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How would Russia be today If Communism was crashed and ALL the Commie Leaders were executed?
How would Russia be today If Communism was crashed?
Thriving, I suppose but that would require an actually competent tsar and not NII. Or a completely new government.
Would it have failed before or after ww2? Because I don't think anyone could know what would have happened if it had failed before ww2
Probably the jews would be totally cleansed and NS tier eugenics would be adopted. Most likely would allied with Hitler
An alliance between Nazi Germany and Imperial Russia would be great
Probably like how it is today, but without the rich communist heritage
Probably have a government like the UK
Would probably rival Germany in GDP
Cold War wouldn't have happened and we'd prolly be good allies and fucking up the Middle East together because they were gonna have muzzie problems anyway
It would have been totally fine had Stolypin not been assassinated and had the Tsar been replaced with his popular and competant cousin (who was actually offered the job at one point but refused).
>Rich communist heritage
I can imagine the same things would have happened, but in inverted.
Nazism would not have been the force it was because Leninism was regarded as Jewish plot. Even more dangerous and desperate, the instigators of the Sparkatus Uprising might have succeeded. Germany would have still gone to war with all of Europe, but as a communist nation. Same end result too.
The Cold War would have been between liberalism and traditionalism, amusing the Tzar could build up a decent military. Likely, the same end result too.
I find the usage of "rich" quite ironic good sir.
it would've been a republic with the monarchy as a figure head and even more hated by the world today, because those motherfuckers were always very traditional and very anti semite/liberal
Antisemitic parliamentary monarchy.
But we can't predict everything.
>Gommie revolution
>Cold War
>Space race
It would still be very underdeveloped and be the Africa of Europe. Remember before Communism, Russia was the least developed country in Europe.
Nicky would have been replaced anyway, you would have seen a gov't similar to the Brits with a Tsar and a Duma sharing power equally. Economically they probably would have done better, as the Stolypin reforms and such had actually put them on the path to easy industrialization. They also wouldn't have had a massive clusterfuck civil war which set them back.
they likely would have seen the same constitutional monarchy reforms that everyone else did. Imperialist Russia would be no more, and the Tsar would be a figurehead. It's entirely possible they might not be so fucking backward, but it's entirely possible they would be in a marginally worse position economically than they are now.
Due to inevitable alliance with NS Germany, Britain and France would join, so it's safe to say that nonwhites would be kept in line or exterminated
The world today would forget the world semite, because those "people" would have no influence or be alive
Lol Commie lovers are always fat cringe 15 year-olds.
>How would Russia be today If Communism was crashed?
First I need you to learn English. Next, how would you crashed Communism? Like, would people wake up and decide to globally rebel against their own market style? Russia isn't even pure communism; they're just trying to hold out long enough to maybe survive whites against genocidal jewish maniacal Talmuds.
Show us your flag.
>Tsar Genocides all Bolshevik scum and hanges Lenin on Kremlin's Wall
>February Revolution happens
>Conservative Kadets win election and make Russia a constitutional monarchy
>Starts the Great Pogrom against kikes who try to do revolution
>Russia survives till the end of WW1 and is Victorious with Entente
>It gets to take some land and money
>Russia starts it's Golden Age just like Churchil predicted if Russia won WW1
>Gives the same autonomy as Finland has to all non-russian states like Poland, Belarus, Baltics and Ukraine.
>1000 year of Russian Imperium is insured
Muh dick
>Belarus and Ukraine.
Wouldn't have happened. Entirely (Austria/)commie made identities, they thought of themselves as Russians
Why must fate be so cruel?
The Jews and idiots
>How would Russia be today
With February revolution or without? (essentially, with Tzar, or without).
>NS tier eugenics
Tfw bolsheviks started to early with eutanizing Tzar's family.
Rich enough to make wealthiest oligarchs just for selling the shit for scrap.
Safe haven for every slav.
Far from the incompetence of Austrians or over ambitious Germans
>Agrarian sector still roaming with usury and kulaks
>Elite is as decadent and degenerate
>Corruption on all levels of government together with a total delusion from Tzar/Ministers.
>Shit level of technological advancement (The "muh prosperous 1913" is literally Stalin's meme due to his attempt to tie up the revolution happenning to Marx)
Country would crash before WWII And Hitler would take it with one batallion.
No jews
Africa would still be colonized and ruled by whites
Niggers going extinct or being civilized blacks
China would have not turned into a degenerate shithole after the commie cultural revolution
No Israel
There might be no Russia today at all.
Russia would be Nazi. And the world would be Nazi.
Stalin's industrialization programme saved the world.
You mean doomed the world
everything took the worst possible turn everytimne didnt it