What did MSNBC mean by this?

What did MSNBC mean by this?

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Is that real?

What channel is MSNBC on? i thought they were an Xbox news service but apparently they're real

They're only a little wrong.

No fucking way this is real

on cable and satellite. it's like fox news or cnn

little wrong by a small detail, a small feminine penis.

this is what happens when you put old people in charge of figuring out young culture

>Only a little wrong

They're so far off the mark, they might as well have shot the other way



MSNBC did a news piece on the alt-lel:youtube.com/watch?v=XiR8VDjXMnQ&t=73s


If this was at a shooting range they are that far off that not only did they miss the target they mishandled the gun and shot themselves.

I'm sure they're calling us faggots with their "mistake." The media spins shit expertly all the time.

Jesus Christ that's cringey.
How many news producers are reading this thread right now? That's actually something I legitimately wonder whilst drunk posting at 3am. I suppose we are all just one quip away from being international news.

Its from a parody MSNBC report on youtube

>alt right frog cult

I don't got Fox News I only have BBC, CP24, CTV, and CBC man I think you Americans and your dumb fake news

It's real: youtube.com/watch?v=XiR8VDjXMnQ&t=73s

Is there anything funnier than this?

It's fake. Very cleverly edited but it's not real.

Just think about the words and humor. The jokes are set up so that only other anons could get them and if you did browse here you'd know what the words meant.

these idiots don't bother to do any level of real investigative journalism do they? it's no wonder liberals are such idiots.

They're not wrong

That's why I thought it was fake.

...that can't be real, right?

That dude has an unsightly mole. No thanks.

I doubt believe you. post original source. They MUST of switched the audio.

dude, you've been brainwashed, sorry.

This CANT be real. Please tell me this isn't a real thing that aired across America

>A fucking LEAF

>made by some random faggot
So a fake video about news?


only off by one word

This is some retarded shit. I'm not buying that it's genuine.

you can tell it's fake just by listening to the land whale narrator

its not even close to an anagram like how SJW can be Stingy JeW

Trap thread.

>tfw the (((MSM))) is so garbage they will unironically run stories from Sup Forums, (((mumsnet))) and (((bergfeed)))

This is like (((Ubisoft))) releasing board games.


Is this real?

I'm fucking crying from laughing so hard haha.


Is that based Brooke? Hnnnngggg

is that klk?

I actually blows my mind that I live in a world where transgendered people are finally socially accepted.

Oh it's real. Got posted in the sticky during the election.

omg, kek.

if they said that i would die laughing. lol normies seeing our shit would be confused why we want to brutally rape trans people.


The voiceover sounds totally fake. No way it's legit.
Funny nevertheless.

theres no such thing as transgendered people, you are merely a mentally ill faggot. and no one accepts them, television just pretends people do.


We're all here now though.

You could still fuck off yet. Meh, at least you can write words.

I can write words. I also enjoy borscht, vodka, and long walks to the camps in Siberia.

>which is on playstation and other.. uh.. am.. video type things

Good for you. Would be sad if you starved though...

I won't, though. I weigh 250Kg and ride around on a scooter like any good amerifat. Want my burger recipe?

it's fake you retarded burger

Well. You won't starve, but others might and then being an amerifat won't be a good thing.

>sharing greatest secrets with strangers

I'm not sharing any secrets with strangers. You just hacked my computer and changed my flag. Fucking Russians.

Wow look at all that fake news you have, even state run media that's not your own country!

she forgot to use a room tone on the vox

I'd fuck her like a rabbit

Shagin traps confirmed for not gay

I want to fuck that bunny.


why are you posting anzu tho

How ironic. You aren't doing any investigating to see if THIS is real, and it's not. It's a good wake up call for people to not take everything they see on Sup Forums as true.

She is actually a girl though (no benis)

thats a genuine she

I'm 40

>it's real

You got tricked, son.