole tries to sabotage me with an "interview."

Lol, why focus on the stuff he got wrong instead of the stuff he got right. Don't care, watch him more than msm

0.0002 ChelseaCoin deposited into your account.

The first thing I thought was that they had a heat lamp on him. They put a sharp focus on him to show the sweat then cut to a soft focus on Meghan where you could barely see details of her face.

It's very obvious they did that on purpose

There were elements that Jones supporters might take as positives (they're in this thread and others claiming he did a good job dishing redpills), but you (and Alex, for all his pre-air attempts to poison the well over Kelly's interview) have placed the cart before the horse.

Would Alex have conducted himself differently in the arranged interview other than how he did, the interview would quite obviously have gone down differently, and his expectations he says Kelly lied to him about would perhaps have been fulfilled.

For Jones also shares a responsibility for an interview to go well, for it to reflect well on him.

>Alex Jones recorded a call between him in Kelly in which she states it wasn't going to be a interview directed towards him
No, she did not imply Jones wouldn't receive hard questioning.
>and how she'd make sure not to ask intrusive questions.
To that point, absent in the aired segment was any mention of Jones' divorce proceedings or personal shit like that.
>While what Jones did was illegal
It's wasn't; just unethical, a means for him to salvage something out of it for his uncritical audience of water filter enthusiasts.
>Kelly was shown to be a hack.
That's not how I saw it.

Because the balance of the interview was Jones deflecting from being wrong rather than owning up to being wrong.

The piece has an Infowars employee admit to having no standards or oversight for his part as site contributor, and Alex himself stating their practice is to hash out stories which are completely unvetted. You may false equivalence all you care to, but it is what it is. The mainstream media might often violate their standards and/or infuse their product with biases, but at least they have standards to violate.

stop, this is john oliver tier.

You could counter point everything but everyone here already knows the counter points and it's superfluous to point them out.

the interview segments are heavily edited. it's obvious. it's more chopped up than any prior interview I can remember viewing.

Alex fucked up. He should have never agreed to this hit job.


The "garbage in" is sources are from places like NBC.

It really is hot. I lived in San Antonio for 4 years, 90 feels brutal from the humidity coming off the gulf of mexico. 100 in Austin feels worse than 120 in phoenix, no joke

>show clips of Alex Jones saying crazy things
>"they're making him look crazy"

What do you mean by this?

Well, he did record the pre-interview and BTFO Megyn as a result, Id say it was at least a draw.

He was made to look fat in editing he's not fat! Plus he can deadlift 500lbs.

>most offensive

Truth. I recently moved to Portland from Phoenix, and 80 in Portland is worse than 110 in Phoenix.

they definitely angled the lights towards megyn and kept him looking all dark then shot him at F9.0 with a F1.8 lens

>make alex look as crazy as possible
>connect him to trump

This whole thing was never really about Alex.

I bet you think 50 Cent is bankrupt

of course they had to interview the (((owen shroyer))) and include that

>he was literally chad 1

The first half is a hit job to conceive differences between Trump and Jones. The second part is a hit job to destroy his credibility.

Poe can suck a dick. Besides which,
>don't discuss on a discussion board
Not how it works.
>but everyone here already knows the counter points and it's superfluous to point them out.
You'd think that, but then: >It's very obvious they did that on purpose
>that they had a heat lamp on him
It's absurd to suppose that Jones would not be aware of the effects of lighting for interviews being that he's a media personality and works under lighting every day, absurd to suppose that Kelly would control the environment in which the interview was conducted such to subject him to unfavorable conditions when it was held in Alex's own studio, and absurd to suppose that Alex did not have the resources available to him--being that he'd have a team of producers and make-up people nearby, given that he is (again) in his own studio--to work on his appearance if he felt (as he later claimed) to have been made to feel uncomfortable. This is the third or forth time I've had to restate such "superfluous" observations to those seemingly unaware of the potential for counter point.

No, this is what's happening: Jones is bullshitting and throwing up flak over such a little thing to cover for the fact that he came off badly. It's the other guy's fault, you see.
Traditional media has journalistic standards, as distinguished from Infowars which admits to having none. Which is not to say that news journalism and opinion journalism of traditional media has the same standards.
>The "garbage in" is sources are from places like NBC.
And other sources.

so it's an attempted hit piece on trump lmao?

OP is a retard

I don't know from focal lengths, but you can rest assured that both Kelly and Alex understood why the woman as a matter of course gets better treatment insofar as lighting is concerned. I mean, he could have been a dick about it and asked for soft lighting for himself, but let's not pretend he was unaware of the matter.

this, even though it's edited