Something you need to get through your thick skulls

There are 31 legally recognized genders in NY. However much people complain, this is the right move. Transgenders and anyone other than cis-normative male or female should have the right to use whatever bathroom they please just like women got the right to vote.

And Jordan Peterson is a sexist, homophobic, transphobic, cisgendered male so don't reply to me with a lecture by that douchebag.

In Canada I believe you can suffer heavy penalties or even jail time for discriminating against trans by not even taking the time to say the right pronouns. This is what we are pushing for here in America and we WILL have it. You can move out if you don't like it

Time for the transphobic geeks to reply! If this changes just one mind here, it will have been worth going to this disgusting scummy site

Other urls found in this thread:

So you have a 1/31 chance of using the right pronoun or go to jail.

I identify as an AH-64D but am also fixed-wing fluid so I may be an A-10.
If those are not on the recognized list then you are a disgusting BIGOT.

Uh no, you LEARN the actual terms when speaking to someone. Ignorance isn't an excuse. You can't just say "oh I didn't know I can't rape people" and get away with it. And you can't scream fire in a crowded movie theatre.

This isn't about free speech, it's about potentially dangerous and aggressive speech against people. It only takes about an hour to memorize it all so time isn't an excuse. Exceptions will obviously be made to the mentally handicapped.

Canada passed C-16 recently making it illegal to do that and *GASP Canada's perfectly fine so don't go into this exaggerated "but my FREEE HATE SPEECH"

Screw off troll

I identify as a NIGGER, and if you do not call me such and emphasize the R while yelling it (NIGGERs are a proud gender. respect my dialect), you will be fined, re-educated and imprisoned.

Excuse me you modelist bigot. Do you only recognize KA-52 helicopters?
You disgust me.

Reported you a-hole

check your fucking CAS privilege

Cool I don't live in Jew York.

Gas yourself

I'm kicking your transphobic asses! lol not one rebuttal to my argument, that's what I thought.

Uhh I hope you know that we're pushing this federally soon. Hold onto your little hate speech for as long as you can because soon you'll be arrested for it :)

This website is nothing but dumb, ignorant, racist and transphobic crap. So I will kindly tell you all to fuck off!

Good luck with that kike.

Of course transphobic people would love Drumpf and the freaking Nazi photo. Cisgendered racist males voting for other cisgendered racist males. What a surprise.

And are you racist against Jews too?

reported what, yourself for gender bigotry? It figures you'd try to use institutionalized power to silence me just because I am a NIGGER.

>31 recognized genders in NY
Lel maybe they did deserve 911

Reported for being racist, also I'd love for you to say that in Canada ha! Transphobic homophobes like you shouldn't have a platform for HATE speech.

Free speech is alright, I don't have a problem with that but purposely inciting hate towards people that are different than you should and IS becoming illegal very rapidly

wow just wow

Oh, so genders are racist now? Sounds like the pathetic excuse of a true cis sexist like yourself. NIGGERs come in all colors and Justin Trudeau is accepting of every NIGGER on the planet, so I frankly don't know what race you're talking about.

Oh yeah, no one could ever possibly be transphobic AND racist. Not that neeever happens /sarcasm


HAHA I singlehandedly destroyed Sup Forums. No one's even replying because they know their racist aguments are USELESS :D

I bet at least 1 person at the very least has a better more educated grasp on the issue which means my job here is done :)

holy shit user-kun your such a faggot

Just fuck the fuck off back to that hole you crawled outta ya fucking faggot...

This is literally another Tumblr fag. Get outta here,
for you might hurt yourself using that "mind" of yours.

Prove there are more than two genders. I'll do others the courtesy of speaking to them with the gender they identify with, but I still think it's retarded. Having your balls cut off or your vagina somehow morphed into a sorry excuse for a penis, you're sill the same gender, but with mutilated genitals.

tl;dr: It's mental illness, but I don't make fun of the handicapped.

Yeah, nah, I refuse to dialog with racists.

You are a racist because you hate whites. Disapproval of ANYONE based on their race, is racism. Period.

Now you learn MY pronouns, motherfucker.


I never implied you couldn't be both, but you're clearly asserting your transphobia by typecasting me with false labels because I guess NIGGERs just aren't the 'right kind' of trans for you. We're not your fetish shitlord, you're just mad NIGGERs don't appeal to your highly discriminate boner.

There goes that homophobia again
Further proof of the violence that Republicans will use when they can't win an argument

Prove that there's only 2 genders then. The onus is on you. That's what I thought. And it's not mutilation *sigh

I don't even think you have the authority to speak on this, a cis gendered male talking about trans is like a mechanic lecturing a neurosurgeon on the brain. You just don't know

And the mental illness thing has been DEBUNKED

Classic "poor white male syndrome" awww does it feel bad not having to deal with racist violence. To have everyone cater to you. To not have to worry about police SHOOTING you because you have light skin. Yeah the poor poor white males, it really must suck being privileged and not having to worry about being discriminated against!

Just wow.

Can you be any more of a nigger?

How did I commit any violence in the first place, I'm simply saying the hard truth; which you apparently can't seem to understand, "omnipotent being." Sorry that I am an understandable person, and believe that if you get hurt by words as which is like getting a splinter, then you should really consider better things in life to do.

Now, if you can even comprehend the matters against you, it's best to leave. I really don't want that beautiful dream world you live in to be shattered.

AGAIN with the racism and now you're making fun of autism. Just wow, this place is the most digusting website that MUST be eliminated
You're literally threatening me right now

Good. Maybe some pain can finally teach you some life lessons that father obviously didn't teach you.

Neck yourself degenerate.

You want a counter argument?
Engaging in the fantasy of a mentally disabled person is the absolute worst thing you can do for them. The longer you let your schizophrenic patient think he's Napoleon, it's only a matter of time before they run around with a saber screaming "MERDE" as they decapitate people. Of course I'm exaggerating, but the longer you feed a delusion, the more harm it does to the patient. That's a fact.

My only wish is that we can all live together as HUMANS not as separated due to silly societal conditioning that only treats one group as people

That's all I want for everybody, race, religion, trans, female, black, asian, or white should ALL be the same

Meet my Remington 870 :)

oh look, I called out the sexist shitlord and now he doesn't want to respond to me anymore.

Иди нa хyй cyчкa!

This user is right you know, you guys are just too lazy to memorize the pronouns. It takes about an hour tops for a person with average IQ to learn ALL the pronouns, so it's just either Sup Forums is full of low IQ autists or they simply don't RESPECT the THIRTY ONE (31), yes thirty one existing genders.

I hope that this thread at least changes the perspective of one poltard here, ITS TIME TO GET WITH THE TIMES PEOPLE!, fuck your archaic beliefs about gender. Here's a tip darlings, you can't stop progress.

THANK YOU. At the very least it's good to know that there are a few smart educated people in here

>Something you need to get through your thick skulls
Two chromosome patterns: XX and XY.

Everything else is just some psychotic faggot pretending their genitals are imaginary.

Boy/girl/mix - what are the other 29?

But is it worth burning in hell for all eternity user?

>That's all I want for everybody, race, religion, trans, female, black, asian, or white should ALL be the same
Impossible because of genetic and cultural apparatuses that have been put in place long before we existed. Even if it was though why would you want such a boring world?

That face when I trigger Sup Forums

Summerchan is just 2ez to trigger

>This user is right you know, you guys are just too lazy to memorize the pronouns.
I've improvised. I call you all faggots. That describes you best.


You know, you just replied to me twice. I appreciates the (You)s.

Anyway, I never proclaimed anything that could lead us to racial biases or anything of that sort, but you automatically pulled the victim card as a scapegoat to make yourself believe that you won.

Enough with the LARPing, if you're a real SJW that you say you are, you wouldn't be owning a shotgun.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Boy you sure showed us didn't you ?

Man, you really suck at trolling

No shit, did you notice my picture is literally of a fucking 57 year old man pretending to be a 6 year old girl.

Tumblr cunts don't go this far
Stop ruining my shitpost faggot


>onus is on you

you're retarded, you made the initial claim.

No can do, I'm doing my part to softly redpill people. 'Tis my job.

Neck yourself commie

Fair enough. I think we've gone too far and we're fucked either way but it's still worth trying

Yellowstone needs to cleanse us already or have another plague

Wow. You're a sexist little bitch, you know that? So if I call a boy a girl, that's suddenly "hate speech" and "harmful"?

There is nothing wrong with being a girl, you stupid cunt. Pronouns, correct or not, can't hurt anyone.

Check'd, and good day, my fellow comrade. Best wishes to your fighting, too.


Goingnight it's been fun and good luck to you

Weak b8. All trannies should be gassed. Don't forget to sage.

Within a few hundred years that may be possible, human hybridization has been happening for a long time already so we will ALL be the same eventually. You just won't live to see it, So untill then try and make peace with a overly bigoted world, all beings are bigots in varying manners. Due to upbringing or personal injustices done towards an individual, all positive strands of live can easily include negative implications. Father causes son to laugh at an asian fellow because he was 'talking funny', reinforcing negative action. No family is perfect and modern racism does not go well with our parents and grandparents generations. Thus, in a few hundred years all we speak of now will be much more than old data lost to history.

>Prove that there's only 2 genders then.

The burden of proof is on you, dipshit. Learn how to argue.

This. If you have a Y chromosome then you are male. If you do not have a Y chromosome then you are female.


Mentally ill people that larp around just like children do when they are 5 years old.
I don't pay any attention to my 5 year old's little imaginary friend and neither do i pay attention to your grown ass larping around acting like a fairy. Grow up

oh my diddily dang. Seriously, the whole concept of modern feminism is stupid. Its only been within the last 5-7 years that we've seen your (((social justice))). Besides, I don't think any major civilizations, such as the Egyptians, or Romans, or Greeks, etc, had 43 different genders. And look, their ideas are still being felt. So nice try m80, but better luck next time :)


Mesothelioma needs to happen faster.

Kill your self you retarded faggot

That's a lot of writing that I didn't read but I assume you're trying to say that there are as many as two genders.
If so you are correct. Also, looks like its about time to up the ssri and antipsychotic dosage in ny drinking water

Can you list and explain each?
I get male, female, hermaphrodite, and agender, as those are actual things

I get that a dude can become a girl and vice versa, but that doesn't make him or her a fifth gender. It just makes them the opposite gender.

When they propose a new bill, do they have to state all pronouns?


Neuroplasticity lets call it what it really is OP. We don't lock them up in jail. Although I'm starting to think it's unavoidable.

I'd imagine you had to look up what a shotgun even is before you typed that.
Not like NYC has much if any self defense laws so even if you had a shotgun, had remembered to buy the correct ammunition and managed to not blow the top of your own head off you would likely end up in jail just as fast.

There is an easy solution to all of this though, load a single round, chamber it and see if you can get one of your most assuredly bloated toes in the trigger guard and pop yourself in the head. It would really reduce the burden on the world.

Probably the worst bait I've ever seen. Everyone at it point and laugh

Fat Black Shit mentally deranged ass boy . I live in NYC I call you faggot trannies all the time and beat you senseless just for the fun of it . Trash a fag just for fun with steel toed boots , we don't give a fuck what your faggot mayor De Kucko says you still get the boot . 31 genders is a special kind of stupid , but don't worry us NAZI PUNKS don't give a fuck !

*mental illness intensifies*

>''excuse me sir''


>31 legally recognized genders
Not under Gods law
