Will the white race get a second chance? Or was this out last hope?
Will the white race get a second chance? Or was this out last hope?
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Yes. But we must kill all american subhumans.
I'm looking at my pregnant white gf, and I feel so confident knowing I, an American of Mexican parents, have done shit white supremacists on Sup Forums haven't done.
Do you really think the White Race is at the brick of extinsion or something?
I got White Pride, but this place tend to exagerate things. Make things look worse that they really are.
Whites are still the master race Worldwide.
In the USA we control everything, universities, big companies, business, banks, the media, etc.
In South America all the Whites are rich.
In Europe most countries are 90% White. Even places Where Immigrants are big in number, like in London, they are a minority, and they bow to whites.
We are doing OK
>White girlfriend
Lol, you fuckers can have the whales
The true red pill? Realizing that those fucks are the reason whites aren't gonna make it
Doing the jobs Americans wont do
>our women are neglectful at best, and hate our identity at worst. Actively seek out our destruction passively or actively
>Corporations have been hijacked. They desire only the promotion of a being intelligent enough to get the job done, but not smart enough for anything else.
>Our politicians have destroyed national boundaries and identities. They seek the destruction of their traditional voters and people
>Our enemies are welcome in our lands,and receive our welfare.
>They send it back home to fight us abroad
>Hollywood pushes it's degeneracy everyday, soon pedophiles will be common place and no moral left to us collectively. Morals are hate speech
good for you beaner. enjoy your shit-colored kid. white male, white wife, 3 white kids. catch up.
I don't know about the brink of extinction, but I think we're being bred out. In fact, just look at the statistics, whites aren't even going to be 50% of the population in the US within the next couple of years.
>Actively seek out our destruction passively or actively
was supposed to say:
>seek out our destruction passively or actively
This is what you want to preserve? Which one are you?
in was the last, sadly
Wtf. All americans are so dumb and fat.
>Yes. But we must kill all american subhumans.
Nice try jewbie
Nothing is worth preserving anymore. Beauty died when integrity did
Pull you fucking head out of your ass and get a clue. Things are looking pretty dire right now.
the main issue is that you're running a democracy
once you go to near 50%, they can simply vote your riches and power away
no the social contract has been broken. Whites are like cattle being lead to the slaughter in an abattoir without a state that looks after their interests. So we wait in line for the bolt to our heads - the elite then stoop down to rifle through our pockets.
The west is dead. The social contract has been broken. The state and ideological state apparatus no longer work in our interests rather they want us gone and are importing our replacements right now.
They've won. Nothing is left to us.
I hope all americans will finally die.
Fuck off you Soros shill, subhuman.
We will, and so will you. Perhaps at the same time, or even against each other.
The third Reich was the last hope for the a world without jew control. Hitler was a great man but the U.S and Britain fought on the wrong side in this timeline. Human progress was severely hindered, and will likely never recover for the rest of our few millenniums left. Oh well, at least im enjoying these sweet white women.
Barring a total catastrophe like a 3rd world war. No. And then it's just kind of in the air.
>Will the white race get a second chance? Or was this out last hope?
Let's be fucking realistic, this was it. Even now, while we are literally on the verge of losing control of every single white country on the planet due to demographic changes that are about to take place, not a single white country is trying to create a "white ethno-state" for whites around the world. They'd rather lose their country and their race instead of just their country.
Our women and children have literally been raped by the thousands, we've all had terrorist attacks multiple times, we're all being persecuted against within our own countries, we are all being purposely encouraged to have abortions, etc.
Yet, we still do absolutely nothing. Our time is fucking over and I can't believe that I'm finally fucking accepting it. I never thought it would happen, but, it finally is. I'm now blackpilled and the sad truth of the matter is that most whites don't even fucking care and they all know exactly what's happening.
>In the USA we control everything, universities, big companies, business, banks, the media, etc.
No... the Jews do. They rule over all of our countries, and we have been living under occupation since WWII
America probably has the most proper Germans in the world. The Germans in Germany all died in the wars or were raped by slavs.
Is that Jake Gyllanhaal in the first row? BASED Jake taking down the kikes
non picture for ants
Must not have been to university....
Maybe we even deserve to lose, since we've allowed ourselves to get dominated so hard.
I honestly think you're clueless about what's really happening. We don't have any countries left for just our kind. Our demographics are changing FAST due to our kind not having any kids, miscegenation, abortions, homosexuality, etc. I don't think you realize just how fast our numbers are going to drop.
Jews control that shit, not us. You should know this, but I think there's something kind of fishy about (((you))) now that I think about it.
> Whites are still the master race Worldwide.
Good lord, this has nothing to do with that and everything to do with trying to save our people from extinction.
> In South America all the Whites are rich.
They're being persecuted by the thousands down there, regularly. Now I know you don't have a clue.
Kill the only people where true Germanisch spirit still resides.
Americans are the ones spreading this garbage sjw ideology, so the logical thing to do is to take power away from US and then we can actually start rebuilding our institutions
ah, the joys of affirmative action
when 2 groups, one slightly better than the other for various reasons (iq, connections, puppy dog eyes) are placed under the same affirmative action quota group
expect the other to be totally eliminated
Don't lose faith just yet.
Why ask this? It's simply up to us.
Nothing is over until we're all dead or we quit fighting for our people and posterity. Everything oscillates. When we're down it makes us sharp and separates the chaff. Get hard now. GET HARD.
Americans are dumb and fat subhamns. NOTHING MORE.
Maybe confidence, but never faith.
dark red = fucked
light green = okay
Learn English (the master language) before you bant, slav.
I don't know if you've gotten the clue, but you're boring the rest of us. Try harder or get out. It's not even amusing trolling, and I'm a huge fan of trolling.
We don't have to kill them, just make them weak enough so that they stop controlling worldwide institutions and poisoning them with their misguided and poorly thought out ideology
Is Russia the only country left trying to remain some semblance of national/racial identity?
White race my ass
I will not be grouped with dirty anglos and ayrans
France or bust
looks like we got that second chance. This time its polands turn
Step one--Cleanse communist germanistan
All it takes is time.
Whites have no problems with muslims as long as they don't have to live around them.
The higher density of foreigners in a community breeds an increasing amount of contempt for them.
Pic is basically saying that the higher concentration of muslims and mosques has a direct correlation to higher amounts of violence and crime, and those areas overwhelmingly voted Le Pen in the french presidential election.
Closest thing to proof I can provide.
Poland, Czechs, Belarus
Trump and the whole Kek/Meme magic bullshit built around it is a controlled opposition. His family is literally intermarried to the international Jewish elite.
>The French are going to rise up before anyone else.
I am prepared.
So.... Letting the democrats win with their socialist anti-white lgbtqp supporters? The fuck are we supposed to do?
The official name of Russia is the "Russian Federation".
Massive swathes of the country are Asian, Turkic, and/or Islamic in nature. Don't think for a second they're the good guys.
The KGB was the key ruling entity of the Soviet Union. It still exists today as the FSB, and Putin himself was a KGB operative.
Put 2 and 2 together and realize that the same people pushing for international rule through communism/Bolshevism still control Russia today.
Vote for Trump sparingly as the least worst option, but stop short of outright supporting him and pushing his agenda, which is literally HillaryLite at this point.
Is there no hope left then?
Are you a fucking retard? Putin is the one reason communism isn't as popular today. Everything he has put out has been anti communist. He even exposed the original bolshevik government as being largely Jewish in a public speech
ffs autism set to kill
>poortugal doesnt even regist
as ever we're the last bastion against the commies, the oligarcs and the muhammerdistas
>tfw no nazi gf
Why do you care about the white race anyway? You have no stake in your race's future.
National Transhumanism will save the white race.
Space colonization will give whites a new Lebensraum, free of shitskins. Artificial wombs will vastly increase the white birth rate, removing the need for women who have been contaminated by cultural Marxism. Genetic engineering will become the new eugenics.
He said white, not Mongolian.
I hope there is still a chance but I'm just not seeing it
Everyone is willing to be violent EXCEPT white people.
I don't know why so many whites think words will work on sub-humans.
We're clockmakers. We design legacies to contribute to the world in a lasting fashion. We are genetically personified the people who came before us, their hopes and dreams made manifest. You may have no connection to the past, or the future, therefore how can you have a connection to anything presently? Is everything you are summed up by your current self?
We're civilization. You're an individual.
Hey vato, as a white 9th generation American with a direct male lineage to the Army of Northern Virginia, I have this to say:
Fuck yah, cabron. You vatos have been on this continent longer than we have. I give you full permission to knock up as many blanca bitches as you damn well please. Fuck the cucks in this repository of fat-ass Iowan retardation.
Get some, pendejo. Get some.
The economic, social and political situation of the West today is one not of decline and suffering, but of stagnation. The situation has frozen. That means progress in regards to this topic is slow. Gen Z is proof of this. It takes extraordinary times for people to support extraordinary politics, and simply we're not there yet. People are content. Maybe not happy, but content, as things aren't getting worse. But the massive waves of migrants putting a social and economic strain on Europe and the west will inevitably lead to a rise in our lifetime.
Historically speaking, nobody could've predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union as a political entity, and yet looking back with hindsight, it's obvious and nothing else could've happened. The Established Agenda as I call it is the same. It's strength is a fabrication. All it takes is one crisis, and we're free.
Insult me however you like, doesn't make your argument any stronger.
And just because the KGB doesn't care about how they have power doesn't mean they don't want to control things.
I used to believe that Putin was a legitimate defender of European values, but he's barely any better than the rest.
I don't know but the Germans ruined Nationalism for the rest of us. Now they're trying to ruin Europe for the third time in 100 years. I'm living for a second chance, a chance to fix this disaster of a world we are currently living in.
The US is fighting for a One World Government. A one world government where everyone obeys one law and one leader. Russia meanwhile is funding Nationalistic politicians like Le Penne, Trump, and Farage. Russia doesn't want to see the United States control the entire world it wants to see independent nations who can survive on their own. Now tell me who the real bad guys really are.
Sigh, such horrible short representations.
Yall get mad at conservatives for disliking gays, but never ask what the pros and cons of gays even are??
>all butthurt americans
I'm tied to my current self by my conscious experience. I have no such bond with past or future white people.
No. The war to save the white race is over. White men world wide aren't doing anything constructive to take back control of their culture, their societies, industry, or the world.
In fact, white men are doing the very opposite of this. Look at all the """advice""" white men constantly spout on this very subject, such as:
>Get a trades job!
>Become a NEET!
>Go innawoods / prep / survival-mode!
None of these has any impact on the salvation of the white race. It is nothing more than virtue-signaling so white men don't feel so bad about their stratospheric strings of never ending defeats.
If white men were serious about regaining control they would be flooding into colleges and building businesses to take power away from the current crop of elites. That would just be the start. And that isn't happening. It's not even being talked about.
...But please, explain to me how your job as a fucking welder is somehow impacting the white race at all. Please tell me about how important you are because you go to a job everyday for dem "masculine bantz" and "muh work with mah handz!".
I'm ready for the REEEEEEing and flaccid saber-rattling.
No, what made my argument stronger is where Putin literally exposes Zog every other day.
>points out that Jews were behind the unRussian revolution
>says to interviewer that men in black suits tell presidents what to do
Yich, I can only imagine the 90 IQ heifer that would take pinto bean dick from your mongrel ass. So you're correct in that I haven't done that.
Like I said, an individual instead of a part of a community. An empiricist rather than rationalist. Practically a null entity.
>This time its polands turn
Holy fucking shit, those retards in the goverment cant even handle thier country, not to mention any other subject.
Poland is a lost cause
This. 100,000 whites have been brutally massacred, tortured, and raped in South Africa. That was the race war you people wanted. And what have white men done? NOTHING. That is what. They haven't organized a fucking thing to save themselves.
We are finished and no amount of prepping will save you. Either you die by the sword or you die alone in the middle of the woods. Either way, your life meant nothing.
Will the white race get a second chance? Or was this out last hope?
>I'm making the point that, as we have before, we will persevere. We have been so infinitely successful not because we claim superiority but because we actually are superior. We are in fact, millennia ahead of the darker races. We face hardships now, as these are dark times, but our hard work and continued struggle will put us at the top yet again, and this time we aught to make sure we don't make the same mistakes so we stay there. Hail fucking victory brothers
This is so fucking stupid. I can't stand guys like you anymore. Your never ending verbose, nonsensical, faux-intellectual bullshit. You assholes don't have any kind of plan. You should shut the fuck up.
It's so sad how western leaders are stupid impotent puppets. This is how the elite rule in the West, behind the curtains with puppets willing to do their bidding. Putin however is the elite in his country. This man has been trained and groomed by the most effective and feared intelligence agency in the world. He has studied elite level geopolitics, military philosophy, psychology, and political theory. He is actually qualified for his job unlike the limited female leaders the west has. He makes western leaders look like school children. No wonder they fear him, he is just that much superior to them.
I wish the jews would eliminate whitey faster
And yet does this and says shit like: "people who blame Jews are just trying to hide their own failure". (I can't find the video). Here is another time he has said something similar: youtu.be
Putin is like Trump, a puppet that says so many contradictory things that people with opposing views can find evidence to support their position.
There will be 2 futures.
Race war that decides the fate of the white people.
Racemixing slowly removes pure whites from the genepool. After that pure black people will disappear same way.
Dominant look will be mostly asian-arabic.
Just combine indian-china-pakistan populations and you understand.
Funny that black people and most whites dont get that asian population way surpasses both races.
Whites are done for not enough numbers, personally I back the Muslims because at least they will eliminate the degenerates and (((them)))
Nonsense? Jews were crushed 2000 years ago. They had nothing left to them. The Romans chased them to Masada and they killed themselves. 2000 years later, they've laid claim to their ancestral enemies, and have had immense success in the financial world.
It doesn't matter if you can't stand me. The trouble is that you can't stand the idea.
>people who blame Jews are just trying to hide their own failure
He's not wrong though, you can blame Jews all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it is white men who are dropping out of society and failing to make something of themselves. Blaming Jews solves nothing
The lands and legacies of their ancestral enemies, that is
Bastards do confuse things
Where there is a will there is a way. I have a will and many other share a similar will. But the fact is there has yet to be a leader to emerge to rally and organize people to do what is right. There are a lot of people waiting in the dark, they know what's going on but they're waiting for a catalyst, someone to rally behind. You just give problems but never any solutions which leads me to believe you're simply a concern shill. Otherwise, tell me your solutions.
To remedy a problem, you have to recognize there is one. White men dropping out of life is a symptom, not the problem itself.
Africa total population 1,216 billion
Europe + areas 740 million
Americas 951 million
Asia 4,436 billion
See. Gooks will outfucks both white and black people.
Cringe faggot cuck boy
>t. anglo cuck
kys asap
Hey fellow NatSoc lads. Would you care to check out this new propaganda video I have created. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
hahaha holy shit literally all of this is your fault
Pretty good, I don't have any complaints or negative feedback.
ty senpai
>Sigh, such horrible short representations.
Then come up with better representations fag
>Yall get mad at conservatives for disliking gays, but never ask what the pros and cons of gays even are??
What do gays have to do with anything?