hey Sup Forums, am I the only one who fucking hates mexicans and feels physically sick when looking at one?They are the shit-tier race
Mexicans make me physically sick
I have gone to the toilet to vomit because you brought them up.
No, your not.
But if I had to choose between living with a Mexican or nigger, the Mexican wins 99/100
I hate their accent and their language.
>montezuma's revenge
Kill it with hot sauce brah. Drown it in that shit.
Yeah, Indio beaners are especially heinous. I've never understood why some of my friends are into Mexican girls. Having an ass or maybe some kinda nice tittes means nothing if you're fucking hairy and gross and your nipples are brown anyway. Sideburn having beaner bitches probably having horrible smelling puss too
Why do people only say stuff like this anonymously online?
All the Mexicans I know are good people and pretty chill, I don't live in a shitty part of the country tho.
Fuck off beaner
They'd be lynched or beaten to a pulp.
Can someone explain to me the "Spanish" part of the sign? When have there ever been major Spanish immigration numbers to the US?
Beaner detected. At least Blacks aren't filthy immigrants. Mexicans are animals who wipe cow assholes clean for a few dollars.
they serve white's only what? I don't get the sign.
subhuman spics
Every mexican I have worked with has been a hard working son of a bitch who was easy going and reliable. Every nigger (ok most, there were a few good ones) has been a fucking slacking piece of shit and rude as hell. They have no respect even for their own kind.
Is it really that hard a question you can't answer it?
spanish and mexicans are genetically the same
You assholes are responsible for creating them in the first place, don't even try to wash away your hands from this.
That's factually wrong.
Yes, and you made Afro-americans, yet you aren't black.
>don't try to wash your hands
Should have thought about conquering the West twice, whiteboy.
That's irrelevant to the topic spic boy, you just answered to your own question.
No, people say it in the U.S., but Mexicans don't understand or are too stupid to learn English
They only understand free shit, fraud and rape
>That's irrelevant to the topic spic boy
It's not. You are converging completely different facts together. It's literally irrelevant that we made modern day Mexicans, Americans are just majorly butthurt because conquering California and company wasn't that bright of an idea, so you put "Spanish" in the same bag.
Literal child-like behaviour
You still haven't answered why "Spanish" is in the sign even though Spanish people have never -and will never- migrate to the US of negroids.
>top-tier food
>hot chicks that aren't offended that their expected to be feminine
>good sense of humor
>reject PC
>make good team mates for sports shit
>first generation or two are genuinely appreciative of the opportunity to be in a better place and want to assimilate (to some degree) and don't want to rock the boat too much
>cheap labor for lawn, auto, painting, handyman stuff
If you're in a pinch and just want to get something done that you can't do yourself, you can get it done cheap. But obviously this model is not sustainable if we want Americans wages to stay up
>illegal ones
>entitled illegal ones
>after the first few generations they become entitled millennial hipsters who renege on the #2, #3, #4, & #6 qualities of my Pro column
>shitty music
>nasty yards that look like junk yards
op your genetics must be weak. Please exit the gene pool.
>hey Sup Forums, am I the only one who fucking hates mexicans and feels physically sick when looking at one
Nah, Senpai. If I had them nuclear codes, South America would be a crater.
>Mexicans are animals
Which makes it that much worse that living near them is preferable to living near a nigger
Compared to the blacks who literally do nothing.
>at least niggers aren't immigrants
You do know Mexicans were settled in the southern US since before it was the US, right? White people were the immigrants lmaooo
>conquering California wasn't a bright idea
Wait, what?
>>hot chicks that aren't offended that their expected to be feminine
Most are ugly as shit
Stop spreading this meme
OP here I wasn't talking about their attitudes or work ethic I mean the way they look and their culture and clothes
why are white only restaurants not allowed anymore? why cant a private business choose who they want to allow into their establishment?
Because mestizos, when faced with scrutiny, insist they are spanish. Kinda like how jews are white when it suits them and Jewish when it suits them.
>im 100 perciento espanish, i swear!
>looks like juan valdez
Because if you tried pulling that present day shit see how long the owners will last without becoming swiss cheese.
God bless you good american and thanks for givin work to my mexican brothers.
Agreed most look like this
The worst part is they're not just fat
but they're fat with small tits and flat asses
Thanks to you retarded Spaniards thinking with your dicks, we're now stuck with the mestizo rape babies. Thanks a lot, Jerks.
I dont know where you are, but here, most of the ones i see are easily 7-9. As long as they don't look native American and they're not fatties.
What do (((they))) have against Spaniards? :(
>It's literally irrelevant that we made modern day Mexicans
You can see resemblances between the behaviour of a child and its parent, i believe a lot of the corruption, ruthlessness and laziness down there is also present in your shitstain of a country, you try to justify it by saying stuff like "i'm not associated with those savages" but that's not how it truly is, you don't realize it but you and your shitpeople have a lot in common.
Can someone explain the genetic advantage of turning into a goblin after the age of 15?
This is decent. I love their food. I like the Mexicans except for the fat cholos who think it's ok to say nigga and drive a Honda. It's not ok. Get a Chevy and blast ranchero fagget.
Mexicans are pretty great.
>cheap labor
>only marginally more likely to stab you than other white people
Plus they seem totally content living as stereotypes, which is hilarious.
Lol. Exactly. Right as I was typing. Fat, amerindian.
Fucking dogshit noise. You have to go back you fat manlet goblin king
>Whites only
>No Spanish
Spanish are European, and therefore White. Sign is contradictory.
>Mexicans are pretty great.
>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
How's that brown skin cockroach infestation workin' out for y'all?
White genocide in California complete yet?
Remember the rain forest?
It's gone now.
>t.Man whose never met a spic in his entire life
I hate them as well. short, ugly, have a million kids that don't know how the fuck to behave.
Hell yeah! Murica
Many Americans ignorantly call Hispanics "Spanish." They don't know the fact that some Spaniards are White. When they say something like, "I like Spanish girls." They're not referring to Spaniards from Europe, but spics from Mexico and such
I guess of you cut out a language you cut out all of its users
An acceptable loss tbqh.
>children are exactly like their parents!
Wew, what a momma's boy, and a retard one at that.
Actually, we work more than North Euros
I can give you that one.
What kind of Black Legend movie are you even making now? What "ruthlessness" are you even memeing about, you dumb fucking nigger? We are literally the biggest pacifist in the world.
>you are just like your children
Nice to know you are a literal nigger, then.
I have a friend like that. We were at taco bell and he said the cashier had pretty eyes. Idk what he sawas in those two black holes and how he can even say something like that about a spic.
This dudes beard is fucking epic!
i see them as a upgrade vs the average black person but we cant deport black people to africa at this point
i mean we can but there would be problems and a lot of africans dont like black americans. odd but from what i understand its somewhat true
anyways we can deport mexicans based on pre existing federal laws. if the president wont do it states can.
texas doesnt want to be overun and cali has done so much fucked up shit like decriminalize child prostitution and decriminalize intentionally spreading aids its hard to say they want any one living there
I live in texas
If I ever see a hot spic girl with a normal body shape and cute face 9 times out of 10 they're not from mexico, they're from Columbia or some place else
I even think black women are better looking and have better body's than Mexicans
Mexican girls are built like offensive lineman
Unfortunately, non whites are that empowered in america that they'd probably be let off for it.
Yeah, and they literally gave it up because they couldnt handle the indians, then after we settled it they decided they wanted it back. We told them to go fuck themselves, they got uppity and we put their stupid fucking asses in their place.
I live in texas, i learned about our history every fucking year until high school, dont preach on shit you don't know about chucklefuck.
they are disgusting fucking savages. America is fucked unless we deport every single one
Latin mexicans assimilate very well in the midwest. Its like living next to whites all families and churches, its the nig neighborhoods gotta watch out.
your hate only makes my benis harder
heres another link you can read shlomo
fat, lazy, dumb, physically and morally degenerate. agreed OP
at least im not brown
hahha stupid beaner
you have the iq of room teperature
the most advanced race ever
I hate all spics, they all are just so ugly. All their countries are shitholes. Fuck spics.
>Whites only
>no spanish
holy shit anglos are actually as smart as niggers
They are shit tier latin americans kek
American is for WASPS
not moors you retard
I love mexican chicks too bro but thats a fucking pathetic ass
>burger education
Mexico it's North America.
Nigger shut the fuck up. we're natives of this land, we weren't brought here as fucking cattle. Now go fuck your mother.
Most spics aren't natives, but bastards of native savages and their white rapist conquerors
>we work more than North Euros
Sure you do bud
>We are the biggest pacifist in the world
Not for long if you keep the flow of pacos into your country
>Nice to know you are a literal nigger, then.
Breeding with the natives was your bright idea you incompetent fuck, and the niggers even though not ours have become more or less integrated, what can you say about your mistakes over seas?
That's because they naturally smell like rancid insect repellent. There's a specific type of cologne that they buy that, no joke, is like Sex Panther from anchor man. I used to work in a fish market when I was in college and you could smell the mexicans over the fish in the market.
Well, that's pretty much all you nigger can do.
May i also remind you that in about ten years you niggers will be hunted down by Mexicans, no joke, i'm warning you and you should go back to apefrica and leave my continent.
how can you tell if these women are mexican?
Everything South of the border is Mexico...At least in DEFCON. Lrn2Earth
Haha, that"s hella mean. It's fucked up how ugly they are.
Now thats something i can bury my face in
You will be hunted down and slaved like for the most part of human history, get ready.
that looks bretty good.
yeah no, looks like a dude.
I'm Cajun, family been in the New World for 300 years
What, you really think I'm some dirty nigger?
Sorry Diego, you're still a mutt rape baby
the only thing that makes you human is that 15% Iberian DNA buried down there
>Sure you do bud
Not for long if you keep the flow of pacos into your country
Did you have an aneurysm just now? What the fuck are you talking about? What "flow of tacos", you dumb nigger? We are the biggest pacifist in the world, plain and simple.
>breeding was your idea
And yours, you dumb nigger, it's almost like you are forgetting American niggers are mixed as fuck with subhuman anglo blood. You have NEVER actually seen a pure African, you cuck, you have only seen the ones that come from English enslavers.
Oh, yeah, those monkeys sure are integrated! Gotta love how rich, succesful they are, I specially love how blacks aren't the biggest criminals in the US!
Like I give a fuck about your incompetent police forces being incapable of handling fucking Mexicans of all things. Ours sudacas don't go around killing Spaniards, you are just wh*te cuckolds too afraid to actually do anything.
Don't forget to prep Paco to fuck your mom while I'm here, fucking Paco's gf and sister.
>Mountain Jew
We went there to fight communism. When we got there, we found drugs and whores and war. We didn't know why we were there, we didn't care anymore. There was no other place for me now. I wanted to die there. I was fine with that.
Mexicans are only good for gonorrhea and diarrhea.
Surprise surprise, me too. DFW area. I have a lot of Mexican coworkers who have hot young sisters or daughters (but the troll thing is true for the older ones). I don't see too many young Mexican girls I wouldn't colonize here (provided they're not fat)