Why can't we just declare war on North Korea?
Surely the USA could easily topple them in a week, tops.
Whats stopping us? China?
Why can't we just declare war on North Korea?
Surely the USA could easily topple them in a week, tops.
Whats stopping us? China?
Why should I care about Otto dying? All lives matter, not just white ones.
gtfo newfag
>Whats stopping us? China?
Is this a b8 thread?
Not a conventional war, nuke them with dumb bombs.
>can't defeat a cargo ship
>wants to invade a country with bio/chem/radiological weapons
> topple north Korea
> south Korea is decimated in the process
> gookfugee problem hits China hard
> setup Rothschild banks
You go to war for these reasons:
1. Defeat an empire while getting reparations
2. Drilling and mining rights
3. For religion or markets (business hostile)
None of which applies to NK
(NK has rare earths, but mining that requires stability and expertise, neither NK will have)
USA is poor and weak. Russia alone easily can destroy USA. War with North Korea => War with Putin => The End of USA and fat pindosy.
Why should other people's kids die invading NK just because Otto was an idiot?
>drop dumb bomb nukes on them
>South Korea doesn't get scratched
>Jew steals poster he could of easily bought
>gets punished in accordance to another countries laws
>good goy's want war
Hmmm really tingles my fingle.
lol. Russia, you stupid goddamn Vodka nigger, lay off the internet for awhile.
We couldn't defeat them in a week. Seoul would have high causality rates. If NK is truly threaten they'd just nuke SK and possibly Japan.
How do you tell the difference between a North Korean and a South Korean? You can't. There are North Korea sleeper cells / assassign groups waking for call to kill and destroy SK.
NK would not be an easy foe to defeat. Millions would die on both sides.
SOF NK units would conduct assymertical warefare. Back in the old days NK SOF units caused chaos kiling a lot of people in SK.
The media makes you think NK is a silly country with silly military. That isn't the case
Go serve on the DMZ. Look at the 6'5'' Norths they put on line. Not the midgets the media shows you.
That doesnt even go into the chemical warefare they have read and the underground tunnels
drop dumb bomb nukes
>Russia alone easily can destroy USA
Your nationalism is showing.
How about you send in a real assassin to cut the head off of the snake, instead of this yuppie garbage?
Fuck off, stupid pindos. Go eat some burgers.
USA is a pimple on the face of the earth
At this point we would have to nuke our own country for the world to side with us in a war against nonwhites
China is literally the only ally we have, since they are almost white
North Korea will decimate the south if we invade.
I didn't say invade, I said drop a bunch of dumb bomb nuke airburst bombs and follow it up with conventional naval and airstrikes with conventional weapons. Fuck invading.
>declar war for the sake of a retard who touched a hot stove
dont think so desu
war is long overdue.
if you unironically want to invade north korea, it's because the globalists and MSM have turned you into their tool.
Otto was our boy and deserves justice.
We need to start acting like the mob and if you fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us.
Any attack like that warrants NK decimating Seoul. NK isn't Syria.
How the fuck are they going to decimate shit when they just got fucking nuked?
The US and NK both know it isn't in anyone's best interest to go full scale war. Status quo is to keep it at these escalations, rhetoric and have China play middle man. NK knows much to edge everyone just to the breaking point. They knew they FUBAR and that's why they sent Otto home.
I didn't see you suggest NUKE them first. That is about what you'd have to do. But you'd have to not just do 1 nuke, you'd have to wipe them out.
That's why I brought up the scenario of just bombing them to shit with airburst dumb bomb nukes. They aren't ICBMs so the other Nuclear powers wouldn't be threatened by a MAD first strike scenario. Sure they might be mad, but are they going to risk their own complete destruction over North Korea?
Экoнoмикa Poccии былa мeньшe, чeм y Кaлифopнии дoлгoe вpeмя.
do you really think China would notice a few more people?
Warmbier is a Jew name now?
califaggot here, Kim got nukes powerful enough to reach us here.
no war pls
but surely Trump can do some other shit
Why??,his last action was to cry in front of the cameras, like a teenager girl ,for the amusement of master KIM
It's going to happen at sometime, as long as it's only California I say we can't wait any longer.
>You break it you buy it
Honestly, his sentence is probably my greatest fear in life, the kind of fear the keeps you up at night in a cold sweat
15 years in a hard labor camp in North Korea. Getting a sentence like that basically means your life is over. Especially if you're young, because if you do survive you come out 15 years older with your entire youth out the door.
Like damn 15 years is more than half my life
>mfw Norks killed an American
If the USA attacks North Korea, there's no guarantee the South Korean capitol (Seoul) won't be obliterated in the process. That would be an economic and human rights disaster. That also doesn't guarantee that Japan or even the USA won't get hit with a possible North Korean nuke.
Even if it all goes according to plan and the North is toppled, what's gonna replace the current system? That would require pouring a lot of unnecessary resources. If you ignore it, China will take advantage and put a proxy in power. So nothing will change and we'll have a new pro-communist regime in power after the power vacuum is filled.
The best strategy is to wait it out. North Korea doesn't want war. They just want to be safe from western intervention. The west can simple be an economic partner to South Korea and the technological gap will increase generation after generation, eventually making North Korea a no-threat. Also doing nothing could result in North Korea's generals pulling a coup and killing their current leader since he's unstable. By trying to kill him it may cause the nation to be even more unified against the West.
pretty well informed post
thanks user
Otto was a dumb fuck trust fund babby who thought it would be cool and edgy to visit North Korea. He went to a wealthy school in Cincinnati (where I live) and had everything handed to him.
You know what could have stopped this whole tragedy? Dumbfuck McStupid doesn't go to fucking North Korea, a country where they plant a bible on Americans and then throw them into concentration camps.
It's too bad what happened to the guy, but what the fuck did him and his equally fucking stupid dad think was going to happen.
>going to war over a dead Jew who voluntarily got his ass to NK
American Christians are so retarded desu.
Heavy civilian casualties in South Korea
lets start a war over 1 person, when your own police 10x that amount per day, and your army kills 10x that amount per day, and your government kills x1000 of that amount per day
you fucking brainiac
I sure do hope Trump builds that wall on the northern side also, to keep all you stupid fucking americans away from us up here in Canada
It's one idiot who decided to tear a propaganda poster down and somehow ended up with brain damage. One idiot and you want to send people off to die, some fucking petty bourgeois concern you have there.
Also, bunch of niggers die in your American cells and you expect better prison conditions in a foreign country, let alone a political prisoner? Typical fucking muh 'murican dolt, focus on internal concerns first.
>implying niggers are people
>bunch of niggers die in your American cells
Well that's because they are niggers.
Yes, they actually would.
The biggest reason North Korea still exists is they don't want millions of Norks pouring into Manchuria and CNN showing the PLA machine gunning them for trying to cross in search for food.
>The biggest reason North Korea still exists is they don't want millions of Norks pouring into Manchuria
do you seriously think that you moron
>declare war because some liberal jew university student wanted to visit one of the leftist utopias that are soooo much better than america
Good riddance, we should give that fat little yellow chimp running that shit hole a free Big Mac for killing a democrat voter.
taller=larger target=easier to hit
nuking NK will never happen as the act alone of unilaterally using them on another country will destroy whatever shred of stigma is left. meaning, other countries with nuclear weapons will perfectly be emboldened to use theirs for their own purposes and we and the rest of the world would have zero moral high ground to condemn it. it just won't happen.
and unless you're prepared to literally obliterate the entire country and be able to do it in minutes you will never destroy every single one of the thousands of artillery and missile batteries pointed at Seoul.
and Seoul is literally the only reason why we won't ever do a military first strike because in every scenario including yours it will get BTFO. South Korea is the world's 11th largest economy and it would fuck everyone up, not just in the region but around the world.
it was just a reciprocal prank bro
That and closer US bases to their border.
Tongue my asshole faggot.
>send a message to Iran, Pakistan, and India that it's A-OK to nuke an enemy
you didn't think this through did you?
Who cares what the cause is? What we need right now is a glorious war against a hopelessly overpowered enemy with lots of hard targets to destroy on the evening news.
NoKo has valuable rare earth minerals and such, so if dropping nukes will render such precious resources useless. However, killing JUST the leader isn't an option either. You'll have to eradicate the entire infestation. Elimate. Exterminate. But how do you do it....that's the question.
Because Trump ordered him to be mentally damaged and killed when he was healthy when released by North Korea so he can appear to be the strong man and distract from Russia investigation.
>be white american
>watches a hollywood movie called "the interview"
>immediately thinks he's kang n go to NK
>see communist propaganda poster
>decides to tear it down bc #YOLO
>get arrested
>think uncle Sam would send people to save him
>things that didn't habben
>get tutored to a vegetable in NK prison
>finally get released and come home
>die in a few days
you can't make this shit up
iw USA wait and do nothimg, NK will be stronger and stronger. and in 10 years NK will have x10 more nukes and will destroy US west coast, Japan and SK.
>american healthcare is so bad that poor dude died right away after coming to US when he was fine in North Korea
Ironically, we need NK to justify our military presence in the east.
If they are gone, China and Russia will want us out and try to win over Japan and China and then we'll get even more fucked.
Japan and Korea.
Fuck off CIA... you sent a spy to NK, and he got caught.
god damn I hate the fucking CIA.
The Asian incel subreddits are celebrating his death.
See? the CIA is already trying to spin this into white shaming.
>USA could easily topple them in a week
do you have any idea how many NK sleepers are in the USA?
If you think the muslim terrorist attacks are bad you havent seen a NOK attack yet
I honestly think the US should do that.
Kim will attack the US one day, it's a matter of time. Attacking your enemy while he prepares for a war is how we won the six day war.
It's simply not worth it. Not worth the amount of lives, both our countrymen's and our allies' that would be lost to the initial assault, years and years of insugency, the political fallout of an unilateral invasion with China and all huge burden of a population of millions of time-displaced 1950s communist peasants that would have to be cared for and taught how to live in the modern world.
USA is also full of niggers, who only want to eat chicken, do crack cocaine and listen to nigger rap. They don't know how to or willing to fight. 1 NK soldier is worth a 100 niggers. 1 Russian soldier is worth a 100 NK soldiers. Give up America, you have no chances of winning here.
let me break this one down for you, alright?
The media give a fuck about this "White" guy...
that's how I know he is actually jewish/CIA
yes. i do.
i want kim turned into paste.
>USA is also full of niggers, who only want to eat chicken, do crack cocaine and listen to nigger rap. They don't know how to or willing to fight
sounds literally like the average russian subhuman
North Korea literally did nothing wrong retarded yank came to a foreign country to spread his own bullshit and broke their rules. When in Rome do as the Romans.