What's my phenotype, Sup Forums?
What's my phenotype, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
potatto nigger
its a faggot
Also your hair looks like shit
take some T
faglord supreme
100% bavarian phenotype
Collect his waste, it's too precious.
>ear ring
I fear you have to get on the train
Dude, that haircut makes you look like a fruitcup.
Recently reformed, pls don't gas me bro.
If ur going for Waffen SS look, dont put pomade in your hair faggot.
Dont wash your hair except every 3 or 4 days, youll get all that good oil in your hair and then it will look fucking pimp 24 7
I'm no expert, but I'd have to say faggot
probably a potatonigger with some kraut and/or slav
That's the face of a faggot nigger right there
why do your beard like that? you are a faggot.
oh look, it's the chechen shitposter again.
>all these jealous ugly losers
shave your head
Failed Nazi, and some gay in there too
T hairless tranny
mfw I'm a huge attention whore and loving this.
you look cute, do you top?
Bitch who follows trends. You're too chickenshit to wear a haircut that everyone else isn't wearing. This also indicates a low to average IQ, hence your potato nigger appearance.
I have the same complexion as OP (but i dont look like as much of a faggot)
Can someone explain why people with this complexion ALWAYS get called faggots on Sup Forums?
it doesnt help that gay men are really into me either.
i swear im not a faggot, (although i have fucked traps, sucked multiple cocks, taken dicks, and been a rent boy)
people attacking the complexion are likely brown cunts
op is a fag for thinking this is /soc/ though
>Trying to hide chinlet under peach fuzz.
They're jealous
shaun king
You can tell from the eye socket depth and brow structure. Definitely a faggot
Not enough prognathism for a straight up potato nigger but I can see some in there.
Probably anglo/potato nigger and maybe some nord in there.